Sir Nicholas Stern: Climate change deniers are flat-earthers | — This new meme around the word “denier” is cropping up all over the UK and starting to appear in the USA. In an effort to quash dissent about the mechanism of climate change (man vs natural) an all out attack has begun on anyone who has any question about the validity of the global warming promoters. So the “deniers” have been grouped with holocaust deniers in particular. Another track has them categorized as insane, literally. They are also being associated with the Creationists as much as possible. This is getting good.

Climate change deniers are “ridiculous” and akin to “flat-earthers”, according to Sir Nicholas Stern, who advised the government about the economic threat posed by global warming. The respected economist compared climate naysayers to those who deny the link between smoking and cancer or HIV and Aids in the face of mounting scientific evidence.

Socialist/activist/columnist George Monbiot chimes in with another funny analogy. Apparently if you question the global warming agenda you think AIDS can be treated with beetroot and lemon juice. Interesting assertion by a non-existent association. I mean, cripes!

Sammy Wilson’s appointment as Northern Ireland environment minister appears to have been conceived as some sort of practical joke. It’s no longer very funny. He fills the same role as the former South African health minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, who claimed that Aids could be treated with beetroot and lemon juice.


  1. MikeN says:

    Stop turning into Fusion. It has been getting colder for a few years now, as has been shown by the data. You know this, and your calls for peer-review is bogus.

  2. MikeN says:

    >What if preventing a heart attack means getting into better health and having a more active and fulfilling life?

    And there’s the rub. You like the agenda called for by the existence of global warming. However, arguing for that agenda by itself doesn’t work, so various calls to scientific authority have to be made to try and implement that agenda.

    For your analogy, we don’t know what the likelihood of a ‘heart attack’ is, and so losing an arm and a leg would make people want to find out.

  3. MikeN says:

    If you’re calling for tariffs on Chinese goods, that’s fine with me. However, as you have stated before, you consider consumption itself the problem.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #52, cheese,

    The Great Lakes are all mostly frozen over this year,


    I have personally seen lower Lake Michigan several times this year (and last) and Lake Huron and Lake Ontario this year. None have been frozen over. Even without seeing Lake Superior, I know it doesn’t freeze.

    There may be small amounts of ice buildup around the shore, that however, is a far cry from being “mostly frozen over”. BTW, ice along the shoreline is expected.

    I also understand that Lake Erie had bad ice most of the season. Some ice fishermen told me and Erie is usually pretty good for ice fishing.

  5. MikeN says:

    I suspect he got confused by cloud cover in the pictures. Looking at MODIS(which was in the post if you would read), it looks like Superior is the closest, but none appear to be frozen.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #88, Scott,

    just as you would not take action on your 320 cholesterol level until your actual heart attack.

    Very pertinent analogy. It is really too bad that it would soar above all the ditto heads.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #90, brm,

    Drilling our own oil and burning our own coal and running our own nukes is independence. It might not be what you want, but it’s ‘real.’

    Fucking your own daughter is too.

    Canadians are not terrorists

    They’re not? Then why do we have such controls along the border? It used to be all I did was show my drivers license, nor I need a whole raft of ID to go along with the third degree. Besides, do we only import oil from Canada?

    Maybe if we got rid of the minimum wage law, we’d have a manufacturing industry again.

    So you are in a race to the bottom? That comment alone qualifies you for dip sheet of the month award.

    No wonder you take offense to Cow-Patty’s well earned moniker. You’re jealous because he gets credit for being such an asswipe and you don’t.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #96, Lyin’ Mike,

    Stop turning into Fusion. It has been getting colder for a few years now, as has been shown by the data. You know this, and your calls for peer-review is bogus.

    Then why don’t you post that data. All the data I’ve seen shows otherwise.

    For me to be compared to Misanthropic Scott is a compliment. There are few people around here with a better grasp on reality and a fantastic sense of expression than he.

    I don’t say this as a ass kissing exercise, but as someone I acknowledge as truly intelligent. I have also complimented several people I often disagree with for their well made arguments. I’m sorry but you, along with the likes of Cow-Patty, Alphie, and a few others have only earned scorn.

  9. MikeN says:

    >Besides, do we only import oil from Canada?

    No Mexico too.

  10. MikeN says:

    >For me to be compared to Misanthropic Scott is a compliment.

    Yes it is, but unfortunately you can’t read. You were not compared to him, he was compared to you(stop turning into Fusion), and that is a bad thing.

  11. #93 – brm,

    The real consequence of all this regulation is going to be a loss of liberty, and higher prices for everything.

    I guess you don’t actually read the links I post then.

  12. #95 – MikeN said, on March 13th, 2009 at 3:09 pm

    You have stated that materialism is the problem, and the US needs to have less consumption.

    Directed at me? I have certainly stated that it is a problem. It is. What was this in reference to again?

    #96 – MikeN,

    Stop turning into Fusion. It has been getting colder for a few years now, as has been shown by the data. You know this, and your calls for peer-review is bogus.

    Are you talking to me again? got a link to show that? Are you comparing me to Mr. Fusion or the process of fusion? If the former, thanks!! I echo Mr. Fusion’s sentiment. I have a great amount of respect for him.

    Unlike you, he backs up his claims.

    Got a link for this? Peer reviewed preferred; Reputable news org citing a peer-reviewed study accepted; Cato, heartland, junkscience or other ExxonMobil site ignored as always.

  13. #97 – MikeN,

    >What if preventing a heart attack means getting into better health and having a more active and fulfilling life?

    And there’s the rub. You like the agenda called for by the existence of global warming. However, arguing for that agenda by itself doesn’t work, so various calls to scientific authority have to be made to try and implement that agenda.

    For your analogy, we don’t know what the likelihood of a ‘heart attack’ is, and so losing an arm and a leg would make people want to find out.

    The science of global warming is sound, as evidenced by your lack of conflicting evidence. I also happen to like breathing clean air and drinking clean water. Funny how they both go together. But either can stand on its own quite well.

  14. #104 – MikeN,

    >Besides, do we only import oil from Canada?

    No Mexico too.

    Not every country south of us is Mexico. I think you mean Venezuela.

  15. Lol at Deniers says:

    Whilst not all CC deniers have a mental illness, at a bare minimum it is a hideous amount of ignorance.


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