You can also watch a longer, 5 minute version.

  1. ECA says:

    NOW to take ALL THINKING out of schools..

  2. deowll says:

    Figure something like a Kendle for $3.50 in ten years for the hard ware but maybe not MS OS.

    MS does not have its act together at the top.

    I don’t think board band providers are going to make this happen either.

  3. skatterbrainz says:

    Technology is almost always cool. It’s the humans that are idiots.

  4. the real billybob says:

    Not unless they pay big bucks to use multi-touch.

  5. bill says:

    Only if MS buys Apple or Porsche Design.

    Bill needs to get his folks out of Seattle and move to California or Germany or Milan.

    It’s the weather I think.

  6. 888 says:

    Future like this with *Microsoft*?
    Holy shit, just a thought make me scared shitless.


    As someone pointed out:
    2001 – Win XP
    2010 – Win 7
    2019 – Win 8.5 (with the same old cranky NT code at its heart)

  7. OvenMaster says:

    #28: Sounds fine at first, but remember: “Anyone can claim to be a consultant… legitimate ones have actual paying clients.”

  8. Kingstrum says:

    Sooo…the future is a half-assed design based on some drunken interns repeated viewings of “Minority Report”, every hard sci-fi book written in the last 25 years, and the complete body of Syd Mead’s work? This looked like Apple updated Scully’s “Knowledge Navigator” video.

    Let’s face facts: the future is not going to be nearly as cool as we think/wish it will be. 200x doesn’t have the aforementioned flying cars, nor jet packs, or even a decent robotic maid. The “Jetson’s” was a cartoon and this is a marketing-droids notion of what THEY think WE want the future to be.

    At this point if we’re not all living in cardboard boxes and resorting to cannibalism by 2019, I’ll call it a small victory for the hu-mans.

    As for the usual “MS v. Apple v. Linux” debate: get over it. Like everything else in life, nothing in the tech industry lasts forever. MS diddled away their chits trying to pull people into a fenced-in barnyard to slop down the hogs/customers with high-protein billyG schlock. Apple, unable to take the hint or learn from someone else’s mistakes, is simply headed to the same sorry end, just in a snazzy hybrid limo. The greatest triumph of Linux will be when everyone — especially geeks — stop caring about the inner-most guts and start doing real work; then, suddenly, people will discover true User Nirvana when an instant-on, never-needs-rebooting, perfectly-portable, and infinitely configurable OS simply becomes the defacto basis for building your apps on. PCs become embedded life storage devices and brain extensions (culminating, of course, in the first true cyborg around 2144).

    Now if I can just finish my (paten pending) masterwork — smudge-proof glass — I’ll be the one laughing all the way to the Nationalized Financial Services Center and WaffleHut.

  9. Toptensoft says:

    Go penguins!

  10. mrmigu says:

    Thats of course assuming we will be able to create enough energy to power just about every tangible object

  11. Paddy-O says:

    #44 Of course we will. The entire US will be covered in solar farms. It’ll wipe out thousands of species but we will have electricity 10hours/day.

  12. Brian says:

    It’s funny to listen to all the brain-dead, zombies chanting the apple company lines. Look, your little toys you call computers are just that – toys. Apple will never have the ability to work in the size, scale, and scope needed to really make an impact on the computer landscape. Hell, they can’t even make a cell phone that sends photos or copies and pastes LOL!

    MS, meanwhile, has a tremendous backbone and the capital to make the things shown in this video possible. Blue screens of death? I’ve been running XP for years and never gotten one. I guess when you run cheap shit for hardware and download pr0n 24/7 you’re going to get BSoD’s. Meanwhile, those of us who know how to use our computers never get them.

  13. QB says:

    Brian, it’s funny. betteryeti was the only poster in 46 comments who made a slightly pro-Apple comment. Are you guys compensating for something?

    It’s a computer, grow up, get over it.

  14. Zybch says:

    QB are you kidding, or just plain blind??
    Almost EVERY comment was a pro apple one, its THEM that are trying to compensate for something, perhaps apple’s <5% worldwide market share perhaps….

  15. QB says:

    Yup, there’s a lot of critical Microsoft comments in here. I see a lot pro-Linux here. I don’t see a lot of pro-Apple here, in fact most of the Apple comments are negative.

    Zybch, you and Brian are just little bit paranoid. Perhaps a cold beer would improve your mood?

  16. 888 says:

    Almost no one uses their products = no one cares about Apple. Hence no one even mentioned it. What is your problem with it?

  17. 888 says:

    I meant #49 above, of course

  18. QB says:

    888. I have no problem with that all. The point is (God do I have to speak slowly) is how whiny and defensive the Windows fanboys have become. It’s a sign of the times. When users start acting like it it’s not a good sign (OS/2, Mac V8, Solaris, etc).

    BTW, I make most of my money off Windows products and I personally know and respect many people at Microsoft. I’m also glad that Apple has 10% of NA market share (higher Europe, lower Asia) because it may push Microsoft to focus again. But I am starting to doubt it.

  19. 888 says:

    Every great company falls or at least scales-down after their “builders” left. There were very few exceptions, and I’m almost sure Microsoft won’t be one of them either.
    Just have a look at Ballmer. Do I have to say more? 😀

    If you have their stock NOW is the time to change it for something else. If you just work based on their product you have nothing to worry for at least another 10 years – even if Windows 7 will become another flop like Vista, the world won’t change to nixes or Macs overnight.

  20. 888 says:

    … unless Steve iJobs will suddenly give away OSX for x86 free or cheap (which he should’ve done long ago – without any warranties), that is.


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