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John and Adam discuss the current news with an International Perspective

Queue / cue / Q the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

Running time: approx. 95 mins.

  1. horacesmiley says:

    Great show this time around. Curry’s got too many stories, leads to a frantic end for the show. But that’s hardly a problem.

    Hey, JCD: Why don’t you redo this blogsite using Squarespace? Have collapsible comments and an easy way to post without ending up in an HTML cul-de-sac making you type in the blog address or hit your bookmark up…That might be more effective advertising than anything else.

  2. Harry Sack says:

    Nice theories. Me likey.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    I have boycotted Adam “Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a great guy!” Curry for 2 years now but I would like to say that graphic has a very distinct Drew Friedman quality to it.

  4. brm says:

    That pic is terrible. It looks like you’re going to kiss. I hope you don’t sit like that when you’re eating out.

  5. B.Dog says:

    Could you get 25% more listeners with a different pic? Try it!

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    Shouldn’t the head say 79? Or are you just getting last Sunday’s up?

    [Thanks, fixed]

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Next time do a 70s Disco theme pic and give John a ‘fro.

  8. Alex says:

    Good episode. I agree with John on Madoff possibly taking the fall for his son or maybe a larger group of people who were in on it, although it’s hard to see someone making that kind of sacrifice for anyone other than his children.

    I think Adam’s conspiracy theory about a power struggle going on for the creation of a World government also has a lot of merit. If you were the leader of a small European country, you’d probably wouldn’t be satisified that all your “brilliance” (as you would see it) was wasted on such a small territory and would salivate at the chance at making a bigger impact on the world. You’d probably look at some of the stooges in the US, Britain, Russia, etc., and be pretty confident you could do a better job. So cheers there Adam. As an American though, I hope we forever stay clear of it.

    As always, more JCD and less Adam, but love ya both, keep it up.

  9. Grayven says:

    I’m sensing a rising level of tension between John and Adam. I wondering when, not if, there will be an explosion of incivility.

    Perhaps we should start a pool, betting on when the blow-out will occur. I’m guessing the first wednesday in June.

  10. brian t says:

    About those figures on sea level rises… someone’s been converting from metric. 19.7″ = 1/2 a metre. 39.4″ = 1 metre. That’s why those figures are so “exact”!


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