Suppose Google’s exceptional and easy to use 3D drawing program, SketchUp were just a tad more powerful than today’s version. This video provides just a bit more interesting take on the future of computer usage than Microsoft’s.

And here is a different example of world building today for a car commercial.

  1. Kuma says:

    simply outstanding.

  2. bobbo says:

    In other media, you start with different colored dirt and cow’s blood but few have the skills/creativity to be da Vinci or Michelangelo.

    Same with computers.

  3. chuck says:

    So, in the future, we’ll all be plugged into the matrix. I’m ok with that.

    But if everything makes an annoying bzzllp sound every time you touch it – after about 5 bzzllps I’ll snap and go on a killing spree.

  4. amodedoma says:

    Back in the 70’s, when I first came in contact with computers I too had crazy dreams about all the things that could be done with them in the future. Unfortunately, practical concerns influence industry much more forcefully, than fantasies. I was sure that by now the semi intelligent talking computer companion would be a reality. OK so it’s the year 2009, and no, we don’t live like the Jetson’s, I guess I’ll just have to get over it. Thirty years from now the future will probably be just as disappointing as the present is from a perspective of 30 years ago.

  5. bobbo says:

    #4–amodedoma==right you are. I recall thinking that “in a few years” I’ll take out a second mortgage and really invest in the computer power needed to run a spiffy virtual reality world/holodeck and avoid the Saturday Morning hangovers.

    I’m still drinking.

  6. iPics says:

    That looks like to much clicking work…)

    In the future they’ll just hack into your optic nerve and the display will all be in your head.

  7. Dallas says:

    Very nice.

    This is why Obama wants to invest in broadband. Hopefully this training video for the republicans will help.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    We can’t even do natural voice recognition yet. This is a hyped pipe dream…

  9. Miguel says:

    A few thoughts after watching this little clip:

    – an argument for Intelligent Design?
    – how much training required to handle this sort of Uber-Photoshop? How much it cost? Would the boss pay for it, or trust you learn as you go?
    – grey offices ALWAYS?
    – schedules, schedules, schedules, ALWAYS?
    – do these creative videos always have to have sad/sinister soundtracks?
    – in a World where Nature has been destroyed, only the employees of Megarich Hypercorp will be able to show flowers to their comatose girlfriends?
    – Memory erase times too slow.
    – one of the best videos this year so far. But why has optimism fallen out of fashion?

  10. Stu Mulne says:

    Be nicer if they’d just fix Vista….

  11. FRAGaLOT says:

    This is like Second Life with no lag, and better textures. I did like the concept of coma victims being able to live a life in a virtual world with their families. Though i didn’t understand why that man kept hidden from her.

  12. John Paradox says:

    Shell Beach?


  13. Uncle Dave says:

    #12: nice Dark City reference!

  14. moshguy says:

    I always love seeing what people’s perceptions of what the future holds. It’s kinda like asking a little kid what he wants to be when he grows up. They may say firefighter now but in 30 years, firefighters may not even exist.

  15. Somebody says:

    #11: You beat me to it. I was thinking “What version of Second Life is this?” through the whole thing.

    I would guess about 3.0

    All that’s missing is the emersive 3D and gesture interface.

    But at some point, Second Life and Google Earth will have to merge and there will be a need to overlay the 3D imagery onto the real world. So that a building can stand in virtual 3D the whole while that the actual building is being constructed.

    That, of course, will require really accurate GPS data.

  16. Scott M says:

    Trite. A moist musing (wet dream).

    Just another nerd fantasy of intelligence attracting and stimulating the female. They might just as well have been pitching automobiles.

    The producers knew this and threw in the “plot twist” of the coma patient. Jtdc, the last thing a coma patient needs is a strange, new environment devoid of familiar objects, people, sounds, interactions.

    You want to restart the brain? Build linkages that bridge the gaps created by the stroke/accident.

    Now for a real plot twist: Induced comas for inmates followed by repeated recreations of the crime they committed with *them* as the victim.

    This guy’s name was not “Buck”.

  17. Walter says:

    Vista ready?

  18. Everone says:

    How to download Windows 7?


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