It’s comforting to know all the money Reagan spent on Star Wars will do some good. I bet the audience at TED wished they had this when Bill Gates released the mosquitoes recently. I wish I had it growing up in the midwest.

The Star Wars program aimed to shoot down nuclear missiles with lasers. The new program aims at a much smaller target; it seeks to kill mosquitoes en masse with deadly laser pulses. The researchers, led by Jordin Kare, an astrophysicist formerly with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, have created a laser that can “tag” mosquitoes with pulses of light from 100 feet away. The current laser is non-lethal, but the next version will be a lethal one — a veritable weapon of mass mosquito destruction (WMMD).

States Kare, “We’d be delighted if we destabilize the human-mosquito balance of power.”

The mosquito laser was built of parts scrounged on eBay. […] The current implementation uses a Dell computer as the “brains” of the mosquito killer. It uses Maglite flashlights to illuminate mosquitoes, creating silhouettes on a backdrop. A camera spots these silhouettes and blasts the mosquitoes with the laser. Colonies of anopheles stephensi, one species of mosquito that transmits malaria, are cultivated as test victims of the new weapon.

In recent testing, the device scored a number of hits, killing mosquitoes with deadly efficacy, leaving only smoldering carcasses littering the ground. The laser even distinguished, based on wing beat, blood sucking female mosquitoes and relatively innocuous male mosquitoes which feed off of sugary nectar (in the lab they’re fed sweet raisins).

  1. Improbus says:

    Die you bloody insects! Die!! Turn on some Pink Floyd and watch the light show this summer.

  2. Mr Diesel says:

    This is awesome. Finally, something I support my tax dollars being used for.

    I want one.

    Downside is that the FAA would get pissy if you tried to shoot down the little bastards if they are in a high pattern around an airport…..

  3. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Can you think of a better evening drinking beer, grilling brats and burgers and watching lasers blast mosquitoes out of the sky. Ten, one hundred, no, one thousand times better than a bug zapper.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    I wish them the best of luck. The time to worry will be when the ‘skitters start shooting back.

  5. MikeN says:

    All good until the musquitos run off with the laser.

  6. Benrix says:

    … In other news today, the MCLU (Mosquitoes Civil Liberties Union) filed a protest with the UN. John Q. Hummer, spokesquitoe for the MCLU will be featured on the Today Show and Opra soon.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Can you modify it to zap lousy singers like Britney and Duffy?

  8. Improbus says:

    @Angel H. Wong

    You need to nuke those targets from orbit … just to be sure.

  9. dexton7 says:

    I live in the deep South, and for hundreds of years, bubbas have tried their best to find a way to defeat these little vampires. In some parts of Ark near the rice fields in the Summer… if you walk outside at night, mosquitoes can cover exposed skin so badly that you literally have to ‘rake’ them off. Places like this may require the ‘quad laser turrent’ model. =]

    If someone can develop and market this thing, they will become helluva rich (and worshiped as a deity in the malaria infested regions).

  10. Mr Green Genes says:

    What will the bats eat?


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