Not so funny.

  1. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Poor little kid, got a gutter ball.

  2. bobbo says:

    Here’s a longer video showing the kid gets up. It must be a fake video as it is from Russia and after the kid falls down, there is no AK-47 fire.

  3. soundwash says:

    at least he didn’t poke an eye out. (?)


  4. Kanjy says:

    Is anyone else getting pop-up ads on this site?

  5. JimR says:

    Camera person didn’t run to the kid… fake… or there are two morans there.

    (moran: look it up in the DU dictionary)

  6. The DON says:

    Nope – no pop-ups have ever appeared for me on this site.

    @ Bobbo
    Ty for that link 🙂

  7. JimR says:

    bobbo, I see it’s not fake from your link… I don’t see how the kid could escape injury too though. It looks as though she was knocked out cold.

    Thanks for the #5 pic insert blog person. 🙂

  8. Mac Guy says:

    Here’s a real bowling trick. I’ve been doing this since I was a kid…

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]

  9. denacron says:

    #4 “Is anyone else getting pop-up ads on this site?”

    Use FireFox and get NoScript.
    > <
    You get a choice of what crap runs or not.

  10. exileguy says:

    Well, its one way to cleanse the gene pool…

  11. worg says:

    There’s no possible way those were bowling balls. Fake as hell.

    Also, Dvorak, what took you so long to run linux? Welcome to 1997.

  12. brm says:


    Dude, I ran Linux in 1997, and it sucked on the desktop.

  13. bobbo says:

    I think it is fake too. The ball that hits the girl is thrown “extra high/far” to get her and that would not be done when bearly able to juggle those things. Also, as #5 says–the camera guy should have run to the kid.

    Now, as a photographer myself, I can see not putting the camera down as a “maybe” but putting the extra loft on a bowling ball seems more improbable as a matter of physics.

  14. zorkor says:

    Well atleast the Russians dont threaten to bomb the third world countries to pieces and force their own agendas down their throats like the Americans.

  15. the202 says:

    “Not so funny”

    Then why post it…Ass!

  16. FckYouCommie says:

    zorkor said:
    “Well atleast the Russians dont threaten to bomb the third world countries to pieces and force their own agendas down their throats like the Americans.”

    Comrade, don’t fool yourself: that’s just because Russia is still too poor, not to mention that every other “ally” they had in the past have run out from them 10-15 years ago as soon as they could without becoming another Chechnya 🙂

    If Russia ever had same power and influence over the world as USA had (and still partially have, hehe), no doubt we all would have been living in gulags – and you wouldn’t ever dream of posting your crap on the web (because you wouldn’t ever knew such thing exists), comrade!

  17. Troublemaker says:

    The only “Complete Idiot” here, is the blog poster that was too stupid to realize that this is just a viral ad campaign.

  18. bigds63 says:

    I know its not him but that guy looks like Chris Pirillo.

  19. The Warden says:

    The video is as fake as Obama’s heterosexuality.

  20. Personality says:

    FAKE FAKE FAKE. And I think the blog poster knew, or at least I hope they did.

  21. Twit2005 says:

    That left me feeling quite bowled over. [rimshot]

  22. GigG says:

    #15 They don’t threaten they do it.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 15 zorkor said, “Well atleast the Russians dont threaten to bomb the third world countries to pieces and force their own agendas down their throats like the Americans.”


    I see that your village tapped into the power grid again. How long before the power company pulls the plug?

  24. Buzz says:

    #2’s reference:

    The pigeon barbecue on the same page is much funnier.

  25. Joe says:

    Cripes! This is shocking.

    People still use animated gifs?


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