How should I put this? The video contains colourful language.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Nation building at its finest.

  2. Sonny says:

    I think some Captain needs to discover the wonderful world of fragging.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    And, that is the problem. In certain parts of the world the highest level of Gov’t that is recognized by a persons mind is the tribe. Anything above that is incomprehensible. This applies to sub-Saharan Africa, the ME and some other areas.

    I had hoped Obama would recognize this and pull the plug on military involvement in Iraq & Afghanistan.

  4. skatterbrainz says:

    #3 – absolutely true and a “given” for anyone who’s actually been there.

    But unfortunately, there are also quite many parts that only respect superior force, which is what the U.S. has tried to leverage to their favor. The problem is that you can’t engage using force but then try to withdraw “smoothly” using the friendly tribal approach. It’s just too awkward and unstable.

  5. Holy Shit! says:

    It’s videos like these that make me thank those who plant flouride into the drinking water.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #4 Correct. Force is the reason Saddam could rule the “country” of Iraq. Absence the use of overwhelming force, there is no “country” there. Once we pull out one or more of 3 things will happen.

    1) Civil war.
    2) A strong man will emerge and use force to have a “country”
    3) The place will split up along ethnic, religious, tribal lines.

  7. Carcarius says:

    Saw this a couple weeks ago. Entertaining.

  8. algore says:

    fuckem…bring our boys home…

  9. RBG says:

    Shameful. I think most of us expected Dr. Phil with milk & cookies. These types of speeches only work with Western recruits.

    6 Paddy-O.

    4. al Qaeda sets up a Club Med.


  10. Steve says:

    Seems like he’s forgotten he invaded their country.
    Now he thinks he can transpose his high school basketball coach’s pep talk and have an impact on a culture he’s
    clueless about. Just because shame and humiliation motivated him to stop thinking and work harder, he acts like it’s an effective technique anywhere.

  11. 9yo says:

    … in a van down by the river… Frak!!!, might as well just paint a big red target on himself.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 RBG said, “6 Paddy-O. 4. al Qaeda sets up a Club Med.”

    I wonder if virgins will be covered in the “one price” covers all model?

  13. Buzz says:

    I’ll wager that he is a registered Republican.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    # 13 Buzz said, “I’ll wager that he is a registered Republican.”

    Well, he’s certainly not a spineless liberal. So, you’re probably correct.

  15. moshguy says:

    The speech this man gave is what every person in Iraq/Afghanistan needs to hear. If you aren’t part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem. We can only do so much. The people need to man up and take control.

  16. joe says:

    what is with all these p*ssy comment? He’s doing exactly what he needs to do to get them out there taking care of their own country so we can leave and come home. What a bunch of pansy liberal comments.

  17. A Soldier and a Father says:

    As a Soldier in the US Army, I can appreciate this person’s dismay and anger with training IP that only use that training to plan attacks against coalition forces. Perhaps, he could have been a bit more professional about it, but things can be frustrating over there.

    BTW #10, I can almost state for a fact that the Soldier speaking had nothing to do “invading his country”. As Soldiers, we are required to follow all lawful orders. The over throw of Saddam was a lawful order given by the Commander in Chief.

  18. Troublemaker says:

    Our USELESS military is training their police???


    I’m sure they are perfectly capable of training their police on their own. At least they were able to before we DESTROYED THEIR COUNTRY!

  19. Troublemaker says:

    Some War Criminal and a Father said,

    BTW #10, I can almost state for a fact that the Soldier speaking had nothing to do “invading his country”. As Soldiers, we are required to follow all lawful orders. The over throw of Saddam was a lawful order given by the Commander in Chief.

    Really? When did Congress officially declare war on Iraq?

    Last time I checked, it was an ILLEGAL war and occupation.

  20. Troublemaker says:

    Some idiot said,

    what is with all these p*ssy comment? He’s doing exactly what he needs to do to get them out there taking care of their own country so we can leave and come home. What a bunch of pansy liberal comments.

    They seemed to take care of their country just fine… BEFORE WE DESTROYED IT!

  21. Troublemaker says:

    Winning hearts and minds…


  22. Paddy-O says:

    # 19 Troublemaker said, “Really? When did Congress officially declare war on Iraq?”

    A declaration of war from congress requires no set wording. The congressional resolution passes constitutional muster.

    That’s why Pelosi & crew refused to impeach over it.

  23. bobbo says:

    hah, hah. I watched for a minute. If I were on the borderline, idiot speeches like this would tip me to the rebels side.

    What a douche. I agree == a Repuglican for sure.

  24. Dallas says:

    This Matt Foley (SNL) style of dealing with pussies like Congressional Republicans is needed.

    ” You diaper heads are not gonna amount to JACK SQUAT!” You’re gonna end up eating a steady diet of government cheese and living in a van down by the river!”

  25. A Soldier and a Father says:

    #19 Troublemaker…

    I’m proud to serve a nation that provides you with the right speak of your disagreement of our foreign policy. Without men and women in uniform, you wouldn’t have the inalienable rights that give you the permission and power to protest against our government.

    You’re welcome…

    BTW, I never mentioned a declaration of war. I only stated the fact that we’re required by law and tradition to follow lawful orders given by our commanders. It’s is the job of the American public and politicians to determine if each branch of government is following the laws of the land. I wouldn’t expect someone like you to understand that though.

  26. . says:

    Most of you losers have never served in the military so you wouldn’t know, but that is the standard “motivational” speech.

  27. bobbo says:

    #25–Soldier==given that every country in the world has a standing army proud to serve, there must be some other factor that brings “free speech” to the USA?

    Yes, its complicated, layered, historical, almost accidental==but standing armies everywhere are tools of established authority. Very much to be feared. The USA has been lucky so far but we are in a downward spiral.

  28. eaze says:

    #17 “As a soldier we are required to follow all lawful orders.”

    Good point except that invading Iraq was in contravention of international law so none of the soldiers followed lawful orders.

    As a soldier in the US army, you deserve to be spat on.

  29. 3rd Party says:

    #14, The spineless liberal is video taping the registered Republican.

  30. wumpus says:

    Show of hands — how many soldiers / sailors / marines on the board?
    I’m sure all of us in the military could agree that this is nothing new. I have been “lucky” to experience the region during the 1st and 2nd “excursions”, and I have had the honor of dealing with recruits of various nationalities. Recruits are the same no matter what the nationality:some good, most piss poor. But that is not to say that they can’t get their act together — it ultimately depends on their leader. If they fail then the leader is partly (some say ultimately)to blame.
    FYI, civilians should try to remember that it takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to go out and get shot at — sometimes harsh words are needed. Most of us are just scared, but not cowardly(I was scared).
    I guess the Iraqi security forces should make a decision soon or they wont stand a chance.


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