How should I put this? The video contains colourful language.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 eaze said, “Good point except that invading Iraq was in contravention of international law”

    Irrelevant. Their oath doesn’t include upholding “international laws”.

  2. zorkor says:

    US to Iraqi polics n00bs: You friggin desert rats, We need you to tell us where the Oil i mean WMD’s are?

    Iraqi Police: zzzzzzzzz, huh?!

  3. wumpus says:

    # 21 Troublemaker said,
    “Winning hearts and minds… LOL!”

    I agree with your statement — probably for different reasons. It is that type of simple-minded wishful thinking that is regurgitated by the ivy-league geniuses that created this god awful mess. “You break it, you buy it.”
    So now it is the soldiers turn to once again clean up the mess made by political suckers.
    I guess I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    #28 eaze said, “As a soldier in the US army, you deserve to be spat on.”

    Very astute, did you think that up yourself? I commend your courage under “anonymity”.

  4. A Soldier and a Father says:

    #28 … You’re one of those fine Americans and humans that think degrading another person is the only way express your opinion.

    Good job, if you were to spit on me, you’d be just as bad as the “baby killers” and Iraq over throwers that you hate, but you’d have to deal with a pissed off Soldier face to face. I suspect you lack the courage to make such a confrontation.

    I only swore an oath to defend the US Constitution and follow the lawful orders of the officers appointed over me. Not to uphold international laws.

  5. . says:

    #28 – international laws have no bearing on anything the military or US does. They’re nothing more than meaningless contrivances writen by spineless morons in order to make them feel that their lives have meaning.

  6. zorkor says:

    @#28 Father + Soldier

    Thats what the Nazi’s said about Hitler. They followed their appointed officers and didnt give a damn about international law. You deserve to be spat if you hold these views.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 36 zorkor said, “You deserve to be spat if you hold these views.”

    Why don’t you come over here and hang out at an airport. Soldiers pass through them all the time. Then you could spit on them. I’m not sure you’d survive the experience but, it would be fun to watch.

  8. Canucklehead says:

    #17, #31, wasn’t “following orders” ruled no defense by the American judges at Nuremburg, when the orders violated international laws?

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 38 Canucklehead said, “wasn’t “following orders” ruled no defense by the American judges at Nuremburg, when the orders violated international laws?”

    Nope, not “international laws” in general. There was no law against genocide. Also, it is against international law to violate another countries coastal waters. So, obviously, the charges weren’t based on this.

  10. wumpus says:

    From 1 soldier to another: don’t let the comments get you riled up. The anonymity of internet does things to people’s brains — some posters are spoiling for a fight, it alleviates the drudgery of their day.

    I agree somewhat, blindly following orders is not a good policy. However, they are not asking soldiers to “cleanse” and area of a certain ethnicity.
    What “international law” from the 1930s are you speaking of? Specific examples please — I couldn’t find much. The problem with those type of laws is that most of the hypocritical leaders don’t follow them. Most countries only do so when it is to their favor.
    As for the spitting thing… I guess we will just have to see.

  11. A Soldier and a Father says:

    #40 wumpus,

    Don’t worry, I’m not the least bit riled up. I just appreciate the fact that those that served before me have granted us all the right to express our views.

    #27 bobbo,

    There’s not much denying that if it weren’t for the newly formed US Army or US Navy our Declaration of Independence from British rule wouldn’t have been worth the paper that it was written on. Sure there’s more to our nations ability to govern itself on ideas thought up over 225 years ago, but being able to defend those ideas plays a big part in it.

  12. Rick says:

    Can’t really blame the gay. He might think that the war was dumb as well. The problem is that he was order to go to Iraq, and then ordered to train the IP. They then use that training to try to kill him and his soldiers each night. He has a right to be pissed, just like every American has the right to be pissed.

  13. Rick says:

    guy, not gay…sorry

  14. wumpus says:

    Definitely! If more people were pissed at our government buffoons then we might get some real “change”. The problem is that most people will be duped into believing either the Rep or Dem line of baloney — both of the parties thrive on a nation of suckers.

  15. wumpus says:

    Sorry, I mean #42

    Most people don’t get it and never will. They will make overtures to lofty ideas such as “human rights and dignities” etc.. They don’t realize none of it is possible unless they are willing to fight for it — some other outside agency is always willing to take it from them.

  16. Wolf12601 says:

    F–k them. Why are we still there? Bring everyone home and make the place, including Iran a glass factory.

    The Christians failed in the first crusade because they did not have the bomb.

    Bunch of donkey f–kers.

  17. moshguy says:

    I just want to mention that unlawful orders are only ones that are in violation of the UCMJ or LOAC. As military members, the UCMJ and LOAC are what govern our actions. If someone gives us an order and it isn’t a violation the UCMJ or LOAC, then it is a lawful order.

    Some of us can’t pick and choose the rules we follow. I’m pretty sure if you told off your boss at McDonalds, all you would lose is your job. If a military member told off his superiors, he could lose everything…including his life.

  18. homey says:

    I consider myself to be a liberal. However, I applaud this guy and support every word out of his mouth. He’s the one who’s making the sacrifice along with his men and thousand of others so we can have the freedom to talk about it.

    They have had plenty of time to man-up for their country.

  19. Cephus says:

    Hey, at least he’s being honest, it’s a fact that a lot of the people involved in the Iraqi militia and police forces are only there to have access to information and weapons. A lot of them are unwilling to put their asses on the line for the country when their loyalties are solely religious and tribal.

    If they want to be a modern nation, they need to act like one.

  20. deadpixel says:

    his speech is exactly what works… some will drop out because they can’t keep up. but others will try to stand out just to look better in that guys eyes. the parts about having loyalty for iraq will get some of them with a little leadership qualities to figure out that a stronger police force will get more iraqies to stand by their police force.

  21. RBG says:

    10 Steve.

    “Seems like he’s forgotten he invaded their country.”

    Seems like you’ve forgotten they invaded our strategic ally, Kuwait.


  22. 888 says:

    nuking entire ME and Africa would solve most of their problems once and for all…

  23. Guy Fawkes says:

    From what I remember hearing this is the same type of speech that had to be given to the French and Italians during WW2 to get them to help win their freedom. Don’t blame the soldiers for being over there doing what they are told. Bush and Co. are to blame and are the cowards in this story. Bush went into the National Guard to stay out of a war and then he sends the Guard to fight his f’ing battle. If you vaginas want to spit on someone, spit at the penis with a shoe upside his head!

  24. RBG says:

    I doubt Lt. Bush with 300 or so flight hours had much say over how military resources for the Vietnam war might be deployed.

    Do you include Obama’s current Secretary of Defense as one of the Bush & Co. cowards?


  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well the mighty trolls have arrived. Soon never to be heard from again.

    This is not the football team he is addressing. Nor did this officer get a gilded invitation to be there. And I’m quite sure this group of police did not even send him a verbal invite.

    These are not soldiers. They are supposed to be policemen. Not one of them wore a bullet proof vest. Their heavy weapons consisted of open pickups with machine guns mounted on them. Yet somehow they are cowards because they don’t want to walk into an ambush?

    BTW, for the ijit crowd, “following orders” can only mitigate a charge, it can’t eliminate the charge. The UCMJ includes all international as well as local law.

  26. ECA says:

    6, CORRECT..
    Wow some one has been listening..

    can I suggest something to you B@!$#!$#.
    will save these people.
    TEACHING them NOT to shoot each other, and to DIVE IN, and ROOT the OTHER B!@$#@$%@#% out will HELP ALL OF THEM and get OUR military HOME.

    I would DRAG THEM WITH me and go into those area’s THEY dont want to go.

    They NEED a leader..SOMEONE that will back them UP…IF 1 DIES, you DIVE into the area, and GET ANSWERS..and do it FAST..RIP a FEW in HALF in PUBLIC SQUARES..DRAW and QUARTER a few B#@$@%@$#%# and make an impression..SCARE the idiots OUT of the country.

  27. RBG says:

    I guess we’ll see how these policemen feel things should be handled when Obama removes all the US troops, what? any day now?


  28. Paddy-O says:

    # 56 Mr. Fusion said, “The UCMJ includes all international as well as local law.”


    Umm, no it doesn’t.

  29. Wow…everyone commenting missed the real story here.Most American business and most of the military should know that there are cultural differences that require a different tact for motivation. This is clearly the wrong tact for these jokers since it is an American style. It’s just dumb and counterproductive.

    Exactly what it has to do with Republicans or Democrats is beyond me. Those of you commenters bringing politics into everything we post on here should get counselling.

  30. Paddy-O says:

    # 60 John C Dvorak said, “Wow…everyone commenting missed the real story here.”

    Actually, you can’t motivate these guys to be nationalistic. That is what you’d have to aim for and that would never work.


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