A US clinic has sparked controversy by offering would-be parents the chance to select traits like the eye and hair colour of their offspring.

The LA Fertility Institutes run by Dr Jeff Steinberg, a pioneer of IVF in the 1970s, expects a trait-selected baby to be born next year.

His clinic also offers sex selection.

UK fertility experts are angered that the service will distract attention from how the same technology can protect against inherited disease.

The science is based on a lab technique called preimplantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD.

This involves testing a cell taken from a very early embryo before it is put into the mother’s womb.

Doctors then select an embryo free from rogue genes – or in this case an embryo with the desired physical traits such as blonde hair and blue eyes – to continue the pregnancy, and discard any others.

Dr Steinberg said couples might seek to use the clinic’s services for both medical and cosmetic reasons.

For example, a couple might want to have a baby with a darker complexion to help guard against a skin cancer if they already had a child who had developed a melanoma. But others might just want a boy with blonde hair.

His clinic is offering this cosmetic selection to patients already having genetic screening for abnormal chromosome conditions in their embryos.

Here’s another article on the clinic which says the price is about $18,000.

  1. Named says:

    What happens when you order white and you get black? You can’t put it back!

  2. jccalhoun says:

    I think that adoption would be a better idea in most situations.

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    If we had, say, three boys and wanted a girl, you can bet we’d look at the various options available to increase our chances.

    Beyond that, this is freakin’ nuts.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    Kinda strange. I see a better market for ensuring a kid doesn’t genetic defects.

  5. Named says:


    Really? I find that all the studies show that attractive, slim, tall, white people are the most successful.

  6. Sonny says:

    Can they weed out the “fat gene”?

  7. Sonny says:

    How about the “Republican gene”? That could help all of mankind?

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 5 Named said, “Really? I find that all the studies show that attractive, slim, tall, white people are the most successful.”

    Maybe, in the 3rd world country you live in that’s true… 😉

  9. Baby Dvorak Wannabe says:

    John C. can I have your sperm?

  10. Paddy-O says:

    Interesting, study continues on area of DNA Xq28…

  11. Thinker says:

    Quick! Who can say ‘Gattaca’!

  12. daveg says:

    Yeah, people are going to want tall and smart and probably not gay.

    Some cultures are going to favor boys as well, but that has been available for a while.

    Honestly, this is going to be the only way we ‘cure’ for the average differences in the races for a variety of traits.

    Oh year, but race does not exist, I forgot.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Cow-Patty

    Maybe, in the 3rd world country you live in

    Which explains why a short, chunky asshole like yourself is such a failure.

    Named is correct. For some inexcusable reason, we do prefer taller, white, attractive, full haired, college graduate, fair skinned, males to be our leaders.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    # 12 Mr. Fusion said, “For some inexcusable reason, we do prefer taller, white, attractive, full haired, college graduate, fair skinned,”

    Like Obama? White, fair skinned…

    You realize what you just typed?


  15. RBG says:

    “Freedom means never having to say you’re sorry.”

    I mean, how else are you going to be able to have men who are trapped in women’s bodies who are reassigned to being men but still bear children?

    Btw, if no one has any objections, I’d like to offer myself as the prototype for the master race.


  16. KarmaBaby says:

    We may be squeamish about this now, but this will become common-place eventually, especially when those “enhanced” humans have more social, economic, and health advantages over the rest of us “naturals”. They’ll become the preferred.

    Legislation won’t stop it; it’ll just make it more exclusive for the elite.

  17. Thinker says:

    #15 That’s whats got me saying Gattaca, Gattaca Gattaca!

  18. bobbo says:

    Still too much variability. Much better to choose your kid after it is born and you can run a few real world tests on it. Octumom had the right idea, just didn’t have a template.

  19. Named says:


    Aside from white, he fits every other description… And he’s much fairer than say Joseph Kabila Kabang. But, I guess black and white has no shades to you…

    Remember, McCain was short, crippled, dumb and balding. But he was white. Obama gives you 80% of your target, while McCain gave you 20%. Plus, throw in all the white women secretly wanting a black man to rule them, you’ve got a healthy majority.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    # 18 Named said, “Aside from white, he fits every other description”

    So, aside from not fitting the listed criteria, he fits the listed criteria. Got it. LOL

    So, black, dark skinned, educated, good looking men, are preferred in the US society over others? Ah, that explains their dominance in all areas of society.


  21. bobbo says:

    Only a racist would think Obama is black. Thats how he won. The pro-black racist vote was his, the white-guilt vote was his, and the non-racist I vote for the tallest man put him over the top.

    He won my vote when he said “You have to be able to do more than two things at once.” Imagine THAT!!!!

    What a stretch goal he set for all of us.

  22. Designer babies will only be cool if you can make them look like smurfs.. of Klingons! (from the new star streks, not the old one!)

  23. Paddy-O says:

    What will be interesting is if a gene is found that causes homosexuality. The left will immediately scream for limits on abortion aimed at preventing people wanting to screen for this trait so as to abort the fetus.

  24. brm says:

    #22 Paddy:

    This is inevitable. Of course then the people who think people “choose” to be gay will have to admit that god makes queers.

  25. Named says:




    Paraphrasing yet again. In your country you had a choice between 20% of requirements or 80%. As expected 80% was good enough.

  26. Rich says:

    “For example, a couple might want to have a baby with a darker complexion to help guard against a skin cancer if they already had a child who had developed a melanoma.”


    And I’ll want one with a small head so he’ll be less vulnerable to meteorite impacts to the cranium.

  27. Deadulas says:

    so let me get this straight. if i ejaculate into a woman who is ovulating and the woman’s egg is fertilized and we decide we don’t want it, it’s an abortion. but if we scrap some eggs from the same woman and i ejaculate into a cup, then we fertilize all of those eggs and pick and choose what we want and keep only one out of, lets say five, the other four are not considered aborted or wrong by the prolifers?

  28. RBG says:

    27 Deadulas. I don’t think you’ll have any worries about that.


  29. MikeN says:

    >You have to be able to do more than two things at once.”

    That’s all it takes? If only McCain knew!

  30. 888 says:

    “Would You Want A Designer Baby?”
    – of course!
    Who wouldn’t want a perfect child?
    (I know, there are some idiots around too, but they don’t count)


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