Video Courtesy of – 2 Bountiful teachers arrested for sex with student — Bountiful indeed!
Bountiful police have arrested two teachers from Bountiful Junior High School for having sex with one of their students.
Valynn Bowers, 39, was arrested Thursday evening, and officers took 46-year-old Linda Nef into custody Friday afternoon.
With the suspects being so much older than their victim some wonder what would prompt them to commit the crime.
University of Utah psychology professor Don Strassberg says that would be an easier question to answer if the teachers were men. With men, he says, it’s probably about the sex.

Found by PG Kelly.
The strange thing about this and others stories in the recent past is that the guys reported it. Back when I was that age I couldn’t imagine myself or my friends complaining about a woman wanted to have sex.
Seconded. Just the thought of a junior high girl talking is enough to give me a headache
#1–BryanP==have you ever been honest about anything concerning your emotions?
“”It’s appealing to any of us, attention. We all like to have attention. But imagine if it’s a person who, for whatever reason, isn’t getting a lot of attention in their lives and suddenly they’re getting it from this student,” Strassberg said.”
If you were honest, you would admit to the conflict. In the best case, the conflict is easily won because we are adults. But when the issue is totally denied as you have done, – – – well, “I just don’t know.”
#2–Paddy==not worth rereading but did the Kiddie complain or brag or just mention it?
# 5 bobbo said, “not worth rereading but did the Kiddie complain or brag or just mention it?”
I think it said, “turned himself in.” I presume to school officials…
#7–Bryan==hah, hah. Yea==so now address the issue.
You are in DENIAL, or simply lack the imagination/honesty to recognize that 1% or more of little kiddies could be very attractive to you.
We already both agree it is our responsibility to the kiddies in questions, our selves, and all thats holy to resist such a rare and occasional impulse.
My view is that to admit the conflict is the start of a good defense.
Your “just say no/abstinence only” DENIAL approach is the product of repression, religiosity, or a of a conscious predator.
Take your choice.
Looking at the teacher’s mugs, I have to ask the general question – are teachers taking testosterone or something?
If it’s not about the sex then why were they having sex?
Can a woman out there answer this and not some stupid Ph.D. pyschologist who thinks he knows women?
Duh–I’m not a woman, and I’m not a PhD Psychologist -but- I believe all people are more the same than different===including men and women, adults and kiddies. So==motivations are never “simple” unless you are psychotic, religious, or have money to make. No–things are most often layered, complex, conflicting, unrecognized, new, different, detached from reality.
Perhaps more importantly, while women “on average” may have less sexual predation on their minds, that doesn’t mean some don’t. And while kiddies “on average” may have less sexual predation on their minds, that doesn’t mean some don’t.
I put it down to bad management and bad credentialling for teaching staff. Expose them to the issues and how to get help so they don’t go running around in DENIAL and get surprised by a precocious kiddie.
Know what I mean those who should?
I don’t see the problem with this. Who cares what other people do?
“With men, he says, it’s probably about the sex.”
Yes, because it could never be about sex if it’s a woman… double standards, ride on!!
As I tell my 9 and 10th grade students when they sometimes joke around—get in touch once you’re 18 and have graduated.
Nothing so far.
We have to get this kids story.A Lifetime movie for sure.Lifetime,television for misogynists and idiots.
tell them two gals they look so hot,
how about a three-some… when they get out?;-)
#15 A Lifetime movie will show the women as sympathetic, possibly even the victims of uncaring distant spouses.
17-nice condescending attitude. Obviously something drives people to create such acts, to seek out attention wherever they can find it.
Forcible sodomy? That came out of no where! haha! Did they rape him with a broom or something???
Duke, I found that a surprise as well. How does a woman have forcible sodomy with a kid? Secondly, why?
At this kid’s age I was more interested in adult women then the girls in my class. My faves were were in my dad’s playboys.
#18 You must have never seen Lifetime.
When I walk into the room where my wife is watching a Lifetime program, I always ask “Which guy is the low life SOB in this one?” She always points him out.
At least she’s never said “All of them.”
They may have reported it, but you can be damn sure that it’s the mothers that made them report it.
I’ve had training in spotting and resolving these types of issues.
Sexual abuse is not about sexual gratification, but about power. The sexual gratification usually just leaves the perpetrator wanting more because it doesn’t fill that need to dominate, hence the high rate of recidivism of sexual predators.
Look at their mugs and age.
Obviously they couldn’t get laid anywhere else, junior high kiddos were at hand and probably oh-so-easy to make them horny and fuck them.
Also old jewish saying is right again:
“If you don’t know what is it about – it is about money”. Ditto.
How much “in damages” kiddo’s parents are asking for?
# 23 Named said, “They may have reported it, but you can be damn sure that it’s the mothers that made them report it.”
Umm, how would the mothers know? Circular logic there.
The simple answer would be the student using Voodoo love spells on the teachers. It was an exercise in power.
It gets more complicated when you think about the demonic power Voodoo taps into. And if there are demons, then there is a Satan. If there is a Satan, then there is a God.
Do you have a better answer?
The women are Teachers, aren’t they?? Well, the way I see it these exceptional educators are just teaching some enthusiastic pupils.
Hard work to come by, right DJ?
How many men will drive up to a corner and take some ugly crack-whore for a drive just to get a quick BJ?
Now, imagine you’re in junior high with raging hormones and a woman (any woman: ugly, pretty, fat, thin, old, young) wants to suck you after school. For FREE!
At least until the novelty wears off and you’re going out with Cindy and her teenaged tits on Friday and you realize that saggy-boobed creature with a bleached-moustache smells like an ashtray.
This isn’t clear from the excerpt: they had sex with the same student. That kid may have hit his sexual peak at 13.
They should teach a class on how to give a proper BJ.
Damn, I was never ‘abused’ by my teachers.