Sir Nicholas Stern: Climate change deniers are flat-earthers | — This new meme around the word “denier” is cropping up all over the UK and starting to appear in the USA. In an effort to quash dissent about the mechanism of climate change (man vs natural) an all out attack has begun on anyone who has any question about the validity of the global warming promoters. So the “deniers” have been grouped with holocaust deniers in particular. Another track has them categorized as insane, literally. They are also being associated with the Creationists as much as possible. This is getting good.

Climate change deniers are “ridiculous” and akin to “flat-earthers”, according to Sir Nicholas Stern, who advised the government about the economic threat posed by global warming. The respected economist compared climate naysayers to those who deny the link between smoking and cancer or HIV and Aids in the face of mounting scientific evidence.

Socialist/activist/columnist George Monbiot chimes in with another funny analogy. Apparently if you question the global warming agenda you think AIDS can be treated with beetroot and lemon juice. Interesting assertion by a non-existent association. I mean, cripes!

Sammy Wilson’s appointment as Northern Ireland environment minister appears to have been conceived as some sort of practical joke. It’s no longer very funny. He fills the same role as the former South African health minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, who claimed that Aids could be treated with beetroot and lemon juice.


  1. Bob says:

    The problem with the global warming/climate change movement is that they let themselves become politicized, and politicians found a cause they could use to further their own power. Those same politicians now pretty much run the movement, so they cannot allow anything to overturn their gravy train.

    That was the entire reason for the name change a few years ago. People began to catch on as their was no global warming. So the politicians started calling it climate change. That way, if its get warmer its climate change, and if it gets colder it can be blamed on climate change.

    I bet even if the temperature was the exact same every day they would still blame it on climate change, or perhaps by they would change the name to Climate Stagnation.

    In short the Science of Global warming long ago became the Church of Climate Change. Anyone who denies it is a heretic, and must be demonized.

  2. brm says:


    “At some level it’s always incomplete. This point of view seems to beg, to cry out for some remedy: “I don’t believe something is real unless science can tell me 100% that it is.” Not only are you refusing to believe, you’re abdicating your power of reason to science.”

    I’m not an idiot – I know a model can’t be totally accurate – that’s why it’s called a ‘model.’

    My understanding is that climate models explain the past very well, but don’t make good predictions. Please prove this wrong.

    Predicting well would include doing things like determining sea level, temperature, frequency of hurricanes, surface area covered by ice, etc, predicting them out 5, 10, maybe 25 years, and within some accepted tolerance.

    I remember hearing doomsday predictions like, “the sea will cover NYC by 2010 and we’ll have no ozone layer!” in the early 90s. We hear similar threats now. The shit hasn’t happened yet.

    I also believe climatologists are not totally unbiased – they’ll be out of a job if anthropogenic climate change is found to be bogus.

    Maybe you can point to some predictions that have come to pass. Otherwise…

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    I say it once and I’ll say it again: Those who deny Global Warming say it because:

    a) They don’t live on the shores where you can see it happening.

    b) They work for corporations whose profit would be hurt if government take actions against global warming.


    c) Just because the Democrats took it first.

  4. bob says:

    Why, Angel! You have a remarkable insight into the thoughts and motives of others.

    I’ll use >my< insight into your thoughts to assume that, to you, questioning=denying. Which makes me a denier.

    All three of your points are wrong.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    #36 Bob.

    And your point is?

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 35 Angel H. Wong said, “a) They don’t live on the shores where you can see it happening.”

    I live at the shore of the Pacific. Nothing is happening… The sea level hasn’t changed.

  7. Mr Diesel says:

    #29 freddybobs68k

    When I was in the Uk a few years back a news report said over 2% of the land is covered with concrete/road. Although that doesn’t sound like much – when you really think about it it’s pretty amazing.

    I hardly think that they meant 2% of the entire land mass of the Earth.

  8. Lou Minatti says:

    “a) They don’t live on the shores where you can see it happening.”

    It’s not happening on the Gulf Coast.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    “Argumentum Ad Hominem” in action…

  10. jobs says:

    Oh! I guess it only is happening at the shores. Well I’m safe.

    I don’t disagree that things change but I’m not sure giving billions of dollars to people to build more accurate models will stop the change.

  11. Joe says:

    I disagree. Have a nice day.

  12. Mike says:


    1: There have always been fires/volcanoes as part of the long term Carbon Cycle but on Mauna Loa the Pinatubo eruption caused nary a blip compared to the year-on-year man-made increase that they have been measuring for 50 years. Why presuppose the reigning in of CO2 will be back breaking and even if it were the alternative is what? But it won’t be. It’s not a case of fixing things overnight but recognizing things need fixing, stopping doing things which make it worse. Changes for the better will be over multiple generations.

    2 This point seems to be that you cannot trust all these climate scientists in all these organizations, countries, university departments as they are all following a company line. Patently absurd. They all follow the scientific method and when they look at the broad range of evidence they put the confidence level of Climate Change is happening and humans caused it at 95% or higher

    3 In the past there have been things that have had a consensus but the decade before Orville and Wright flew people knew it was possible. 200 years ago it WAS impossible as there was not the compact power source. Black folks being less intelligent? We collected evidence and showed through scientific means that that is a fallacy. The 4 minute mile, people didn’t think it impossible just ‘not in the next 20 years’. It was scientific training methods making athletic progress possible. Evidence has been, and is still being collected which convinces a sufficiently large number of scientists about climate change and it is they who are challenging the consensus i.e telling the rest of the 6 billion of us that things are not as they used to be. It is the deniers who are being compared to people saying flight is impossible, black folks are not as smart, the 4 minute mile is impossible and if they keep saying it even with all the evidence shown to them how sane would they be?

  13. Smith says:

    @21: “97% of climatologists agree that global warming is happening and man is significant factor.

    I’m not sure anyone on this board knows more about the climate than those guys, so i’m going to believe them.

    I do know that making an accurate climate prediction even one year in the future is impossible, given the chaotic nature of climate. I don’t need to be a climatologist to know that, my understanding of mathematics and my own experience in chaotic modeling is sufficient.

    I also know that the only “evidence” linking CO2 to global warming comes from computer climate models. Ergo, 97% of climatologists are either liars or incompetent.

  14. RSweeney says:

    As Yoda would say, “Begun has the new inquisition.”

  15. Smith says:

    [Deleted, duplicate comment – Ed.]

  16. Climate Same says:

    Silly earthlings, when we fell off the ends of the earth on our way home, we unequivocally proved to our masters that indeed our calculations were correct, climate change is caused by a virus that initially traveled from a mosquito to a bird that was having un safe sex in the West Nile who was diagnosed with the HIV/AIDS flu syndrome.

    study/more about flat/earth/societies

  17. freddybobs68k says:

    # 39 Mr Diesel

    ‘I hardly think that they meant 2% of the entire land mass of the Earth.’

    No, they meant 2% of the landmass of the Uk. Thus ‘whilst I was in Uk’… but I see I could have made that clearer.

  18. cheese says:

    #35: Check MODIS – The Great Lakes are all mostly frozen over this year, continuing the colder-than-normal trend that started last year.

  19. JimR says:

    My carbon footprint is size 10.

  20. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    “97% of climatologists agree that global warming is happening and man is significant factor.”

    You are referring to an online survey of selected US geological scientists, not a survey of the top international climatologists that have done relevant research. Anyway, the 97% number is very misleading:

    Two questions were key: Have mean global temperatures risen compared to pre-1800s levels, and has human activity been a significant factor in changing mean global temperatures?

    About 90 percent of the scientists agreed with the first question and 82 percent the second.

    So only 82% of the scientists believe man are a significant factor in global warming, and I have to wonder how many of those agreeing have ever wrote a paper on the matter.

    The whole attitude of “Well most scientists believe it so it must be true” That is the exact opposite of what science is all about, and I would not be trusting any ‘scientist’ who exhibits that attitude.

  21. Nimby says:

    I am NOT a denier!

  22. MikeN says:

    This site posted a prediction that the North Pol would be ice-free. That didn’t happen. You would think that would make some people a little less certain, but no, they keep believing the next alarmist statement that shows up and the one after that and the one after that and …

  23. Gasbag says:

    Oh I am just waiting for the men in white to take me away! HA HA HA

  24. verycheeky says:

    You gotta have faith that global warming is caused by man.. no one knows for sure..

    here is one thing
    ► Christians believed the earth was a sphere because the Bible says it is, mentions the circle of the earth.. those who where pegans like dvorak believed it was flat..


  25. Benjamin says:

    The Communists or Nazis would declare people who disagreed with their agenda mentally ill. The had reeducation camps to bring “deniers” into the fold. Is that what those six FEMA camps that Obama wants to build really for: rounding up global warming deniers?

  26. GrendelKhan says:

    I had the opportunity to listen to a presentation by Dr. John Christy ( at the recent SPE GPEC (

    Real data, no emotion or agenda.

    His conclusions: Yes, there’s global warming but we’re not at the highest in history (nowhere near) so we are probably in a cycle. Yes the waters are melting in the arctic but they’re freezing by an equivalent amount in the antarctic so the world as a whole is the same.

    Not a naysayer but not an alarmist with an agenda. I think that’s where most sane people sit.

    John – I can get a copy of the presentation to you if you are interested.

  27. faxon says:

    Here is my take on it… I don’t believe in the “global warming”, (revised to “climate change”) hysteria. Here’s why: The earth has ALWAYS had “climate change”. Long before Fords and Chevys. I believe the climate IS changing, as it always is. I don’t believe that man is responsible for the greater part of it, and I think it can very likely become a cooling trend as a warming trend, depending on the heat output of the sun. But it is so easy to use this canard to support all of the reforms that politicians and liberals want, and it is coming at us so fast it is hard to keep up. If anyone really wanted to do anything about it, they would ban private automobiles today, and ban heating your home tomorrow. Jimmy Carter said, “Just wear a sweater around the house”.

  28. Nimby says:

    #59 verycheeky said, “Christians believed the earth was a sphere because the Bible says it is, mentions the circle of the earth”

    Uhm. A circle is NOT a sphere. I think the bible was talking about a Discworld held up by elephants riding a giant turtle. By the way, I know people get upset when the subject turns to grammar & spelling but you really need a spell checker. By the way, my poor, dead wife was from Mongolia. What did you mean by that comment?

    #57 MikeN said,”…they keep believing the next alarmist statement that shows up and the one after that and the one after that and …”

    Apropos: “Unless we announce disasters no one will listen” -Sir John Houghton, past chair of IPCC

    There is climate change. Always has been. When it’s all settled down, I believe they’ll discover the sun has far more to do with it than people. Personally, I think we’re more likely heading into a new ice age and we’ll all be sitting in our Miami Beach igloos cursing the politicos who stopped us from putting out more CO2.

  29. #7 – brm,

    I might believe in ‘climate change’ if they could produce a model that makes accurate predictions. Until then…

    You’re right. Observed global warming thus far is happening much faster and is far worse than any of the models predicted.

    #8 – MikeN,

    We’ve been hearing about how there’s a small window of opportunity before a tipping point is reached, for at least 20 years now.

    Is this close enough for you?

    Melting Arctic Ocean Raises Threat of ‘Methane Time Bomb

    How about this?

    New Study Shows Climate Change Largely Irreversible

  30. #7 – brm,

    I might believe in ‘climate change’ if they could produce a model that makes accurate predictions. Until then…

    You’re right. Observed global warming thus far is happening much faster and is far worse than any of the models predicted.

    #8 – MikeN,

    We’ve been hearing about how there’s a small window of opportunity before a tipping point is reached, for at least 20 years now.

    Is this close enough for you?

    Melting Arctic Ocean Raises Threat of ‘Methane Time Bomb


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