Here is the 19th conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. What to do? This chat is presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in. We discuss the market conditions and exactly why Andrew was bumped from the Jon Stewart DAILY SHOW.

More importantly we look at the current opportunities at the bottom.

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  1. Higghawker says:

    Good Stuff! Fly on the wall type listening. I learn something each podcast. I too think Apple is heading for a drop.

  2. dusanmal says:

    Apple heading? People affected by unemployment are not targeted Apple customers. Apple targets top of the market and those people will still buy it. They will outperform ordinary PC makers because ordinary customers are the ones tightening down and ordinary PC makers just started the “cheap war”. Second layer: iPhone. Paradoxically even poor people are buying it (recent study). So, leveled PC sales at Apple and growth in iPhone/iPod business. Slow but steady uptick.

  3. Randomized says:

    Since when is the “top of the market” hipster college age kids who even still after high school haven’t figured out how to think for themselves? There is nothing wrong with liking a company but sadly a large percent of people that own Apple products do so because it is advertised to them as the cool thing to do.

    It is just as bad with the anti-Apple crowd. It’s either cool to love or hate Apple. I just wish people would stfu about these obsessions with company A or B.

  4. pcsmith says:


    Looking for a good place to rant, hope you get the input.

    ChannelDvorak is a great well of info, but if I visit it once a day, how do I know if something new is on the site?

    Many solutions. Dates with ~days, Tags that disappear after 48 hours.

    Let me know what is fresh, not a problem with the blob.

  5. pcsmith says:

    Looking for a forum to vent, and be read.

    ChannelDvorak is a great resource, but:
    If I visit once a day, how do I know What is new?

    There are many ways to address this, adding the date and -day of the post, giving a “new” tag to anything for the first 48 hrs. etc.

    Give it fresh eyes and adjust accordingly.

  6. ECA says:

    Get the BASE of investing up and the rest will follow.
    BET on the farmers, and the Metals markets..
    Otherwise known as the BASICS that are needed by EVERYONE, Every company…
    It may not grow FAST, but its the bottom…
    then watch for the OLD growth times, for others..
    BEGINNING of summer, then the BEGINNING of FALL(before Halloween, JUMP out)..
    Forget winter..
    we have at least 1 more year of winter DROPS..

  7. Lou says:

    Andrew has a good point about the up tic rule they want to bring back. In a free market you should be able to go long or short anytime you want to put you cash down, or It’s not a free market. Look at when they banned short sales last fall. Did that help Citi or any other srewed up Co. All that did is confirm It’s not a free market.

  8. Chris Mac says:

    Can’t wait for the market to get to zero..
    We need a new barter system

  9. Winston says:

    The fundamental problem with the market still hasn’t been addressed (toxic CDOs and their associated CDSs) and a recently leaked AIG document states that they still have $1.7 TRILLION dollars of synthetics to dump (on whom?). Until those problems are addressed and regulations on derivatives trading are put in place, the smart money that provides 2/3rds of the credit in this country (banks only provide 1/3) will NOT return. They have been severely screwed by the mortgage and market fraud that took place. And note that there was a major bear market rally during the Great Depression. Then reality set it as it will in this case.

  10. Alex says:

    Apple has a lot of guaranteed growth built in thanks to the subscription accounting for the iPhone. Good point from the boys about Apple’s computer business being very risky right now. A bad quarter could indeed drag down the stock a little bit, but Apple’s company is so diversified thanks to iPhone, iPod, and now the App store, there’s not THAT much downside.

    Look for a bump in June when/if Steve Jobs comes back to introduce the new iPhone. That’s a double whammy that people will trade around.

  11. Wow,,, Look what happened after. Thanks for the information


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