• Amazon to sell e-books for the iPod touch and iPhone.
  • AMD names its new foundry.
  • EU ends full-time monitoring of Microsoft. What changed?
  • Sun CEO says he is now worried.
  • IBM Open Source guru goes to Microsoft.
  • Lenovo selling PCs to China. Shocker.
  • Should HP buy Palm?
  • Is WOW addictive?
  • Italian computer users told to “fast” from tech.
  • Will Twitter be sold to Google??

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  1. golding says:


    “Sun CEO says he is *now* worried.”

  2. deowll says:

    I notice that too.

    I prefer ebooks for my computer including my netbook. The screen may only be 10 inches but that steal bets the carp out of an iphone.

  3. QB says:

    Sam Ramji took over as Director of MS’s open source lab – an excellent choice BTW. He was behind the MS sponsorship of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and actively has worked with the Mozilla guys to make sure Firefox runs on new versions of Windows well.

    Sam Ruby is heavily involved with ASF so I suspect that’s where these two first hooked up. I wouldn’t be surprised because Sam Ramji puts tangible support behind open source.

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    Last I heard Dell was supposed to buy Palm.

    It’s a mania. Everyone’s rushing into the smartphone market because the PC business is toast. ASUS+Garmin? Well, OK.

    Hint: Buy Apple. It’s the apps.

  5. Lou Minatti says:

    BTW, what is it with Microsoft’s corporate culture that prohibits people there from “getting it”? They are sitting on BILLIONS (!!!) in free cash, they should be kicking Apple’s ass in the smartphone/app/movie/music download arena. They have the resources, but we all know how the “My” Phone will turn out… they’ll spend billions and achieve nothing. Just like the money they’ve wasted on (how many?) iterations of search/portals/email.

    Microsoft management needs to be shi^canned. It’s embarrassing.

  6. GregA says:

    First thing… Got the iPhone kindle reader. You have to use Safari to buy books. Epic fail. Maybe someday when Amazon gets it nice and integrated like the App store app or iTunes, but until then it is basically useless unless you want to be teathered to your computer… Which doesnt seem to ever be the times I impluse buy a book…

    What are you on about? At the cell phone trade show two weeks ago several prominent companies (LG, Samsung, Motorola) were showing off their free with service phones(I make rude gestures at these devices). Guess what, they are all that crappy windows mobile that we saw the video for.

    Windows already won the cell phone operating system wars because… No one else showed up.

    Rim and Apple are only interested in premium products on their devices, and Microsoft is on everything else. The only thing apple accomplished was drive the entire industry off of their crappy home grown os’s and onto windows. I mean wtf??? Even when Microsoft totally fails they completely pwn the competition.

    Sure Rim and Apple are gonna sell a lot of phones, and the other 95% of phones of the 2+billion phones in circulation around the world are gonna run windows.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  7. QB says:

    GregA, Symbian has ~50% of phone sales by OS last year.

  8. JoaoPT says:

    I wish they released the sales figures of the iPhone for Europe…

  9. GregA says:


    Correction, Symbian has a 50% share of the existing “smart phone” market. By next year all the phones are going to be touch screen (sigh) smart phones. Look at the recent trade show that engadget covered.

    I don’t think Microsoft gives a damn about the high end smart phone market. If you look at the developments… It sure looks to me like windows for phones will be the dominant OS on the free with service phones when they start rolling out next year. While all the other OS’s will be for premium products.

    For example, LG’s entire line (of free with service phones) will be Windows for phones. HTC is rolling out a bunch of Windows based phones as well… So is Samsung. But these are not the premium phones. These are the phone that will replace the existing phones with buttons…. (sigh)

    I am not even rooting for Microsoft on this. It is just my observation of the sector. For all its faults, my next phone will probably be another iPhone.

  10. GregA says:

    I should add, the main reason I like the iPhone is I am 6 months in now, and it is still in great condition. I never experienced that with the Razors or the LG phones… Those things were lasting me one year tops. But then I am brutal on gadgets…

  11. QB says:

    That just doesn’t make sense to me. Overall Windows Mobile market share has dropped from 18% to under 12% over the last two years. Their smart phone market share has flat lined in the last 18 months and no one really knows when V7 will hit the market.

    I will admit they have lots of manufacturers for Windows MOS, but RIM and Apple are drawing everyone else in the smart phone market and Symbian owns the low end handset market. On top of all that new OS’s are coming to the market which means yet more competition.


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