• Apple supposedly bringing out cut and paste for iPhone! So what?
  • Cisco brings out what they call a server-computer.
  • SXSW conference appears to have overloaded the local 3G network from too many iPhones. Ha.
  • Meanwhile Apple Mac sales down 16-percent. Decline will continue, they say.
  • Creepy robot runway model developed.
  • MSFT looks to have a release candidate for Windows 7 in May.
  • Intel pulls license from AMD.
  • Opera Turbo in the news.
  • Inventor of the Web conned online.
  • Oracle gives up on MySQL.

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  1. zorkor says:

    What excites me is Windows 7. I have used and still use the beta version and its quite fast and reliable. At least its better than that lame duck called Vista.
    Cant go back to XP also as its too old for my needs now.
    Windows 7, me need it!

    As for iPhone getting cut and paste, thats a lame way to promote the new iPhone hardware or software considering most of the competition already has cut and paste features. Heck even cheap sony ericsson phones have it.

    What will make me buy iPhone 3G is full flash video support. Skyfire browser has really spoiled me with full flash videos on my Nokia so now I am expecting same from Apple.

  2. Somebody_Else says:

    Mac sales down 16% and dropping? Maybe all those people who have been buying Macbooks realized they bought overpriced crap and are encouraging others to buy real computers?

    Vista bashing in the first comment? That was quick.

    “Lame duck called Vista.”

    Vista was just as fast, and in many cases faster than XP once the hardware companies had time to write good drivers. Unfortunately during those first 6-8 months Vista was out all the cool kids decided it was popular to bash Vista. Check out these benchmarks I did awhile back, I’ve been posting them every time this comes up:

    That’s how it works when a new OS drastically changes the driver model. Its just like the situation when Windows 2000 was released. 2000 was great, far better than the 98/ME line, but due to early compatibility and performance issues it never caught on outside enterprise. Its going to take the Windows 7 refresh to bring all the new stuff in Vista to the masses, just like XP did with the 2000 codebase.

    Besides better performance, the improved security of Vista made it a worthwhile upgrade. Its one of the most secure consumer OS’s available.

    Dvorak, when are you going to do the Atom review you talked about? I think that would be interesting from your perspective.

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]

  3. Todd Peterson says:

    Who cares about W7? Microsoft is heading down hill. Win-based computers struggle more and more every day. The security risks are unacceptable and the OS itself needs too big and expensive hardware. Nobody wants to use more money on IT-hardware in these times.

  4. GregA says:


    You should find better news sources. Not only were apple sales down, but windows sales were up;)

    Although I am still having a hard time fathoming that the ASP for a desktop is $1500…

  5. Chris Mac says:

    lol.. apple sales

  6. B.Dog says:

    Intel makes it’s own ARM processors. Maybe they’ll be in one of the ARM powered cheap netbooks.

  7. Tyrant says:

    Opera Turbo is just a test version right now. It’s aimed at people with low connection speeds as it uses the same tech as the Opera Mini does. That is to say, when you request a web page with the Turbo feature enabled, it will send the request through Opera servers that will fetch the page and compress it (reducing image quality and etc). It then feeds that compressed page back to you. Which is great when you’re browsing on your phone (helps to keep the cost down), but not so much when you’re doing it at your desktop, at least not for most people.


  8. QB says:

    The gang from Redmond want W7 to drive corporate sales. They forgot in the 80’s and 90’s that corporate sales drive up consumers sales (go figure). They had 9% business uptake for Vista which was a disaster but they’re thinking W7 will change that.

    There are lots of theories why corporate sales drive up consumer sales, but I’ll leave that to the smart guys.

  9. Improbus says:

    There has never been a better time to switch to Linux … just ask John.

  10. GregA says:


    What part of disaster are you talking about??? Microsoft wanted to sell 200 million copies of Vista in the first 2 years, and they sold 250 million copies. Well at the very best you are a tough audience if you want to call that a failure.

    Also, I question your statistics… I don’t think XP ever had rapid penetration either, as all those companies held onto 2000 until the bitter end…

    Lol, its like you get your windows news from slashdot articles posted by kdawson or something.

  11. abraxas1 says:

    wow, i like john’s website a lot but these are the most lame posts i’ve seen in a while.
    – Vista is history, what’s to defend?
    – Apple is Apple; sales go up, they go down.
    (the Dow Jones doesn’t determine Obama’s performance either, sry….)
    – And WIN7 is better then Vista (which to some also means that Vista isn’t worse then WIN7, ingenious)

    let’s pick it up a notch people!

  12. Paddy-O says:

    # 2 Somebody_Else said, “Vista was just as fast, and in many cases faster than XP”

    Never, when used on the XP default H/W config.

  13. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    My opinion on Apple is that it is overpriced hardware and the software would prove to be as vulnerable as Vista if the hackers decided to target it. (Full disclosure: use Vista and cringe every time I have to support XP in my family)

    But Apple does employ the best PR personnel in business. I fully expect Apple to announce that they are shrinking sales of their computers to keep the “cool” factor high. Mass media will swallow this whole and proclaim Apple to be greater than sliced bread.

  14. GregA says:


    Actually, the tech media is having something of a “The Emperor wears no clothes” moment with the latest mac books. I know that I suffered from the delusion for a little while, but then my niece pointed it out to me. The new mac books are all dull flat grey in color and have no distinctive look at all. They are fugly.

    When you compare it to a couple of years ago, when apple was king of consumer product design, they have really dropped the ball.

  15. amodedoma says:

    The most amazing thing about Windows 7 is the remarkably quick production of this ‘new’ product. Vista, was the product that took the most time, and the longest alpha, beta, and RC. What this means time will tell. Could it be they took an exsisting product and polished it up a bit? They wouldn’t do that would they? I’m sure they’ll try to sell it as a new product with a new price. I probrably won’t buy this one till I see where it’s going.

  16. GregA says:


    Other than windows NT wayyyyy back in the day, has Microsoft ever written an OS from scratch??? And even then it was a partnership between IBM and Microsoft to develop a whole new OS.

    Also, we already know what happened to the Vista launch. In the early days of XP they had all the virus and malware problems, particularly with ActiveX and IE, and they spent a couple of years rethinking how to make the OS so that it didn’t have all the dependency on ActiveX.

    But at the same time, the fosstard-o-sphere has exagerated the length of time between releases. We had the same 5 year delay between windows 3.0 and 95. Then again between 95/NT era computing and 2000(contrary to popular belief XP was only a point release).

    It looks to me like windows 7 is just a point release to Vista as well.

  17. QB says:

    ROTFL GregA, you’re such a predictable fanboi. 2.3 years in and a 9% corporate uptake in their best market at this point is horrible. Compare that with corporate numbers on Win2000, XP, Server 2003, and 2008. In corporate markets outside of NA Win2000 has higher numbers than Vista for God’s sake.

    Trust me, there are a lot of people out in the corporate world (including me) what want Win7 to succeed.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 18 QB said, “Trust me, there are a lot of people out in the corporate world (including me) what want Win7 to succeed.”

    Yep, XP/2000 are getting long in the tooth and almost no companies have switched over to Vista. I hope 7 is at least as good as XP for the corp desktop.

  19. QB says:

    BTW, my fearless prediction is that MS will get Win7 right, but they are going to screw up Office. There just isn’t enough Steve Sinofsky’s at Microsoft.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #20 Could be. I remember a few years ago when MS was going to redo the architecture of word docs so that the data & macro code areas where merged. Idiots, after we explained that this would require that AV/security products would have to scan the entire doc and people would drop using Word, they changed back. Sometimes I wonder if they take drugs most of the day rather than code.

  21. GregA says:


    Here is the problem. Go back on this very forum and look for posts I made around the release of Vista. You will see that my estimations of how Vista would be released were EXACTLY correct. My prediction was, people would not upgrade, they would however buy a new PC with Vista installed. That is EXACTLY what has happened with Vista.

    I suggest that you are the one delusional about Vista and its place in the market.

    Also, you must be using fosstard-o-sphere numbers because that doesn’t reflect the reality I see IRL day to day at all.

    The only delusion here is your own.


    You are now firmly in the minority of tech workers who don’t deploy Vista on the desktop in the enterprise. The newest statistics I could find were from more than a year ago when 60% of business PC’s were selling with Vista installed.

    Both idiots,

    As my users see and use office 2007 they all want to switch to that from whatever version they are currently using.

    Special note on security: You are paranoid about everything else, so why not be paranoid about that? LOL, I havent had a virus issue in 5 years (something like 100 computers over 5 different locations). I don’t run any third party virus checker on my desktop anymore.

    Good luck with your careers and that 90’s sensibilities of what computers are and how they are used.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    # 22 GregA said, “You are now firmly in the minority of tech workers who don’t deploy Vista on the desktop in the enterprise.”

    Nope. Out of >100,000 seats in corp serviced, less than 10% are running Vista. Sorry, auto stats sent by the installed apps don’t lie. MS might but not reports generated from the desktop.

  23. QB says:

    #23 Paddy-O, you’re pretty close based on Microsoft’s own reporting. The “sales” figures what-his-name are reporting above are flawed since most IT department reimage the machine on delivery so it could OS/2 for all they care. The best data is renewed support license numbers (Paddy numbers) which is what Ballmer quotes and more accurately reflects installed base. Anything else would violate the customer’s licensing agreements.

    I have no idea on consumer numbers, but I’m sure GregA will tell us EXACTLY what those are. 😉

    BTW, for the record I secretly am trying to destroy Microsoft with misinformation. Luckily GregA has found me out and now I’ll have to weave my devious plans somewhere else. Meanwhile, I’ll go back to Visual Studio since it looks like my TFS build ran successfully on checkin.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 24 QB said, “I have no idea on consumer numbers, but I’m sure GregA will tell us EXACTLY what those are. 😉 ”

    Hope he factors in the large % of consumers that downgraded to XP after they got that new Vista PC home…

  25. ZZman says:

    Mac sales were down 16%, but of course, they are up and down depending on new product cycles.

    We (as a production chain) were ready to buy about U$14000 worth of MacMini’s, MacPro’s and iMac’s in January, ended up waiting for the new ones till now, and will now will spent about U$33000.

    They are mostly replacing PC’s, which are turning out to be very expensive to run. According to one of the IT guys, if one PC is offline for 8 hours it will make the U$120 price advantage to MacMini disappear. Well, some of the PC laptops had been out of service up to 3 weeks and all the desktops have had down times more than 2 days in one year.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    # 26 ZZman said, “Well, some of the PC laptops had been out of service up to 3 weeks and all the desktops have had down times more than 2 days in one year.”

    Either you are buying crap H/W, your IT guys are incompetent OR you are running Vista…

  27. john keshav sharma(india) says:

    $$$$i think wen t comes to appearance, vista is cool….But wen we see it’s performance,it’s disappointing in low end architectures. Windows 7 is a BLEND OF BOTH!.

  28. BobTehBuildr says:


    I agree with everything but Vista. Why all the Vista hate. I’ve been running Vista on all my hardware since beta and it works great. I didn’t say it was perfect but all OSes have their flaws.

    I do however think Windows 7 is better than Vista.


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