1. Winston says:

    Isn’t it amazing how Jesus keeps showing up appearing just as he did in a famous painting? And as an Anglo Saxon? Here’s a more educated guess of his appearance:


  2. LDA says:

    If someone believes this and then does good, I do not mind.

  3. Rabble Rouser says:

    Funny how the Flying Spaghetti Monster is sighted in a lot of things, but never gets any press time.

  4. dowally says:

    You darn Pastafarians! You always think it is about you and your silly cult. Well, it is NOT an image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster — it is just burnt toast…

  5. Daniel Kaiser says:

    I saw Jesus at the bottom of a bottle of Tequila one night, ever since then my drinking has increased trying to attain that level of spiritual enlightenment once again, my quest has lead me to a homeless shelter and I’m posting from the local library. well I have to go now to panhandle so I can get another half gallon of Pepe Lopez for tonight’s pilgrimage. I can be contacted at the corner of Main and third in the ally behind Star bucks. next to the dumpster second cardboard box on the left the one with Whirlpool on the side.

    P.S. As a landmark I have a collection of garden gnomes out front.

  6. Deep-Thought says:


  7. Nimby says:

    # 1 Winston said, “Isn’t it amazing how Jesus keeps showing up appearing just as he did in a famous painting? And as an Anglo Saxon? Here’s a more educated guess of his appearance:”

    That image was before the surgery and whitening cream.

    Hey, I’d swear one of the images they showed was a scene from a movie (“Henry Poole Is Here”) about a guy who gets an image of Mary in the fresh plaster on his wall.

    Alfie – you’re an unevolved nincompoop. Ok, you’re right about the human mind evolving to recognize patterns much better than any animal. That’s why we see bunnies in clouds, faces on Mars and Jesus in a can of Spam. What does that have to do with Obama? Wanna talk politics? Go to a political thread.

  8. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:


  9. Special Ed says:

    Jesus WAS sitting in this chair.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    I’m holding out for a Nascar Ford tangled with a Chevy.

  11. SFK says:

    Funny thing, Jesus said in one of the gospels, “The days are coming when people will say to you ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ Don’t fall for any of that nonsense.”

  12. Rob says:

    The veins on my c*ck look like the outline of that Mary chick. $50 for a picture and $100 to kiss it.

  13. Old Blackbeard says:

    I agree with #4. Why only the other day I was having some meatballs on spaghetti and it looked just like the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I would of taken a photo but I was hungry.

  14. Cephus says:

    Just goes to prove that religion drives you insane. Man is a pattern-seeking animal, the fact that all these lunatics have decided that these random patterns mean anything just demonstrates the irrationality of religion.

  15. John Paradox says:

    Proof Positive that Jesus is the Son of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, in the pattern of the paneling at the radio station I used to work at (in the Little Announcer’s Room)


  16. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Another truly incredible siting:

  17. tyates says:

    If you have to go into great “fawking” detail to point out that something looks like something, it’s nothing.

  18. QB says:

    I swear I saw something in what dog left behind. Maybe it was the holy turd of Antioch?

    P.S. Alfred1, sigh. You must be a bucket of yucks at parties.


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