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Listening right now…what is up with Adam? It’s like he’s on uppers or something. Take a deep breath.
What’s with the Yanni photo?
“Throwing something into someone’s face is an– hugely aggressive act. [..] Extremely aggressive behavior [..]] That is VIOLENCE.”
When did Adam Curry grow a vagina? Such a hugely AGGRESSIVE act. Good thing he wasn’t around to lecture Thomas Paine or Patrick Henry.
So there’s a huge conspiracy to oppress and control mankind that is both willful and systemic; it has resulted in the false-flag operation called “9/11”; the U.K. is now a police state; corporations run wild suing grandmothers, robbing pensions, making off with billions — but don’t throw any custard!
What a giant, gaping, teased-hair vagina Adam Curry is. Out of one corner of the mouth to say people should be “rising up!” and on the other to bust his corset like Queen Victoria when somebody throws some custard!
Get a grip!
Yanni used to be in a really bad rock band called Chameleon when he lived in Minneapolis, MN in the late 70’s/early 80’s.
Warning! The Wikipedia entry was obviously written by someone in the band. Chameleon blew up suckage meters everywhere they played.
“No Agenda”
The blind, leading the blind.
“No Agenda”
Important music means important news!
No Agenda is becoming much like Yanni for me, extremely irritating. I have little love for Democrats or Republicans and I hate the entrenched politics of the U.S. as much as anyone, but No Agenda obviously has a political agenda. The 60-90 minute attacks on Obama every show are really getting old. Be honest and just call the show No Obama. At least Rush Limbaugh is honest about his platform and intentions. Good luck with the show Adam and John, I won’t be listening anymore.
Curry’s attitude saying “peeeeple are stuooopid” and his snap of the fingers to wake up the “hypnotized” was extremely annoying. He does this kind of stuff so many times, and his saying people are stupid. He’s on a high horse and should get a grip. He often comes off as being pompous, smarter than anyone, no one likes that, and he curses too much. Poop on him. He sometimes has some good things to say but it’s getting worse, or maybe it’s just how he always is and I’m just noticing it. I don’t know if I will keep listening if this garbage continues. John caught it right when he pointed out his hypocrisy. Hey John C., comb through Craig’s List and get some of those hookers on No Agenda, it would be more entertaining to listen to that conversation with John than the poop coming from the UK.
Those above are obviously not your desired audience. But I am!
Great show JCD. I really enjoyed it.
I enjoy the show and people are stupid.Most of us just want a soft bed food and a little pussy.Keep it up.
The podcast was very educational. It seems models do drugs. Bertrand Hennet, a head of a modelling agency, did $200 worth of Coke!! The Daily Mail thinks a ‘major’ drugs bust is…
‘in which police seized 150g of cocaine and 750g of cannabis from armed dealers said to have supplied cocaine to Mr Hennet and other VIP customers.’ 150g?? A Miami cop wouldn’t get out of bed for less than 10kg! The above quote Adam misinterprets to say that Hennet is the one busted with 150g.
It’s all a conspiracy to make us think Adam can’t see a conclusion without jumping towards it.
#8 you must be right. I have only been listening to every No Agenda since #10. Clearly, I am not a part of the target market. Since Nov. of last year, the shows have become more and more unbearable. #78 is where I make my stand, I am done with this show.
to Curry & Dvorak:
No shit, Sherlock(s)!
Hey now, I still love the show, although this episode was weird and rushed (JCD had a plane to catch) and like I said before, I thought Adam was way too worked up. The pace was all wrong.
I think too many Obamabots are getting upset. I voted for Obama but I love it when the guys poke fun. It’s totally in line with how I feel, Obama’s a smart guy and a great speaker, but you’all should know what power does to people, come on now, say it with me, absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you want him to succeed, keep him in check and don’t kiss his ass.
Anyways, Adam and John, loving No Agenda, slow things down, and a broader range of topics would be nice. I was looking forward to a farm report today too, what happened?
Love has become *like* as far as my affection for the show. Early versions had fresh, interesting bits and viewpoints. Recent versions have become whine & rant fests. If I want to listen to an hour plus of that, I can go over to my mother-in-law’s house. Get back to a broader range of topics and less whining (Adam – that means you).
Daylight Saving Time has the same effect as traveling one time zone away.
No point…
All my computers running Windows (1 XP and a bunch with Vista) switched the time properly.
I wish they’d just get rid of the whole thing, but it wont happen as long as “being green” is a hot topic.
Adam getting a bit excited this time, but hey, it’s funny. Good to hear someone with passion about a subject. Even if it is a load of conspiracy nutjob rubbish 😉
Here in the UK, you can get a good dose of this type of news by reading the legendary Private Eye magazine –
As well as great satire, it has sections that in every edition exposes dodgy dealings by politicians and media. From the lowly local council level all the way to the top of the government. Only problem is, after a 6 month subscription a few years back I had to stop reading it- it was simply too depressing to find out how much corruption and hypocrisy there is going on every day that you never see reported in mainstream media.