![]() Daylife/Reuters Pictures
President Obama and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Michael Mullen on Saturday discussed how the U.S. military can assist Mexico in addressing growing violence from drug cartels, according to a military official.
The conversation, which Obama initiated within hours of Mullen’s return to the United States from a visit to Mexico City, underscores the growing concern with which the United States views the situation…
The president expressed interest in military capabilities that the U.S. has that could help Mexican forces, including intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance technology, the official said…
This week, a U.S. citizen was among the three decapitated bodies found in Tijuana, Mexican authorities said Saturday. Growing drug violence has made beheadings in Tijuana, Juarez and other Mexican towns more commonplace over the past year.
Mexico has become the focus for everything cruel and inhuman about the so-called War on Drugs.
Civil war in a state with a completely privatized government.
The bad bit about drugs being illegal is that enough money is generated to corrupt entire regions of a country.
#1 You think prices would drop with the FDA regulating it? LOL
On this curve of mismanagement of society, Mexico is only a few steps ahead of the USA. Surprising Obama “says” the Military is not the only solution when dealing with foreign enemies yet he is buying right into the criminalization of a health issue that would be better served by non-military means.
I’m looking for change.
Prohibition never has, never will work. The vast numbers of Americans has a shaky hold on reality. Meanwhile are getting rich, including defense contractors and greased politician. Except the user, who results to crime to support a habit, so we cut education to keep all the prisons going.
Over 25% of LA’s jail population is here illegally. The LA Mayor shelters these guys and keeps LAPD from pursuing known, violent, drug gang members who come in illegally.
# 6 RTaylor said, “so we cut education to keep all the prisons going.”
Nope, per capita the US spends more on EDU than ANY other country.
#8 So what makes education spending per capita so relevant? The US ranks 38th on a GDP basis.
We rank 3rd on military GDP spending.
# 9 Dallas said, “What makes education spending per capita so relevant?”
Are you REALLY that stupid or are you just kidding?
#10. Not kidding, not stupid and most likely have far more education than you ever will but I digress.
Lets try again.
What makes education spending on a per capita basis so relevant versus spending on a GNP basis? You have brought this up several times so defend why that metric supersedes all others.
#5 Alfred1
>>Where’s the blame America first crowd when it might be appropriate?
Because that’s one of the groups purchasing a large percentage of illegal drugs. Not only do they hate the country but it would seem that they hate themselves as well.
Mexico. What a shit hole country. Potheads in CA will soon not have to depend on wetback pot, since the dumbshits in Sacramento and SF are going to make it legal for any dumbshit to grow and smoke all the pot they want. Great. More of America for me to take advantage of, since they will spend their lives in a coma. I pack all of the time these days, since things are going to hell so quickly.
#5 “future democratic voters are allowed to swarm into the country”
Extremely perceptive, and extremely relevant to the current political situation. The liberals are ruining this country.
2# Of course regulating it would keep the prices down. The only reason these gangs have control is because of the demand for these drugs on the ilegal market.
If drugs were freely, legally available, there is no way that the mexixan drug cartels are going to force walmart to stop selling their product cheaper, nor force every consumer to buy their overpriced bad quality substances as opposed to legal alternatives.
most of the problems in Mexico is that MEXICO doesnt have a decent police force ANYWHERE except major metro areas and Tourist locations..EVEN those are wimpy..
Military wise?? LAUGH..
Another point for you Bologna eaters..
Pot from mexico has gone to the dogs, its CRAP, because they can sell it.
Legalize MJ, tax it and drop the prices, then MONITOR the customers.
You would be eliminating 80% of there market.
The liberals are ruining this country.
It’s amazing how much they can do in just 2.5 months. As compared to, say, the last nine years.
I’ll play along just shut you down.
Country A has a GDP of $5/ year & a pop of 100
They spend 100% GDP on EDU. That means person is given 5 cents a year.
According to you that would be better than the situation in the U.S. AND, it’s a reason you are a liberal. You never went to see the Wizard…
“War on Drugs”.
What an oxymoron.
“We want your tax money to keep our cushy govt jobs and offices forever” – that’s what “War on Drugs” means.
Invade Mexico. Then the Southern border would be more manageable.
The drug problem will be over when the American economy collapses and no one can afford the high price of drugs.
The gun control nuts will haul out their illegal guns to defend themselves from desparate drugees. The stupid proles who believed them will be robbed, robbed, robbed.
please.. what a crock.
this is just a cover story. -we and the PBT’s
have been arming the gangs for decades.
obama went down there to share the minutes
from the North America’s SuperCorridor
Coalition’s meetings this past week in where else, Chicago of course. (3/5-3/9)
IF and when, obama *arrests and prisons for longer than 5yrs* -any of the 30+ in his administration and congress that have had a major hand in destroying America, (starting with rahmmi) -then i *might* be inclined to believe a white house
pres release and/or his intention.
until then..anyone who supports him is, like him, a traitor.
Lets keep doing the same old thing. Because it works so well.
want you folks to think about something..
IF’ we dropped letters into mexico..
“If you want to join the USA, SAY SO”
You would probably get 80%+ to say YES..
do you know WHO the last 20% are?
the RICH.
The CORPS. Cheap labor close to home.
The CORPS. as we would take the EPA and regulators into mexico.
Drug lords, as government coverage of the area is SPARSE.