
DALLAS (Texas) – SOUTHWEST Airlines has angered passengers with an image of a bikini-clad model on the side of a Boeing 737.

Describing it as ‘soft porn’ and offensive to families, the image features Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli, currently dating actor Leonardo DiCaprio, lying down in a brief white bikini. It is part of a promotional deal with Sports Illustrated magazine.

The plane was unveiled this month reported news website and services all of Southwest routes.

Passengers have inudated the corporate blog about the image, complaining a bout having to fly in a plance ‘covered in pornography’, said the report. ‘I would not want to have to watch this plane pull up to the gate traveling with my young child, or mother, grandmother, etc,’ customer Jim Dawson said. ‘I know Southwest is known for its fun, laid back qualities but this is just completely inappropriate to plaster all over the side of the plane.’ ‘This looks like a flying porn ad! I’m a longtime fan of SWA, but this is one reason for me to change airlines,’ another customer, Yvonne, said.

However some customers have defended the airline saying that Southwest is known for its ‘fun attitude’.

The plane will be repainted in regular livery when the promotion ends in a few months.

Funny, but wasn’t it Southwest who kicked a girl off a flight for wearing this?

  1. LibertyLover says:

    #23, I’m all for smart women — the smarter they are, the quicker they learn their place is in the kitchen! 🙂

    Sorry ’bout that. Must be those 1980s coming out in me . . .

  2. hackerman says:

    Plain stupid American pseudo-puritans…(not all of you naturaly) Sending army to kill people all over the world in the name of a so-called *freedom* and then protest for some boobs on a plane…

    Greetings from Europe

  3. Special Ed says:

    I want to sit in the seat with her pubic hair blowing in my face.

    I’d also like to say that Jim Dawson must be a real pussy.

  4. Special Ed says:

    WHOOPS, never mind – she shaves.

  5. Stephanie says:

    Paddy, my problem with it was clearly explained. What is your problem? Low reading comprehension?

    Just for the record, I am neither fat, a mother or a bible thumper for those of you who have implied that the women who have a problem hold those qualities.

    Well good to know that you men who see no problem with this wouldn’t feel uncomfortable explaining to your hypothetical young daughters why the half-naked woman is on the plane.

    The reason why I used pot roast or vacuums is because “generally speaking”, women don’t get all worked up over half-naked men. Yeah you guys have penises but guess what, they are ugly and merely utilitarian. Women are way more attractive to look at but I don’t think it is necessary to have them plastered on the sides of planes. It is completely out of context to do so. Need I be even more offended that it is YET ONE MORE STUPID ADVERTISEMENT in a world that is full of them!?!?

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 35 Stephanie said, “Paddy, my problem with it was clearly explained. ”

    I thought I read it wrong. So, you have a problem with free markets. Move to NK.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    #35 Stephanie.

    If you think human penises are ugly here are some nice substitutes.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    oops! forgot wordpress doesn’t like www.

  9. orangetiki says:

    if a picture of a lady in a bikini is considered soft porn, then a beach in the summer must look like straight up Caligula (sp?)

  10. OvenMaster says:

    #35: “Well good to know that you men who see no problem with this wouldn’t feel uncomfortable explaining to your hypothetical young daughters why the half-naked woman is on the plane.”

    Exactly. It’s called a “swimsuit”.

    In the immortal words of Al Bundy, “Pretty women make us buy beer, ugly women make us drink beer!”

  11. Esteban says:

    Why do you think they have their headquarters at “Love Field”?

  12. oplama says:

    If they fly to Florida someone might call 911!

  13. Floyd says:

    #42: Just what I was thinking. “Stephanie” hasn’t been on a beach in awhile.

    I wouldn’t have a problem telling my daughter (who is an art student) about why the picture was on the plane: “An artist painted it on the plane.” I wouldn’t have had a problem telling her at a younger age, either.

    If Stephanie requires equal rights or something, SWA could paint male Olympic swimmers on another plane. No prob.

  14. Floyd says:

    Oh yeah, almost forgot–the only “porn” on that plane is in the minds of the bible thumpers. I’ve seen how anti porn people work–they keep lots of porn in their basements “to be used for research.”

  15. QB says:

    Brings new meaning to phrase “Exit Row”

  16. Chrisindarwin says:

    This story is so old it has cobwebs. Move forward people.

  17. Glenn E. says:

    “Funny, but wasn’t it Southwest who kicked a girl off a flight for wearing this?”

    Yeah, very probably. This site should start a new “category” for items such as this, called “It only Ok when WE do it!” “WE” being big businesses, like airlines, major magazines, the Motion Picture and Recording industries.

    If some private citizen has his minivan painted up this way. Do doubt they’d be pulled over and ticketed for being a dangerous distraction to other drivers. But apparently, this isn’t too distracting to other airline pilots or the airports’ ground traffic controllers. But it’s interesting to note that this plane probably wouldn’t be allowed to land in the country the model comes from.

    As for it being pornographic. Probably to some. And it not like they’d have a choice about looking at it, or not. When they’ve been booked to fly on it, sight unseen. There’s ticket agent asking the, “Super model clad, or non-super model clad, skinned?”, option.

    It’s a good thing S.I. isn’t in the condom biz. Or we’d see a plane painted flesh color, with a semi-transparent covering from tip to midsection. And an image of a hand holding onto it. That would finally answer the kids’ question, “Why do they call the pilots’ station, the plane’s Cockpit?” Cause I think those WW2 bomber pilots had a dirty mind.

  18. Rick Cain says:

    At least it wasn’t Leonardo DeCaprio on the side, his body has gone south lately.

  19. Stephanie says:

    Floyd, I would gladly support Michael Phelps on the side of a plane! At least he has some talent… even if he does smoke some weed! 😉

    I wouldn’t even mind if it were Kerry Walsh and Misty May! Bar Rafaeli is doing nothing but laying there in a sexually suggestive position with fake boobs and all sorts of air brushing thanks to the SI editors. This is totally different than going to the beach and seeing girls in bikinis you IDIOTS! There are probably 5% of people that have this model’s measurements worldwide! At the beach there are REAL women out there, not ones that have been airbrushed and photoshopped to your unreal expectations. Men are clearly only interested in the fantasy and NOT reality. Let’s get some untouched pictures of this chick without makeup and “normal” looking to see if anyone cares then.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    # 51 Stephanie said, “Let’s get some untouched pictures of this chick without makeup and “normal” looking to see if anyone cares then.”

    Why? It’s a PAID ad. If you feel so strongly why don’t you pay for an ad you like on one of their planes?

  21. rentar says:

    This is actually a great anti terrorist strategy. What Muslim terrorist is going risk the afterlife by crashing a plane wrapped with the image of a more than half naked Jew.

  22. Dallas says:

    #53 Good one!

    They could come out and write that on the plane “this transport vehicle has been blessed by a lesbian Jew”.

  23. Angel H. Wong says:

    Whoa, who gave me that tag?

  24. bobbo says:

    #36–stephanie==”The reason why I used pot roast or vacuums is because “generally speaking”, women don’t get all worked up over half-naked men.” //// Haw, haw!!!! Thats so wrong on so many levels…….errr, two that is.

  25. LibertyLover says:

    #51, There are probably 5% of people that have this model’s measurements worldwide!

    That’s why she is a rich model.

    A man can pick out the perfect body with just a few milliseconds of a glimpse. At that point, you see the advertisement. Average looking women don’t get that kind of neck action. Good marketing, IMO.

    If it’s any consolation, I am sure her boyfriend has to put up with her BS just like any other guy and vice versa.


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