Daily Mail – March 16, 2009:

A ‘fat controller’ in the gut could be the key to preventing obesity, diabetes and heart disease, research suggests.

Scientists have pinpointed an enzyme that determines whether the fat we eat is burnt off as energy or stored in the body.

The breakthrough raises the prospect of a pill being developed which targets the enzyme in people, allowing them to eat without worrying about putting on weight.

The researchers said: ‘Our studies identify MGAT2 as a key determinant of energy metabolism in response to dietary fat and suggest that the inhibition of this enzyme may prove to be a useful strategy for treating obesity and other metabolic diseases associated with excessive fat intake.’

With almost a quarter of men and women obese and children faring little better, such a drug is likely to have mass appeal.

Even more appealing is the prospect of a pill that makes the body fit, as well as keeping it slim.

Last year, US scientists unveiled an experimental drug which fools the muscles into thinking they have worked long and hard, boosting fitness as well as burning off fat.

  1. Twirrim says:

    So.. rather than fix the real problem, gluttony, greed, over eating, we fix the outcome?

  2. Lou Minatti says:

    Lou’s Miracle Diet. Guaranteed to work!

    Step 1. Eat less.
    Step 2. Exercise more.

    That’s it! No expensive diet pills. No expensive meals. No more blaming obesity on “glandular disorder” or other nonsense. It’s quite simple.

  3. sargasso says:

    If they can make the medication a subcutaneous slow-release pellet, it won’t interrupt the meal. Just, a suggestion.

  4. Lets put this in vehicle metaphor, that’s the American way

    So its like if my car gets 30mpg(and she does easy 1st gen Xb) I could give it this enzyme targeting pill(if they could make one) and my car would then get 20 or 10 even 5mpg I could pour gas into her like she was a Hummer> whoo whoo> Oh ya, that will help us win over the hearts and minds of the hungry people.

    As Lou pointed Its just simple math and willpower, ingest no more calories then you burn. If you want to lose weight ingest fewer then you burn for awhile. How long? well how long have you been ingesting more than you should, for me about 10 lbs worth

    Sure I’d love to eat more than 2200 calories of yummy foods every day but it would be wasteful and waist_full. … Man I want a doughnut hurry up with that pill and the one that makes the body fittoo drop those in my take and I’m driving a Ford GT and enjoying my 12 mpg. SWEET!

  5. dusanmal says:

    This already can be done without any pill. It is called Atkins diet. And it is the diet on which humans have evolved for millions of years (only in last 10000 years or so could we collect grains [more grains than energy spent on collecting them] and stuff ourselves silly with empty carbs’).

    Article scientific error: “determines whether the fat we eat is burnt off as energy or stored in the body.” No fat we eat can be stored in the body. None. Carbs we eat can be converted into stored fat. This enzyme controls that process.

    @3,4: “ingest no more calories then you burn” not that simple. We evolved on the diet scarce with carbs and our metabolism created ingenious method to store them – our fat cells. On our normal diet we operate like efficient Japanese car factory. Only what is needed is used. Nothing is stored. If we industrialize food (be it grains or corn syrup) we constantly feed like we are in that extremely rare moment when carbs are plentiful. And, we put on weight as Nature intended. Just we do it on and on and on. Helped along with the Government whose “food pyramid” places the food item we evolved not to eat as the grand base layer. So, we got fat as a pigs.
    As for “ingest no more calories then you burn” I lost about 35-40 lbs and 80 cholesterol points over 9 months after severe leg injury and “lazy weight gain” by eating 3000-4000 calories per day. Mostly fat and protein. I probably burned 2000-2500 calories per day (desk job). How did that math work well for me?

  6. the real billybob says:

    #1 Why not? It works with crime. Just build more prisons…

  7. AdmFubar says:

    it is just another way for the drug companies to make money off the insecurities of the population…

  8. Ivor Biggun says:

    I won’t repeat my post of some days ago, but this drug is just another example of a bad idea gone more bad. Medical science is still in the stone age of trying to figure out obesity as a disease and how to treat it. Yawn.

    And for those of you as ignorant as #2, just walk up to the next alcoholic or drug addict you see and say “hey stop taking drugs and drinking!” It’s that simple! See what reaction you get.

  9. Fuel Consumption says:

    spoken like a true believer
    Fad diets come and go glad it is still working for you but in the end I still think it will be mostly about calories. Check the controversies many nutritionest have with low carb diets like Atkins. Scientific consensus only rallies around caloric intake(simple math). Now if we want to move this discussion to nutrition and not just weight maintenance. I’d have to starting researching long term Atkins diet studies. If it’s working for you I’d say stick with it BULLY!

    I never said the the willpower was simple only the math.
    I cant speak for Lou but I hope the willpower part is easy for him.
    Here in the States food temptation is every where the whole system from what foods are easy to get and eat to the size of the proportions at a restaurant are set up for weight gain and it gets easer to be sedentary every day. Now where is that doughnut I asked for back on #4

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    this has to be fake. Every day I see infomercials, and late night commercials on TV about pills that do exactly the same thing. I bet theirs severe side effects like all the other drugs you see advertised for the diseases that sound a lot worse than the disease it supposedly helps.. though it never cures the disease, drugs never do that anymore.

  11. SN says:

    9. “Fad diets come and go glad it is still working for you

    You can call it a “fad” diet, but as pointed out, it’s been around for centuries.

    Check the controversies many nutritionest have with low carb diets like Atkins.

    I’ve researched low carb diets and the only evidence against it consists of conclusions. “It’s bad for you, eat fat free carbs, they’re good for you.”

    My favorite are studies which show that people who eat a high fat low carb diet have better cholesterol levels than those who eat the low fat high carb diet, which every “expert” recommends.

    Scientific consensus only rallies around caloric intake(simple math)

    It’s not simple though, because you’re forgetting or are ignorant about one simple fact: Your body will not burn stored fat until it is completely free of carbs.

    That’s why studies show that you have to exercise about 30 to 40 minutes before it starts to burn off fat. That’s because your body has to first burn out all of those low calorie but high in carbs meals you ate.

    And that’s why so many people give up on low calorie diets. They do everything they’re supposed to do, drop the fat, eat low fat carbs, and exercise, but yet they fail because they’re body will not and cannot burn fat until those carbs are first burned up. That’s freaking frustrating as heck to do everything “right” but not lose a single pound week after week.

    On a low carb diet, because there are no carbs to burn first, your body naturally burns the fat first. Your body becomes a fat burning machine.

    I lost 86 pounds on the strict Atikins diet in only 6 months. And I was eating about 3500 to 4000 calories a day.

    Which leads me to my real gripe with low carb diets. They’re a rocket train to where you want to be, but they simply do not train you how to eat once you get there. Yes, I gained it all back.

  12. Personality says:

    This, or you fat-ass fat fatties could have a little self control.

  13. sc00bs says:

    So half the world of dying from hunger and the other half is dying from eating too much.


  14. ECA says:

    So, what happened to our bodies ability to TURN this on and OFF, when needed in the FIRST PLACE??
    THAT is the question.

  15. gmknobl says:

    Sounds like a neat pill but I wonder what the long term side effects are of this, especially when you don’t bother actually eating less so your stomach doesn’t shrink as needed.

    Most doctors and nutritionists I’ve talked to at my university – scratch that – ALL I’ve talked to here – about 10 I’d say – agree that Atkins is a CU Later Diet. And for anyone doing real exercise, Atkins is stupid and counterproductive. My mother-in-law tried it and yes, she did loose weigh but has put it all back on, just like other fad diets. And now she has some problems brought on by a higher fat diet. Y’know, she can’t say she wasn’t warned ’cause I did warn her. So did my wife. So did her doctor. Oh well, Atkins knows best!

    NOTHING will ever replace eating less and hard exercise. THE BEST DIET, EVER!

    Oh, and one other thing. Exercise is not just working up to a sweat, it’s real sweaty, at least 30-minute aerobic and even anaerobic exercise if you want to go really hard. Exercise like running, lifting weights, cycling. ACTIVE exercise. Not lightweight stuff that raises your heart rate a little, change machines, heart rate down, raise it a little, change machines, etc. but don’t make your break out in a real sweat. That’s what some franchises like Curves promote for women who can’t shower during their job. It will make your heart a little more in shape but it won’t actually have you loose much weight. So, if you don’t have the “time,” you think, to sweat, don’t listen to promises from these places that say you don’t have to. They are lying. Of course, neither do you have to pay Jenny Craig $500 a month to loose weight either.

    Check out the free information from people such as Chris Carmichael if you want to see how it’s done. Or just do what I said here. The toughest part will be NOT eating when you’re hungry. This will be when your stomach is in the shrinking process.

    My advice for meal sizes is eat a big breakfast, a moderate lunch and a very small dinner. Exercise after eating breakfast with lots of carbs then have a nice recovery lunch with proteins and salts. Eat a small dinner. Have plenty of fluids but nothing with much sugar at dinner. Coffee, tea, water with lemon. Some such drinks. Go hungry if you have to then. Reward yourself for making it through the night with that big breakfast again the next morning. Watch what you eat and do a rough calorie estimate so that your breakfast isn’t TOO big or you eat high calorie food even though it’s small in amount. If you’re doing real exercise, you’ll loose weight unless you have true genetic abnormalities.

  16. soundwash says:

    this is a bad idea.

    it addresses the symptoms and not the cause.

    now that they can sequence anybody in about an hour, i’m sure we’ll see plenty of quick fix pills
    hit the market.

    if they would stop eating processed foods/fast food they’d be fine. -save those with genetic screwups.

    they started up the fat mills when they started replacing plain old sugar with corn syrup, HFCS and sugar substitutes.

    since late 2004-2005, i’ve been stuck in bed pretty much, -leave the house maybe 5 days a month. -still have the trim body i had before.

    i cook all my own food etc. -my idea of junk food
    is sardines with a tomato&onion salad, feta cheese on the side, all drizzled with olive oil.

    -you are what you eat.



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