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  • eeePC in a keyboard coming.
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  1. jbellies says:

    AFAIR, the classic computer-in-a-keyboard was the Tandy (Radio Shack) 102. It had a little 3-line x 80 character LCD. Mobile computing was a 102 bolted to the handlebars of a chopper. Easy rider!

    Netbooks are a lot like the Thinkpad 701C (“butterfly”) which debuted circa 1994. When they discontinued the butterfly keyboard (’cause the LCD screens had become wide enough that they said it would not be needed anymore), I said that eventually they’d be reinventing that form factor. No fan noise, no fan!

  2. QB says:

    Will the Android blend like the iPhone? Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    I absolutely LOVED my Tandy 102 and have never liked any of my laptops since.

    My Acer One “netbook” comes pretty close to the Tandy 102 — it’s not instant-on like the Tandy but a respectable 15 seconds.

    The EePC in a keyboard sounds like a good idea.

    The only reason I didn’t get the EePC is because many people can’t adjust to the non-standard keyboard.


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