
Thousands of people have flocked to a Roman Catholic church on the French Indian Ocean island of Reunion after believers said they saw the “face of Christ” in the pleats of a church cushion.

Church officials limited access to the Jesus-Misericordieux church in eastern Saint-Andre’s Cambuston district to a few minutes per visitor as traffic in the area ground to a halt.

Believers and curious onlookers pulled out cameras to take pictures of the cushion attached to the priest’s chair…

This is not a miracle, it’s a sign of God,” said parish priest Daniel Gavard.

A profitable sign, no doubt.

  1. Wretched Gnu says:

    Looks more like Patrick Stewart if he were a veteran boxer.

  2. Mr Diesel says:

    Back of a priest’s chair?

    Probably the face of an alter boy.

  3. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I’d sooner believe the face of Jesus appearing on a bagel than a seat cushion. If that is an actual photo of the “miracle”, I call it a couple of wrinkles and maybe some fiber filler scrunched up.

    No doubt the offering plate is filling up and bookings of flights to the island also.

  4. Improbus says:

    It looks more like John Lennon.

  5. Rob says:

    Quick! Somebody sit on Christ’s face and tell us what happens!

  6. jopie says:

    I personally think the best jesus-image ever appeared on this dog in 2006:

  7. Robart says:

    I don’t see it. If anything I see Jar Jar Binks.

  8. Paul says:

    Jesus wore glasses?

  9. Dallas says:

    Church officials limited access to the Jesus-Misericordieux church …

    No surprise as frauds and scams to exploit people are pervasive in society. Although intelligent adults opt in to be exploited by organized religion (children are forced by parents), it is sad when they prey on the simple minds and the destitute.

    Like what prostitution is to profession, organized religion is the oldest scam on earth.

  10. MikeN says:


  11. wumpus says:

    #6 Wow, I can totally see it — blessed be thy name.

    The bridge of the nose might be a little too wide, otherwise I would say it looks like the G-Man “Blessings upon you… Mr. Freeman.”

    How many people were infected by this particular mind-virus?

  12. newglenn says:

    Next: The face of Christ appears on big stones on Easter Island?

  13. Looks like Jimmy Durante to me.

  14. Buzz says:

    It’s a Gray.

  15. yeathisisandrew says:

    #2 LOL +1 for the remark

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    Never underestimate the power of a fart.

  17. t0llyb0ng says:

    It’s Ramses II. The image has been grievously mis-recognized.


  18. Dave W says:

    Looks like Rasputin to me.

  19. Benjamin says:

    This topic has gone overboard. Bring back Florida idiots and Tazer stories.

  20. bobbo says:

    Looks a whole lot more like that guy in the SAW movies. Better connection to what god will do to us as well if we don’t perform as commanded.

  21. Floyd says:

    Oboy–someone got to sit on Jesus face. Wonder how that all worked out.

  22. wiglebot says:


    #2 the imprint of an Alter Boy’s face — being held down!!!

    My grandmother’s Depends has the opposite impression and she was at that church.

  23. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    There on the cushion of a seat, Jesus is perfectly positioned to blow smoke up your butt just like priests and pastors do.

    Let us pray that we be delivered from rectal cancer.

  24. I thought images of seat cushion were Forbidden In webland


    I see jesus on the back of my dog but he sees jesus on the back of a moose who sees jesus in a snow drift.
    to seat cushions say their jesus one of them must be wrong

  25. amodedoma says:

    I got a skid mark in my fruit-of-the-looms looks just like the Virgin Mary, I guess I should post a picture of it or try to sell it on ebay or something.

  26. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Farts work in mysterious ways.

  27. CHFlyer says:

    Did they use botox back then? Looks like his lips were done.

  28. 888 says:


  29. plumbum says:

    For Christs’s sake, Anyone can tell thats an impression of Mr.Potatohead.

  30. meetsy says:

    looks more like Jimmy Durante to me


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