FOXNews.com – Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year — Yeah, right.
If you’re inclined to believe Igor Panarin, and the Kremlin wouldn’t mind if you did, then President Barack Obama will order martial law this year, the U.S. will split into six rump-states before 2011, and Russia and China will become the backbones of a new world order.
Panarin might be easy to ignore but for the fact that he is a dean at the Foreign Ministry’s school for future diplomats and a regular on Russia’s state-guided TV channels. And his predictions fit into the anti-American story line of the Kremlin leadership.
“There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010,” Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy — a lecture the ministry pointedly invited The Associated Press and other foreign media to attend.
The prediction from Panarin, a former spokesman for Russia’s Federal Space Agency and reportedly an ex-KGB analyst, meshes with the negative view of the U.S. that has been flowing from the Kremlin in recent years, in particular from Vladimir Putin.
Putin, the former president who is now prime minister, has likened the United States to Nazi Germany’s Third Reich and blames Washington for the global financial crisis that has pounded the Russian economy.
So what is a “rump state” anyway? The guy, in the article, says he bases this on newspapers and magazines he has been reading. Interesting messages from our media, no?
Found by GP1477 on Twitter.
Wasn’t this posted on here a month ago??
Well, if Panarin’s ultimatum comes true, Rush will have himself a good laugh, as sick as that sounds. The country might blame the Repubs for the financial breakdown, but the Liberals will be responsible for destroying the country.
Although I’d consider myself moderately conservative, this would suck. Just read a book where the country breaks apart into the Bible Belt and the Islamic Republic of America. Very commi, not that that’s too different from our near future anyway.
Yes, it was and Ivan was just as wrong then, too. Eastern Europe is on the brink financially and Russia may be able to take advantage of that, but the US dollar is still the world’s reserve currency and because of that, because it’s the “least worse” of the world’s fiat currencies, and because the rest of the world holds so many dollars because it is the world’s reserve currency, the rest of the world will make certain at nearly any cost that the US does not fail. We have them by the gonads. However, years from now when this mess is over, the rest of the world will be working very hard to find an alternative to the dollar having been so screwed now.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling,,,,,,,,
Fuck it, let it fall…..
“The guy, in the article, says he bases this on newspapers and magazines he has been reading. Interesting messages from our media, no?”
Well, he should watch ABC, CBS or NBC, then he’d know that Omama is God.
#6 – Not God… Will Smith on steroids, maybe.
Well, I’ll take Panarin’s bet at 100 to 1 odds and give him a spread of 3 rump states.
I wonder what his pedictions are for the Russian economy being oil based and all. I hear you can’t actually drink the stuff when no one else is buying it.
#8 Don’t be so sure, the Russians drink vodka like it’s water. I wouldn’t be surprised that they come up with a new petrol-based beverage. Petrolka, maybe…
This was discussed here about a month or 2 ago. I’ll repeat what I said then.
If you read his article, you will find that they guy is clueless. For example, he claims that “Washington State, and its capital Seattle will become part of China. The reason is because of all the Chinese that live there.”
OK… so the guy can’t even be bothered to look up the capital of Washington is Olympia, not Seattle. Makes you wonder how well he checked his other “facts”.
Regarding the Chinese in America. Yea, right. Like they moved here really wishing that that China would take over. The idiot has it bass ackwards. These Chinese Americans would be the last people that would want China to take over the US. They lived under Chinese rule and they know better.
This is nothing but propaganda for Russian consumption.
I know of a lot of Russians who lived in the USSR. The tell me the lies that were told to them about the US. I’ve also lived in other countries around the world and I find that there are some really outrageous stories about what goes on in the US. For example, Cuba’s favorite propaganda was to convince the blacks and minorities of the Caribbean and Latin America that the KKK would grab them and lynch them the second they got off the plane. And a lot of them really believe it and are terrified of the idea of even visiting the US. Having Obama elected was the worst day ever for the Cuban and Russian propaganda offices.
You will love this story! Will you please blog it?
Actually, this is evidence that Russia is again folding in on itself.
We will be more ‘commie’ that they will!!! We’re #1!!! We should welcome out new RED puppet masters… right….
I think not..
#12 methinks this is why this line is getting put out by the Kremlinites… Don’t pay any attention to that man behind the curtain!
Oh, who cares anyway! the world will END on 12/12/12 of 2012 right? at 12:12 is that AM or PM? jeeez!
I’m with #12 on this one, just replace all references of america with russia… they have so many problems there i’m amazed they’ve not collapsed by now..
#15 – It’s not going to end. People will start birthing horribly mutated (yet still functionally human) children, the ancient dragons will awaken, the internet will crash forcing a major overhaul of our informational infrastructure, and the megacorporations will take over. And for some reason the new Japanese yen will be the currency of choice.
I doubt it, but I like the idea of Obama declaring martial law.
We need to arrest Limbaugh and the rest of ‘his’ GOP worshipers in Congress for treason, economic collapse and trying incite chaos in times of emergency.
Oops, replace exorcise with exercise in post #19.
#19 Paddy-O, I’m afraid I disagree.
I believe treason alone is an offensive crime warranting the Gulag, as you say.
Also, I think you had it right the first time with ‘exorcise’ free speech. Yes, Gulag for those that want to exorcise free speech from our nation.
# 21 Dallas said, “I believe treason alone is an offensive crime warranting the Gulag, as you say. ”
Cool, then make sure Diane Fienstein is thrown in quick, and any other gov’t officials that give secrets to the enemy. Unfortunately, for you (not for sane American’s) voicing dissent isn’t treason.
Those comments are practically stupid… The US is the cradle of civilization… if it ever crumbles, the whole world will follow… Right now, the world wide recession occurred because the US had a recession… Why? because America is the number one consumer for all the world’s market.
The minute America falls, means no more rich marketplace, and the rest of the countries be imploding internally. Japan and the other western countries will follow, since their economies are intertwined with the US.
Russia, will see chaos, since there are no more markets to sell as their citizens are not able to afford consumer items, and will be struggling against their neighbors since the US (or some general) will start selling nukes to India, Pakistan, etc, and armageddon comes…
Russia, a leader of a new world order? I can’t stop laughing. Russia’s economy is far worse then ours will ever be.
i say let the bible belt go. they are a drain on national resources and other than tourism along their beaches and the bars of bourbon street, they offer little in return.
let the south rise again, and seriously, this time, just let them go.
#25 I agree, except include all RED states. Let them leave the Union and form their own country.
this is very old news. -and much, not all of should be headed.. i have links to articles by other russians & euros from over year speaking very similar.. (i’ll dig them up)
those who laugh at this should remember something. -while the NWO crew is working on bankrupting *everyone* –russia, china and others whos peoples come from (and by and large, still do) similarly simple, hardy,
living will have an infinitely easier time adjusting to the quote “hard times” the current economic draw down will result in.
Americans living in poverty are fat, well fed and have cable TV. -hardly the “hard times” that russians are chinese have endured for decades..almost nothing would change for the vast majority of their people. -nothing would befall them they do not intimatly, all to well.
imagine even our so called poor welfare class
lowered to the standard of living like the russian people did not 25-35 years.
ha! -they would starve to death while they wait (and beg) for *uncle sam* to save them.
most of them/us do not even know how to survive two weeks without a supermarket or deli.
additionally, in case you haven’t read it here in this blog.. we have in fact, exported %70 or more of our industrial capability. -just *HOW* long do you think it would take for us to dig ourselves out of this if mess if we had to do it *on our own*
you know what we do GREAT now? -printing up money created from nothing and paying crazy interest on money that will never even BE PRINTED. -on top of that, we have been brainwashed to believe it actually has
real, tangible value.
yeah, i’m sure that ability will feed you
when it’s faux power is taken away just fine.
russians and chinese are sitting on a wealth of resources and have entered into very close talks and resource sharing for what the other does not have.
laughing this off and not even pausing to see if there is any possibility to this happening (thats all, just do the research *yourself*)
is an indicator that you have bought the propaganda hook, line and sinker.
-and lastly…omg Dallas, yo poor conflicted soul, to support the idea of Marshall Law, especially with the recent changes made to
to it via NSPD51 and the Warner defense act of 2007 to name two…really shows you have no clue of the gravity behind that which you believe and support and how the laws have changed.
people.. wake the F up..
PS..they have to break russia first before they can control her ..
#27 – “omg Dallas, yo poor conflicted soul, to support the idea of Marshall Law, especially with the recent changes made to
to it via NSPD51 and the Warner defense act of 2007 to name two…really shows you have no clue of the gravity behind that which you believe and support and how the laws have changed”
What was wrong with Marshall Law? I mean, aside from the bad ratings and the fact it only lasted a season. But you seem to be intimately familiar with the series, so please elaborate.
Also, you don’t have to include the word “quote” when you’re quoting something in writing. You say “quote something” when you’re speaking because there’s no context to judge a direct quote (or, as is the case here, an ironic/sardonic quote) without quotation marks floating over your head. But when you’re typing and you quote “quote” something, you read like an idiot.
Also, it should be pointed out that Directive 51 and H.R. 5122 don’t really have anything to do with anything once martial law has been declared. They do allow the president to declare martial law more broadly, but saying it’ll have any effect once it’s been declared is a little like warning a person to leave the pool when raining to avoid getting wet.
#29 Alex, I didn’t read it all but I think you were grading my grammar os something. I really don’t care although I agree my grammar sucks.
If you want to be my buddy and earn my respect, grammar on such important topics are not the way to go.
Please be more concise when addressing me and stick to the important topic and not spelling or grammar.
You obviously do not listen to rush and have no idea what you are typing about. You obviously have bought into the sound bite that the democrats have crafted about Rush.
I support the President. I just don’t support his policies.