• Apple App store in the news.
  • $7.2 billion broadband stimulus.
  • Legacy Locker, who needs it?
  • Woz is dancing with the stars with a pink boa.
  • Dell going after the Panasonic Toughbooks.
  • Will or can the ARM chip blow out the Atom?
  • Top Netbooks cited by PC World.

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  1. George says:

    I voted for Woz 52 times.

  2. deowll says:

    I have an Eee PC that John mentioned.

    As computers go this is no tower of power but for normal day to day work it doesn’t need to be.

    It is compact with outstanding battery life and enough power for normal tasks at least for me.

    Two gig of ram running XP on what amounts to a slow chip is still good enough to handle business software and browse the web.

    A much faster chip would maybe shave off a few seconds here and there but that’s about it.

    A more modern OS would allow me to um…not a darn thing I can’t already do.

    I can live with the keyboard and the display.

  3. Somebody_Else says:

    I can’t see ARM making any headway into netbooks. ARM chips are RISC processors, they don’t run x86 code.

    I think that PC world list is bunk. Most netbooks have nearly identical hardware. The main differences are the case designs and the capacity of the hard drive/solid state drive. Some of them (like the HP mini) lack a video out for a monitor or projector.

    ASUS and MSI seemed to have the best offerings when I bought my Wind U100 last year, but I haven’t really kept up with the new models since then. I went with the Wind because its easy to open up and upgrade and it was the best value.

  4. QB says:

    The analysts who made the ARM prediciton is Robert Castellano from The Information Network. According to him, the world will be running ARM/Linux boxes with cloud computing replacing desktop apps. At least he’s highly buzzword compliant. EE Times has a more sane view of ARM.

  5. Bob Stewart says:

    Legacy data access is far from silly, and let me explain why. We lost a family member in a tragic car vs. Moose accident in Maine. She was just 26 years old and with her went all access to her email and social networks. It had nothing to do with money and everything to do with communicating the tragedy to her friends. Some found out but many did not and all miss her dearly. This is why we created the consumer version of this at http://VitalLock.com


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