
DALLAS (Texas) – SOUTHWEST Airlines has angered passengers with an image of a bikini-clad model on the side of a Boeing 737.

Describing it as ‘soft porn’ and offensive to families, the image features Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli, currently dating actor Leonardo DiCaprio, lying down in a brief white bikini. It is part of a promotional deal with Sports Illustrated magazine.

The plane was unveiled this month reported news website and services all of Southwest routes.

Passengers have inudated the corporate blog about the image, complaining a bout having to fly in a plance ‘covered in pornography’, said the report. ‘I would not want to have to watch this plane pull up to the gate traveling with my young child, or mother, grandmother, etc,’ customer Jim Dawson said. ‘I know Southwest is known for its fun, laid back qualities but this is just completely inappropriate to plaster all over the side of the plane.’ ‘This looks like a flying porn ad! I’m a longtime fan of SWA, but this is one reason for me to change airlines,’ another customer, Yvonne, said.

However some customers have defended the airline saying that Southwest is known for its ‘fun attitude’.

The plane will be repainted in regular livery when the promotion ends in a few months.

Funny, but wasn’t it Southwest who kicked a girl off a flight for wearing this?

  1. Paddy-O says:

    “‘I would not want to have to watch this plane pull up to the gate traveling with my young child, or mother, grandmother, etc,’ customer Jim Dawson said.”

    I guess this moron won’t take his kid to the beach either.

  2. bobbo says:

    Its a real learning moment. Teach your kids to be outraged by the insensitivity of others, or to live by your own values.

    Must be hard on the bible thumpers.

  3. The Citizen says:

    Pr0n, come on people. I didn’t realize bible humpers are the only passengers on SW. Must be conservatives bitching, right bobbo?

    That’s just the human body at its best..

  4. Named says:

    In America, you suckle at the teat of an M16. perhaps they should have painted bombs on the side of it saying Bringing Freedom Home and mothers would bring their children to pray at the fuselage.

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Can I get the seat looking down on her left nipple?

  6. OvenMaster says:

    So is it safe to assume these people would be satisfied if an ugly woman was on the side of the plane?

    Why is it that we only hear about the complaints? Where are the reports of people praising the artwork? Oh, wait. That wouldn’t be newsworthy.

    “‘This looks like a flying porn ad! I’m a longtime fan of SWA, but this is one reason for me to change airlines,’ another customer, Yvonne, said.” Hey, lady. You want porn? I’ll show you porn!

  7. Mikey Twit says:

    An people wonder why Europeans laugh and look down on Americans and their uptight attitudes about sex. And the irony? Europe as a whole, have lower teen pregnancy and unwanted pregnancy rates than the U.S. You know, with much easier access to safe abortion, teaching kids properly about sex/birth control/STD’s. Yep, those European heathen ways will be their downfall!

  8. lakelady says:

    my only beef with stunts like this is where’s the beef(cake)? Give the ladies something to drool over as well. How about a little high flying Hugh Jackman for instance?

  9. Spudster says:

    Porn? Hardly.

    Sexist? Undoubtedly.

    Unless, of course, you can show me a plane that has a photo of a scantily-clad, well-oiled and well-hung young man on the side.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 Spudster said, “Sexist? Undoubtedly.”

    How so?

  11. Robart says:

    #2 Bobbo – “Its a real learning moment. Teach your kids to be outraged by the insensitivity of others, or to live by your own values.”

    I thought you were quoting the political correctness handbook there for a minute.

  12. Ron Larson says:

    Gee…. If I recall in Dallas, home of SWA, there are billboards everywhere. Some even have models in bikinis! OMG.. do these idiots even leave the house? They can’t drive to the friggen airport to catch this plane without encountering images of bikini models.

  13. John Paradox says:

    Made me think of the old George Carlin line:
    I don’t want to get ON the plane, I want to get IN the plane.


  14. bobbo says:

    #11–Robart==I do try to balance my idiocy, I mean advocacy. I think I looked at the Church of Reality a few months ago when Perkel referenced it. I’m just not a joiner though.

    I don’t care whats on an airplane, bus, my currency==but I recognize others do and I don’t want to completely disregard their values==just balance them or try to find a solution.

    As to #3 Citizen- – I assume bible thumpers are “actually” upset whereas too many conservatives are just attacking what they think is an easy target. The first group is overly cloistered, the second is just being flaming hypocrites.

  15. turbo says:

    I’m just glad it’s not a semi-naked DUDE.

  16. GF says:

    Wait till they see the SWA plane vibrators at the guest shop. It has wings and a recorded cockpit voice that says, ‘fasten your seat belts we’re headed for some turbulence.’

  17. AdmFubar says:

    so how come rush (bimbo) limbaugh isnt clamoring for equal time?? come on plaster him on the side of a plane in a speedo…

  18. LibertyLover says:

    Funny, but wasn’t it Southwest who kicked a girl off a flight for wearing this?

    This girl was only paying $100 for the flight.

    SI is paying a WHOLE lot more than that, I am sure.

    Money talks, BS walks.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 17 AdmFubar said, “so how come rush (bimbo) limbaugh isnt clamoring for equal time?? ”

    Equal time for paid ads?

    What are you talking about?

  20. Miguel says:

    Is SW run by gays? She’s beautiful! If I flew in one of those planes I’d spend a few minutes photographing it from all angles to put on my blog! Lovely livery, really!

  21. Named says:

    8, 9,

    Everyone knows women look better than men. 9/10 women agree with that statement too.

    Men are utilitarian. Women are awesomeness… except when they nag.

  22. Dallas says:

    Well, Southwest is based here in Dallas not 5 minutes from my house.

    The complainers are most likely the Bible Belt folks from here which are basically sex free. I can understand the emotion here first hand.

    A girl in bikini belongs on the beach damn it and should not displayed that large. Think of the children.

  23. Stephanie says:

    You can’t say that it is okay to stick some chick in a bikini on the side of a plane yet kick a girl off a plane for wearing more clothing. That is hypocrisy.

    Of course not many of you are going to see a problem with this (because the majority of you are men), this promotion is a little uncalled for. Seems like things always happen in favor of the men. You don’t see top selling women’s magazines partnering with Southwest to display the perfect pot roast or the latest vacuum cleaner on the side of their 737s!

    I will just put it out there too that this isn’t a good example for little girls or teenage girls. It totally objectifies women. Even European countries are agreeing that female models don’t set good body type images because they are too skinny and don’t have enough body fat! I don’t care if you want your Sports Illustrated mags at home but this was a partnership that didn’t need to happen.

    It is a stark contrast from the Shamu planes though… 😉

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 23 Stephanie said, “You don’t see top selling women’s magazines partnering with Southwest to display the perfect pot roast or the latest vacuum cleaner on the side of their 737s!”

    Because, they don’t think it’ll move product. SI apparently does.

    What is the problem?

  25. jhall1jax says:

    What a world this is, when a chick in a bikini is “offensive to families.” Trust me, the only ones offended are fat moms.

  26. Named says:


    I’m always up for a perfect pot roast…

    You cooking tonight?

  27. bobbo says:

    #23–Stephanie==”You don’t see top selling women’s magazines partnering with Southwest to display the perfect pot roast or the latest vacuum cleaner on the side of their 737s!” /// Hah, hah. More objectification/subjugation. I wonder which image is worse?

  28. N74JW says:

    Don’t like it? Don’t fly Southwest…

    Bible Beaters: Don’t look… Let god miracle you to your destination!

  29. QB says:

    Apparently, this is better….

  30. Luc says:

    Sex is a many scary thing.


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