• Apple netbook rumors reemerge. Meanwhile the Apple App Store now has 25,000 apps.
  • Seagate shows super fast data rate disk.
  • Another Google Docs glitch… a bad one.
  • Study sez: your are paying over 3 dollars a minute for that cell phone!
  • Intel working on new white box stuff.
  • CeBit closes on 22-year low.
  • Analysts say Win7 to be done by summer!

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  1. 888 says:

    Win7 by summer?

    Yet another wanky beta disguised as final product to be tested on customers.

    Will anyone finally dare to file any coherent lawsuit/class suit action against such practices?
    Its about time!

  2. Randomized says:

    Isn’t the $3.02 per minute figure dealing with the fact that people buy plans with thousands of minutes and then use a very small amount of minutes?

  3. Randomized says:

    I think the $3.02 per minute articles are talking about people who buy thousands of minutes per month and use very few….which brings the overpriced plan / minutes used to $3.02.

  4. Paul says:

    WindowsME to be fixed by this summer?


  5. Noodle says:

    Google no longer is relevant. Who even knows if there server farms are dishing out data when it could only be spinning hard disks.

    I say this because I typed in “global warming”, for example, in the Google search field and Google claims it found 34,600,000 results in 0.23 seconds!

    okay so who has the time to VERIFY even 1,000 results?!

    I call Google’s bluff. Google has become Noodle.

  6. deowll says:

    People are already running the Mac OS on netbooks. Apple can sell them or not. It doesn’t really seem to matter.

    888, You might bother to check around. A lot of people are running 7 and they think it works fine. Most say they want it now.

  7. Grandpa says:

    I’d like to make a prediction. Windows 7(Vista lite) will be out near October, in time for Christmas.

  8. Troublemaker says:

    I’m sure that, if the rumors are true, that Apple with inevitably make the same exact mistake that Sony made with their “netbook” by pricing it in the $500-1,000 range.

    The popularity on “netbooks” has EVERYTHING to do with their price points, not their form factor.

  9. Ron Larson says:

    Which Summer? And which hemisphere? North or south?

  10. Somebody_Else says:

    Looks like the Vista bashers are already here… don’t you all have anything better to do than spout BS?

    The “Seagate/AMD 6GB/s Drive” story isn’t about an actual drive, its the latest update to the SATA interface. The original SATA spec supported 1.5 GB/s, the current SATA spec supports 3 GB/s, and the proposed spec supports 6 GB/s. No rotating drive comes anywhere near 6 GB/s (or 1.5 GB/s for that matter), but solid state drives have extremely high burst rates and should be able to take advantage of the additional bandwidth. There are other minor performance benefits for using the new standard.

    All newer drives should be backwards compatible with the SATA 1.5 and 3GB/s interfaces. The idea is to roll the new standard out now so that when faster drives come along all the newer computers will be ready.

  11. amodedoma says:

    Cebit looks like it’ll follow Comdex, and if it weren’t for public subsidies it probrably would be gone already. I would’ve gone this year if only just to pick up some cheap chinese imports at sample prices, just couldn’t get away from work.

  12. Jim says:

    3.02 a minute, huh? I just checked my statement and it works out to about 20c a minute, only because I usually use 1/3 to 2/3rds of my minutes every month.

    Damn, I should get crackin’ and find somebody to call me for hours during the day.

    Of course it’s because you pick up a plan for 69.99 and never question it — which is right where the cell companies loves you to be.

    And then they get slightly upset when you keep the plan for five years and they realize you’re costing them more than the plan is worth.

  13. QB says:

    I think Mr Dvorak and Grandpa are right. RTM August, public October. Rumour has it they are trying to line up some big profile corporations to do a “compelling” upgrade from XP to Win7 in September.

  14. 888 says:


    Majority of people thought Windows 95 was fine, as well as 98, DOS, XP and anything else. Since when any “majority” knows anything at all?
    Majority always does what the minorities told them to do, genius 😉


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