Courtesy AP

Now that Obama wants to close Gitmo, how long will this trial take?

Five men charged in the Sept. 11 attacks mock U.S. authorities and proclaim themselves “terrorists to the bone” in a war crimes court filing released Tuesday.

The five Guantanamo prisoners use the six-page document to try to justify the killing of nearly 3,000 people, portraying the attack as a response to U.S. actions in Israel, Iraq and elsewhere that is supported by their Muslim faith.

All five were charged with murder and other crimes at the Guantanamo war crimes court, which was suspended by President Barack Obama in January while his administration considers new strategies for prosecuting terrorists.

They criticize the U.S. for fighting “from behind roadblocks, trenches and warplanes” rather than face-to-face and describe Islam as “a religion of fear” for Jews, Christians and pagans.

Obama has ordered the closure of Guantanamo, so if and when the trials resume, they will be held somewhere else and most likely under a different legal system than the widely criticized military commissions created by Congress and President George W. Bush.

If they want to plead guilty, why not let them?

  1. cruel2bkind says:

    Give em to me. I’ve got a box cutter. We will see if they are really “terrorists to the bone”.

  2. Benjamin says:

    Let them be suicide bombers. We can drop them off in the middle of some Nevada salt flats so they can blow themselves up with out anyone getting hurt.

  3. dusanmal says:

    Proof that Obama doesn’t want to fight terrorism but promote his own ideology.

  4. Romberry says:

    The first three replies to this post (not to mention the post itself) are startling for their simpleminded clueless view.

    First, the reason that Obama sought to halt the tribunals at Gitmo (which as CiC is his explicit prerogative) was because these proceedings are widely (and correctly) viewed around the world as utterly illegitimate extralegal crocks of poo that puts the US in the same boat as other lawless regimes.

    Second, the very reason that these men chose to push to enter guilty pleas (before Obama was even in office) was because they WANT to be martyred (put to death) for Islam. Accepting these pleas and carrying out such a penalty — or any penalty based on such illegitimate proceedings — only serves to grant more power to these men.

    Finally, the real outrage here is not that Obama has halted the proceedings by EO, it’s that an officer of of the US armed forces is acting explicitly to disobey a lawful order from his CiC. Looks to me as if these military judge is bucking to lose his commission if not in fact putting himself in a position to face court martial proceedings.

    We have civilian control of our military. Or at least we are supposed to. Focus on the real issue and that issue is some in the military acting as if they are not under civilian control.

    As to the alleged terrorists? No way in hell do I give these men what they want. What I do is bring them to trial legitimately.

  5. soundwash says:

    from the OP:
    “If they want to plead guilty, why not let them?”

    -because, in the name of his administration’s shining agenda of “never let a good crisis go to waste” ideology, -he and his crisis-loving megalomaniacs will wait until the most politically expedient and opportunistic time to inject the Gitmo/911/Terror Campaign with new invigorated blood from which the vamapiristic mainstream media will feast upon and then use to indoctrinate even more entrained, rhetorical loving lemmings into their ideological madness.

    -and not a second sooner.


  6. jim says:

    You’d plea guilty too if you were tortured like these guy’s have been. The whole thing is BS.

  7. Floyd says:

    Simple solution to the terrorists: accept their pleas of guilty, sentence them to life in prison, and send them to a Supermax facility.

    Keep them from contacting anyone on the outside, especially visitors.

    Keep them in the prison until they die of natural causes. No “martyrdom,” and they will be forgotten over time.

  8. eaze says:

    Thank god for 6#! The only person with some sense so far. These guys are all part of the propoganda BS which is to make out that 9/11 was a Muslim thing instead of a huge scam.

    Its sad that people actually believe that these guys did it out of their own intention, assuming they were actually the ones that did it.

    The men you see on trial are actors, United States please don’t fall for this one.

  9. deowll says:

    Jim, your view of how the universe works and how these guys thank it works does not intersect.

    Given the chance these men would happily gut you like a fish and strangle you with your own entrails and all in the name of Allah the magnanimous.

    The odd thing is that it wouldn’t be personal. To them you are a blight on the face of Allah’s creation and they are simply trying to remove the blight in order to make the world a better place to live more in harmony with Allah’s divine design.

    I’m sure you’re much to parochial in your views to get this but hopefully enough sane people are around to prevent you from getting a lot of innocent third parties killed.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    “If they want to plead guilty, why not let them?”

    Because O’Mama is a bleeding heart lib that will end up getting more American’s killed.

  11. QB says:

    Paddy-O said “Because O’Mama is a bleeding heart lib that will end up getting more American’s killed.”

    And he juggles puppies. And is a pope abuser. And puts ketchup on his hot dogs.

  12. RBG says:

    7. Does it really sound like these guys are pleading guilty because of any torture?

    I love #8 ease and I sure hope he’s not putting us on because that would be a real waste of nutcake. Yes, they’re all actors over in Afghanistan & Iraq & Iran, you saw through the whole thing.

    0 “If they want to plead guilty, why not let them?”

    Because that would deprive a lawyer of his God-given right to spend multi-millions of dollars on a trial that hinges on a shrunken glove that does not fit.


  13. The word says:

    These guys will be moved back to Afghanistan to the expanded detention facility that is nearing completion in Kandahar.

    There they will be turned over to the Afghanis and traded for prisoners held by the Taliban.

    Lock it in.

  14. eaze says:

    #12 im completely serious and no they are not actors in Iraq and Afghanistan they are shooting targets. In Iran they are ‘potential’ shooting targets.

    #13 thanks for the hat Pedro!

    You all know it was an inside job and a scam. Or do you think that these guys planned to bring the buildings down with their secret WMD steel melting jet fuel? I don’t see how anyone with half an ounce of sense can think it wasn’t an inside job. There is no scientific explanation of the buildings collapsing without an array of demolition charges planted all over inside, which instantly rules out anything, other than an inside job.

  15. I hate to explain the naivete but the fanatics of the religion of peace see this not as positive but rather a sign of weakness
    Their biggest insult at demonstrations ( try driving as a women and demonstrating in our friend’s country Saudi Arabia)
    Lets not hope they get too carried away with their management style and management styles
    Political correctness is just wonderful – especially when the other side wants to cut your head off and murder you

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, doewll,

    Given the chance these men would happily gut you like a fish and strangle you with your own entrails and all in the name of Allah the magnanimous.

    From the sounds of it, many posters here would do the same thing to all Arabs. Simply because their “god” is bigger.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, ease,

    You won’t win any arguments claiming the WTC tragedy was done purposefully or was an inside job.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 11 QB said, “And he juggles puppies. And is a pope abuser. And puts ketchup on his hot dogs.”

    Hmm. I didn’t know that. However, what does that have to do with him putting American lives at risk?

  19. RBG says:

    15 eaze

    All your 9/11 questions have already been answered on these DU items without you having to do a stitch of research. Read it and then you can go back to studying your belly button lint.

    The jet fuel set ablaze the office materials with typical office fire temperatures known to weaken steel which is confirmed by photos of WTC sagging steel beams prior to the collapse. Also up in smoke is everything you believed to be true moments ago.


  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, Phony Climate Scientist, Leading Troll Extraordinare, Asstrologist, Unintelligent Designer, Cyber Eggspert, Goofy Geographer, Failed Poopcycle Stand Promoter, and President of the “I Hate America Club”

    # 11 QB said, “And he juggles puppies. And is a pope abuser. And puts ketchup on his hot dogs.”

    Hmm. I didn’t know that. However, what does that have to do with him putting American lives at risk?

    You would have to be a big business executive to understand that.

    Why do you hate America so much?

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 21 Mr. Fusion said, “You would have to be a big business executive to understand that.”

    Huh. Who would have thought juggling puppies & putting condiments on hot dogs was “big business”?

    I guess you would… LOL

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #23 LOL!

  23. Todd Peterson says:

    “If they want to plead guilty, why not let them?”

    Because after you have tortured them for five years, nothing they say is believable!

  24. soundwash says:

    look, its all false flag propaganda. the only reason this is getting dragged out is to serve as a distraction away from the real crooks.

    anyone who believes such a complex Op was carried without any backing from is more naive than a 5 year old.

    heck, just go tripping through the mountains of declassified documents. -your tax dollars
    at work.. 😀

    for some anecdotal evidence, how about an old 1992 Timewatch documentary that focuses mostly on government backed terror campaigns
    to upset democracy in italy in the 80’s?
    (and the assassination of the italian PM)

    “Operation Gladio – Behind False Flag Terrorism”

    also attempts to explain the “why” behind
    seemingly pointless murders at supermarkets

    (guess what, [amongst others] -american cia/special ops were involved in that too. -features retired ex-police commissioners and the like for added *realism*) surprised? -i should hope not.

    people who like to believe their would never be engaged in such atrocities really need to take off the rose tinted glasses..

    -no doubt over the next few months we’ll have a few columbine style shootouts in the news to keep the public nice and malleable in accepting, maybe even begging, for more government intervention and expansion
    of the police state…most likely to end
    in another relatively large scale terror attack of some sort to put the icing on the cake.

    this will all be interwoven with phases II & III of the financial terror campaign (upcoming ARM/ALT-A mortgage resets coupled with the big hushed up commercial meltdown that will be played out like another media surprise.
    “omg, we had no clue this was going to happen, either!”

    meanwhile people as far back as 2001 had
    pegged 2009 as the beginning of the second great depression.

    -lots of fun government initiated crises still to come.[by virtue of financial regulatory
    rollbacks from the 70’s forward]

    no doubt this is a precursory signal for more “mini-terror” -or isolated “kiddie”
    terror to be lined up to hit your local boob-tube in the next month or two.

    “crisis overload” would be an excellent card to play for the next three-four months. (through 12 to 18 months, of course.)

    in the midst of the current well planned, wonderfully executed financial terror
    campaign, we still have on the calendar, the commercial real-estate market collapse on deck, 2, 3 & 5 year Alt-A +(ARM) mortgage loan resets picking up steam with a proper roll out starting just as summer closes up shop.

    -and they have all been rolled up into AAA rated securities which seem to be in every portfolio on the planet

    -now add to that, some random shootings and you have the ultimate “terror buffet” any fascist would love to call their own.

    step way back and look at the big (global) picture. if you still cannot see the mechanics of what is right in front of your nose, well then, have a nice day.

    deprogram yourself by turning of the bloody TV. get a radio.

    now, go do something productive with your TV
    time. you’ll thank me in 5 years or so..

  25. soundwash says:

    #21: mr. fusion.. –rofl..

    /me pictures huge festering boils of hate all over Mr. Fusion’s face, -popping and spewing forth years of political dogma whenever he starts to think of how he’s going to respond to a Paddy-O post.

    -turn off your TV and get a clue d00d.

    /me gets another bag of popcorn..


  26. Paddy-O says:

    Here’s the “real” Oabma anti terror guy. I mean if he wasn’t against the 2nd Amendment.

  27. RBG says:

    #26 soundwash

    Now let me guess what your views are on the moon landing, Kennedy assassination, UFOs, paranormal phenomena, and the Pearl Harbor surprise attack…


  28. soundwash says:


    -last little pearl of thought

    i think one of the most telling and maybe perplexing things that precipitated out of 9/11 was who the first pick to head the 9/11 Commission…non other than all around globalist fun guy -Henry Kissinger.

    -Kissinger? [-how did he get mixed in to this
    conspiracy crap?]

    -who of course, was taken off the list supposedly for conflicts of interest.
    however, since he would have had to had
    opened up his “little black book’ to the
    public..i say the interest was all his own.

    just think of this one confuzzlement

    -that crazy guy we all love to hate,
    -reborn again christian, president
    george w. bush,

    -who was such a staunch
    anti-abortion (or so we think) defender, supposedly supported the planned parent hood, abortion king, Henry Kissinger to head the 9/11 commission..

    i say planned parenthood king if only by

    relation to his ‘1974 NSC “genocide”
    study” NSSM200 – National Security Study Memorandum 200″ that he proposed

    funny how this rather serious document [imo] escaped his “cleansed” wiki entry.

    -given bushes [later] fanatical anti-abortion views, i think this kinda stinks of a whole different kind of conflict of interest..

    maybe in the grand illusion, i’m supposed to believe bush put his political and personal agendas aside to recommend kissinger [who you would think he would *hate*] to do the job.

    however, if your step back and look at all the other propaganda, then how could you think bush is anything more than yet another elaborate NWO puppet, much like his father [to a lesser degree, given prescott’s hand in history] as well as his replacement.

    it all amounts to nothing, yet everything, depending on who’s version of history you decide to get sucked into.

    bottom line history, study motive, study “que bono” and lastly, study how to find “the truth.”

    put aside your political aspirations and bias aside and look at all the evidence. (or lack
    there off) and get a friggen clue..

  29. soundwash says:

    …um.. number mismatch in my previous post. gotta run to the store…be back in a bit to clarify..


  30. RBG says:

    30 soundwash. Well I think I just experienced the “evidence. (or lack thereof),” anyway.

    “-given bushes [later] fanatical anti-abortion views, i think this kinda stinks of a whole different kind of conflict of interest..”

    Yes, I see the connection now. Bush needed Kissinger to cover up government destruction of the WTC towers because all the victims were pro-abortion or something like that.



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