An elderly British couple who died together at an assisted suicide clinic in Switzerland died “peacefully” after receiving “wonderful and humbling care” from their doctors, the couple’s family said.

Peter and Penelope Duff from Bath, England, died in Zurich on February 27, according to a statement released by their family and reported by Britain’s Press Association. Both had terminal cancer, the statement said.

“Penny had fought a rare cancer, GIST, since 1992 and Peter’s colon cancer had spread to his liver,” the statement said.

“Their decision in no way reflected on the wonderful and humbling care they have received from their consultant, doctors and nurses, for which the family, and they, were so appreciative…”

Dignity in Dying, a British charity that advocates the choice of assisted death for terminally ill patients, said it was “extremely sad” that the Duffs had to travel abroad to die.

“Had they had the option of an assisted death in this country they may still be alive, as their physical ability to travel would not have been a factor,” said Sarah Wootton, chief executive of Dignity in Dying.

Wootton called on Parliament to modernize laws on suicide to allow for assisted dying.

The state can keep their hands off my dying – as well as my living.

  1. bobbo says:

    “The state can keep their hands off my dying – as well as my living.” /// What does that mean? Right now the states and fed have outlawed assisted suicide.

    As the OP points out==this retarded policy only hastens the deaths of those who seek its comfort while they are still ambulatory and mentally competent to do so.

    Same with suicide really. Without State sanction, people kill themselves off earlier than they would freely choose to do.

    More retarded morality at play.

  2. Dallas says:

    Good for them to be able to die with dignity and together after bouts with terminal cancer.

    I hope their final days were not occupied with fighting the church and other interfering organizations from the right.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    Eideard stated, “The state can keep their hands off my dying – as well as my living.”

    Oh you mean like dictating how productive & smart I can be before it confiscates by hard earned $?

    No, you don’t REALLY mean what you wrote. Mere hyperbole on your part…

  4. RBG says:

    And now for….the rest of the story…

    “I think it’s very sad, particularly as they could have gone together into a hospice. A hospice with cancer — there is not uncontrollable pain,” Bowman told CNN. “I think that with the euthanasia lobby, they feed on despair and they encourage despair rather than hope.”

    Phyllis Bowman, executive director of Right to Life

  5. bobbo says:

    #6–RBG==nice link. Ok, I’ll bite. You and your spouse are both diagnosed with terminal cancer. The right to life crowd wants to keep you warehoused in their hospice to suffer as long as possible in order to provide you with unwanted “hope.” Hope for what exactly??????

    We all deserve our own autonomy and help from those willing to do so.

  6. RTaylor says:

    My sister died of lung cancer last week, and the last month was not pretty. It should be a personal choice, without making your last act criminal. If there is a God that damns a mortal for not enduring horrible pain and mental anguish, I don’t need him.

  7. bobbo says:

    #8–RTaylor==my mother just had lung cancer surgery yesterday morning. She is recovering now. Middle Right Lobe extraction. She was first offered a “resection” that would have left her invalid because of her emphysema. We pushed and got a consult surgeon in who did a reduced damage excision thru 3 small access points–a relatively new procedure. Luckily, Mom has never had pain. I guess the tumor was caught before it got too big.

    Still–old lady with emphysema and an ex-smoker==but her doc did not offer a physical/lung x-ray in over 20 years.

    I’m still thinking about what “the best” response to all this incompetent medical practice should be—except the cancer surgeon who did an excellent job.

    A quick painless death while asleep really has its merits.

  8. RBG says:

    For all the really sad, sad cases, the right-to-life position, at the very least, should be primarily mandated for the living, without consideration for the dead or those who wish themselves dead. To protect those who would live and would want to live, and could comfortably live except for the intervention and propaganda from the death industry.

    ie: Re Kevorkian case: “There was no indication she had a medical disease,” Dragovic said. “I think this one is a tragedy.”

    That said, I know of a doctor who uses his judgement to simply say to the patient, “Whatever you do, don’t take more than X number of those pills or you will die.”


  9. Mr. Fusion says:


    Right To Life is not what they appear. They don’t feel your pain or pay your bills. They won’t clean up the shit or sit and spoon feed you some clear broth. They won’t comfort you on those long nights as the pain slowly eats away at your insides. They won’t get you a drink when your throat is drier than the Sahara. But they will tell you you don’t have any right to die when you are terminal.

    Screw anyone that imposes their beliefs on a terminally ill person just so they suffer.

    My father recently passed away from colon cancer. While strong almost to the end, I’m sure he, as well as my mother, would have preferred he chose his own time. He suffered the last two weeks. He had no control and was too weak to even feed himself. He deserved much better than that. He laughed at the idea there might be someplace after this life.

    Right To Lifers are a sick bunch of assholes.

  10. sargasso says:

    Very humbling.

  11. denacron says:

    I recently had my father die due to cancer. During his semi lucid moments he begged me or any other care giver that happened to be near him, to give him a massive dose of morphine.

    Our fear of consequence won out. He suffered greatly till the end.

  12. Joe Fattal says:

    If knowing only that there is another life waiting for a dying person is enough to ease the pain of dying. Dying itself is easy, but its the way we die that we scare of. As much that we unvoluntarily had the right to be born, voluntarily we have the right to die. The couple made the right choice.

  13. Regenvelter says:

    After standing by helpless as My Mother,My Father and all My Aunts and Uncles die from cancer or related illnesses,
    I will not force My Children to suffer while I waste away and deprive them of what I have worked and saved My whole life to give them,so that the Insurance Lobbyist can buy the Government away from them and pay for propaganda to brainwash them that;Government regulation really is the problem.

    I have already selected a tea rose named Barkarole to be the recipient of My ashes,a beautiful living creature in my memory which is much more fitting than a shitty piece of depressing lacquered granite.
    I’ll live again and bloom for lovely ladies to stick their noses in and sneeze,to remind them that life is indeed,good!

  14. 888 says:

    Their choice. End of story.


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