DEU Obama Fingers

A German frozen food company hopes to raise sales with a new product: Obama fingers. The tender, fried chicken bits come with a tasty curry sauce. The company says it was unaware of the possible racist overtones of the product.

Selling products has, of course, become a bit more difficult than usual these days. No wonder then that companies everywhere are turning to optimistic marketing messages in an effort to counteract the steady drum beat of negativity coming from front page headlines around the globe. Not wanting to miss the boat, a German food company has now gotten into the act. Sprehe, a company that has all manner of frozen delicacies on offer, has come up with a new product it calls “Obama Fingers.” Far from being real digits, though, the “fingers” in question are “tender, juicy pieces of chicken breast, coated and fried,” as the product packaging claims. The idea, she claimed, was to get in on the Obama-mania which is continuing to grip Germany. The word “fingers” in the name refers to the fact that it is a finger food. “It’s like hotdogs,” Witting said. “No one would ever think they are actually from dogs.”

For Americans in Germany, though, there is a risk that the product might be seen as racially insensitive. Fried chicken has long been associated with African-Americans in the US — naming strips of fried chicken after the first black president could cause some furrowing of brows.

Stupid yes, but is it racially insensitive? I don’t think so.

  1. TreeBeard says:

    Weird an unfunny. But hey, we’re talking about it.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    Finally, the highest and best use for Obama has been discovered, an ingredient for Soylent Green…

  3. Raff says:

    Fertig gebraten!

  4. Buzz says:

    Well, at least they didn’t call them “toes.”

    If they had previously labeled them Bush Fingers, would it have been equally racist?

    I think the allusion to racist overtones is misplaced. What formula of “racist reference” + “fingers” is floating around? If there is one, I’ve missed it all my life.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #4 That’s true, they should have marketed Brazil nuts…

  6. denacron says:

    I am disappointed. I was expecting Pelosi pork nuggets too.

  7. Buzz says:

    #5, I always found that Brazil Nut reference especially dumb.

    I can see it coming out of the social ambience of perhaps the late 1800s, back when the whole world was harboring 48% more stupid than these days.

    Wikipedia doesn’t assign a date to their etymological references for it.

    The chicken connection? Am I being somehow racist every time I eat chicken? That stretch is still firmly parked in the 52% of today’s remaining stupid.

  8. Benjamin says:

    At least it’s not a ketchup called Obama 57 in honor of his reference to the 57 states.

  9. It’s the ‘ curry dip ‘ that made me smile.

  10. JL says:

    @#9 🙂 That is what i was thinking…. Now to imagine and Obama covered in curry(s) sauce…

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    I’m with Buzz, #7, on this.

    I see this as no more racist than offering watermelon to my black neighbors when they visit. Of course, if it is on the table, I share it with everyone.

    And, as I’m of Irish descent, I personally am not offended by the term “Paddy”, “Paddy Wagon”, or potatoes. And, I plan on buying a Corned Beef brisket this afternoon for tomorrow’s dinner.

  12. Jimbo says:

    Racist connotations? Cannibal connotations!

  13. MojoYugen says:

    Fuck the possible racist overtones, what about the cannibalistic overtones?

  14. Rich says:

    What about the cannibalistic overtones? I like bandwagone.

  15. jbenson2 says:

    white meat?

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #15 Both. Obama is a Mulatto.

  17. Cursor_ says:

    Well they probably figured if there were lady fingers, they could have Obama fingers.

    Just whatever you do, don’t serve the middle one.


  18. jbellies says:

    Profit is the only criterion. Racist? How about sexist? Sounds more appetizing than Merkel Toes. Ka-ching$.

  19. MikeN says:

    >I see this as no more racist than offering watermelon to my black neighbors when they visit.

    You’re a racist! This is no different than Fuzzy Zoeller at the Masters’tell him not to serve fried chicken, or collard greens or whatever they serve’

  20. BigBoyBC says:

    Why is there a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge on the box?

    And “mit Curry dip”? Adam Curry?

  21. Joe says:

    Obama fingers?

    Oh no, he fists:

  22. Guy Fawkes says:

    You must be thinking of fried chitlins and not chicken! All southerners are associated with anything fried.

  23. Harry Sack says:

    Fried chicken. Get it? Blah, I hate all this PC shite.

  24. Michael says:

    I’m more offended by the Adam Curry flavored Dipping Sauce.

  25. RBG says:

    No, no, no. No one gets a free pass who fretted about the monkey. Especially if Spretch only happens to have chicken named after Obama. What do you suppose the reason was to name chicken after Obama? He has an appetizing sounding name? Let’s keep this racist thing rolling, baby.


  26. BigBoyBC says:

    Damn, that Obama get’s his fingers into everything…

  27. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 pedro said, “#16 Now I get the racist overtones. It’s just a representation of what the black democraps were saying Obama is: Not black enough (crispy on the outside, white on the inside). Remember?”

    Yep, mostly from blacks, who tend to be FAR more racist than any “white” person in the US.

  28. Jonathan says:

    ‘Obama-Fingers’? that doesn’t make any sense.

    ‘Obama-Cocks’, though! all kinds of possibilities and associations to be made!


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