Motorist stopped by police for laughing – Telegraph — It’s amazing to me how the UK public, the one that fought the Nazis and the bombing of London, puts up with this crap.

Gary Saunders, a company director, was using a hands-free phone when he burst out laughing at a joke told by his brother-in-law, who he was talking to.

A few moments later he noticed a traffic officer flashing his lights at him and gesticulating at him to stop his Renault. When Mr Saunders got out of his car, the policeman told him: “Laughing while driving a car can be an offence.”

The officer spent half an hour questioning his suspect before reluctantly allowing him to carry on his way. However, he took another hour-and-a-half of Mr Saunders’ time by ordering him to produce his licence and other documents at a police station.

Mr Saunders, the managing director of Spontex Workwear, of Liverpool, said the delay meant that he missed an important appointment. “I couldn’t believe it when he told me I’d been pulled over for laughing,” he said.

Found by Kevin McKay.

  1. Hmeyers says:

    More surprising is that “1984” was written in the UK and the movie was filmed there and “V for Vendetta” takes place there and they are trying their damnest to make it to true.

    Maybe in the next James Bond movie, James Bond quits seeing he was fighting against those totalitarian commies all those years and for what!

    And think of the big deal all of the freedoms lost by Hong Kong when it was turned over to China.

    The line between the UK versus the old USSR/China/WWII Germany is getting very unclear.

  2. Thinker says:

    Ok, gotta say it! “You must be Joking!”

    🙂 But seriously, I would laugh my head off if an officer told me this is why he pulled me over. (I’d be angry too)

  3. deowll says:

    You would still do as you are told because Britian is a police state and the Police have the muscle to make you go down to the station and spend as much time as they want.

  4. davyb says:

    The “possible charge” would be driving without due care and attention

    Photo inappropriate, in the UK we drive on the left hand side of the road in right hand drive cars. (or maybe it would be appropriate if the UK had been beaten in WW2) – maybe John thinks we were 🙁 –

    [we probably were seriously beaten up economically in WW2 by the US] £1 = $4.03 1940 Bretton-Woods, 19/9/1949 £1 = $2.80, today £1 is about $1.46]

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    # 4 davyb said, in part:
    “Photo inappropriate, in the UK we drive on the left hand side of the road in right hand drive cars.”

    That _is_ odd, as the photo came from the web page this story is taken from. You can see it hasn’t been mirror-image reversed as the numbers on the license plate visible through the windshield are legible.

  6. eaze says:

    The police don’t actually need a reason by law to pull you over in Britain.

  7. brm says:

    Brits need to revolt. Like, now.

  8. WmDE says:

    “Your Majesty! The people are revolting!”

    “You said it! They stink on ice.”

  9. faxon says:

    The UK is seriously f’d up. This is the same country that banned firearms. And now, Orama wants to do the same. Think about it. The reason the Second Amendment exists is to insure the other nine. If you think the UK situation isn’t coming here, then you have drunk the Kool Aid.

  10. Winston Smith says:

    faxon said “The UK is seriously f’d up. This is the same country that banned firearms. And now, Orama wants to do the same.”

    BS. Obama has no intention of banning firearms. That you think anyone would believe that bull is insults us and demeans you.

  11. Lou says:

    They have to grow some balls quick over in the UK.

  12. doodle says:

    Being from the UK I must concur that UK citizens are amongst the most pussy whipped citizens in the Western world.

    Still, at least this guy didn’t get tasered, pepper sprayed or shot in the back for pointing out he didn’t have any hair.

  13. Grimbo says:

    “It amazing to me how the UK public, the one that fought the Nazis and the bombing of London, puts up with this crap.”

    Maybe… because it isn’t true?

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    # 9faxon.

    Of course you’re absolutely right. As odd as it sounds, though, many posters on this blog simply cannot seem to be able to see what is obvious.

    I’m still mystified by this.

  15. Lou says:

    One good idea from the UK is putting a tire over a speed camera and posting it on web site. Thats the spirit we expect from the UK.

  16. RTaylor says:

    Has anyone thought that this guy was laughing so hard in heavy traffic, he shouldn’t be driving at that moment? The officer probably pulled him because he was weaving in traffic. It may not have been his fault, but his attention was not on the road. It’s like spilling some beverage while driving. That second or two of distraction can easily end up in a rear end collision. I know because I did it once.

  17. andycactus says:


    The car plate that is visible is not a UK style plate, more like a mainland Europe plate. So the photo could be a Frenchy driving a frenchy car in France. Perhaps they image searched “Renault” and slapped in the top hit.

  18. Sokrates says:

    Do you even realize how much crap is going on in *your* country?

  19. bobbo says:

    I can’t tell which lane the guy is driving in or that the road is not one way for both lanes?

    I wonder if there is “anything” not included in the review?

  20. brc2003 says:

    Oh come on we don’t know what this guy was doing. If he had tears of laughter streaming down his face and was having trouble concentrating on the road, and was going at 70 miles an hour on the motorway that could be a major traffic accident.

    Obviously powers can be overused, but this story could easily not represent the true state of affairs.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    This above is what happens when libs are in control for too long…

  22. Carcarius says:

    I know of a company that recently purchased a video surveillance equipment company founded in the UK. They want to sell that technology here. It’s spreading… it’s the British invasion part 3(?)!

  23. scadragon says:

    You all need to seriously watch “V For Vendetta” again. And then take up arms against your government. Oh wait…. the government over there has disarmed it’s populace.
    Ohhh too bad. Oh well. Guess you’ll just have to roll over and take it then.

  24. orangetiki says:

    i’m calling bullshit. Either this article is complete BS, or the cop just made up a law to pull someone over.

  25. 888 says:

    They drive on the wrong side of the road and have horrible accent, don’t they?
    Anything is possible in such funny country 😀

  26. Miguel Correia says:

    My goodness, what will this make to Monty Python?


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