Here is the 18th conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. What to do? This chat is presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in. We discuss the problems with the market in general and Andrew finds fault with Apple and curiously it was downgraded today within 8 hours of our conversation. Maybe someone is listening in!

More importantly we look at the current opportunities at the bottom.

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  1. boredintheusa says:

    Is there any stock that didn’t go down, today?

  2. MikeR says:

    ‘…we look at the current opportunities at the bottom.’

    We’ve hit bottom? Looks like we’re still roughly 6500 points above bottom.

  3. echeola says:


    You are right, it is mathematically impossible to go below zero.

  4. horacesmiley says:

    This guy Horowitz just kills me. At bottom he’s an apologist for idiots just like all the geniuses at CNBC. His opinion on Cramer: “Brilliant.”

    How many times do you have to be an idiot to no longer be considered “brilliant”?

  5. deowll says:

    The old rich guy that ran the scam is what gets me. They know he did and he still gets the royal treatment.

    The regulaters are bleep!

    People don’t want to take high ranking jobs in the government because a.) It will cost them money. B.) They will be flayed alive by every speacial interest group with any clout and some without any _before_ they get the job. The stink may prevent them from getting the job, and having the job is going to be an upleasant experience. C.) After they leave office everything they ever said is going under the microscope because it is all a matter of public record.

    Anyone with any brains offered one of these jobs is going to say thanks but no thanks.

  6. ArianeB says:

    Yeah Jon Stewart recently went on a CNBC rant showing their horrible predictions over the last year

    I think the “rational” bottom is around 3500, meaning that if DOW descend below 3500 it will be the result of irrational hysteria.

  7. to horacesmiley:

    There is a great difference between genius and correctness. And, I am not sure when I ever defend CNBC ( or the other biz news for that matter)


    (The one killing you)

  8. Alex says:

    I’m with Andrew, I think Cramer is one of the smartest financial guys on TV. When someone talks so much, you can make him look however you want. You could point out how we warned everyone about this whole mess beforehand in his famous rant “they know nothing!”, and then he turned around a few months later and said Bear Stearns was fine. At least he knows a lot about the topic. In the end, he’s 50/50 on his opinions just like everyone else on the planet. Look at Buffett looking like a chump now, too. At least Cramer and Buffett are still rich, but where are you?

  9. YourMothersMilk says:


    Cramer and Buffet are still rich because they can manipulate the market. One from TV and the other from his bank account.

    Horowitz is a tool. The fact that he is defending Cramer and the concept of CNBC just proves he’s part of the problem. I watched the channel today and they were blaming the market dive on Obama’s speach to the cops in Columbus. No BS.

    This show should be called, Dvorak and Douche bag.

  10. YourMothersMilk says:

    Here’s a good read for you.

    “Jim Cramer Uses CNBC to Manipulate Stocks”

  11. ECA says:

    The market is controlled by word of mouth..
    When someone SAYS to BUY, on the TV/NET and others are saying the same..SELL
    To many buy that 1 stock and it goes DOWN.
    When Many or a loud mouth says SELL..
    Watch it, drop, and catch it on the rebound…BUY
    The stock market is controlled by MANY happy people and they have drugs to prove it..AS long as MOST people are happy, the markets keep going up..IF’ some group gets UPSET and starts selling in LARGE amount, or DUMPS a bank, thats a BAD thing, and OTHERS FOLLOW..So, keeping a HAPPY FRONT END, makes people THINK things are ok..
    Its like the pilot, saying that Everything is OK. we are at THIS SPEED, THIS altitude and will be at destination in ??? HOURS..
    AS, he is putting on his Chute and opening the door.

  12. sung says:

    how do i subscribe to this podcast?

  13. horacesmiley says:

    #7 AndrewHorowitz:

    Har, har. I suppose that’s supposed to pass as a subtle distinction: genius vs. correctness. I wonder how far Einstein would have got if none of his equations worked.

    a) Cramer is an idiot. I don’t care if he’s “brilliant” in private like so many these days apparently are. Just like all the politicians who in private are all principled human beings. Only they manage to do the wrong thing every single time they’re given the chance. Cramer, in my opinion, has demonstrated in spades the last year or so that he lacks the common sense that, say, your kid has when she said: STOP PLAYING THE STOCK MARKET. Disagree?

    b) Why you “kill” me: I detect a certain reluctance on your part to call all these people greedy scumbags. It’s just unnatural to expect the general public to pick through the minutiae of their characters. Calling any of these yahoos “brilliant” at this point ought to leave anybody speechless. They’ve been playing out their scripts in the financial culture. They’re a bunch of functionaries. Now that the playing field’s topsy-turvy their “brilliance” is on display. Wanna know who’s brilliant? Roubini. Peter Schiff. Too many of these other people are corrupt in too many ways, subtle and blatant.

    Keep up the good work with the show, though — and stop saying “what’s interesting is…” all the time.


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