I feel happy just by watching it.

  1. Boob Tube says:

    Nice how people violate copyrights.

  2. Steve says:

    “buying a Prius and plastering it with inane bumper stickers”. They must have been testing it here in San Francisco.

  3. Unimatrix0 says:


    It’s called “parody”, and parody falls under fair use.

  4. darthnoor says:

    Stupid and cynical.

  5. ottokar790 says:

    That’s great – now offer a better solution.

  6. dodgema says:

    Pretty sophmoric. Too bad the premise is so flawed.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    #5 said That’s great – now offer a better solution.

    A better solution than spending $1 trillion in pork that has virtually nothing to do with creating jobs? That’s easy.

    The Feds need to jumpstart the economy and create a 6 month Payroll Tax Holiday that will put employees’ and employers’ money straight into the economy immediately (in a few weeks, not a few years).

    The payroll tax holiday would be a big boost to America’s job creators and reduce the cost of labor.

    And returning money directly to workers in their paychecks will help them with ordinary costs faced by the typical household and is an incentive for workers to spend more.

  8. QB says:

    This may be a little off topic but it still floored me. The average sale price for a house in Detroit during December was $7,500. That’s right, not $75,000.

  9. American Patriot says:


    How all of a sudden people are so worried about government over spending on Americans…

    but quickly forget the last 8 years where Hundreds of Billions were wasted or stolen in Irag by companies like Haliburton and Blackwater and the DOD.

    I guess these conservative are more interested in building up Iraq than America.

  10. GregA says:


    Hey out here in the exurbs you can still get 35-40k for your house….

  11. 888 says:

    I don’t want my taxes to be given away to a bunch of bankrupts and other loosers. Do you?
    Giving away our money to a bunch of international swindlers is a treason.

    Traitors who created Federal Reserve – a *private corporation* to control our banking system and indirectly every our government – and traitors who allowed it, they are responsible for previous and next crashes (because “this ain’t it yet, baby”).
    It would have never happened if we still had real monetary system based on gold reserves.
    Unfortunately Carnegie, Rockefella and few others had enough influence in our govts to quench their greed with our money.

    Is it happening all over again? It sure looks like it.

  12. JoaoPT says:

    America lives on credit (since it’s the world’s largest debt) and on a very nice thing invented way back and that is almost free energy.
    This is how it works:
    All oil must be traded in Dollars. That was set in stone decades ago. As soon as the US needs (or it used to…) more oil, just prints some more dollars and they’re set. That doesn’t start an inflationary process because the demand for oil was rising. Well. No more. And still there’s that debt to pay…
    And worse is delocalization. Before it used to pay to get more debt, since the money would flow back into the economy and foster growth, and thus, not only giving a means to pay the debt, but more importantly, a better rating to get even more credit. Now as America spends, jobs are created elsewhere.
    The only thing keeping stuff together is Media and technology related business.
    My guess is, the Stimulus won’t work as it is…

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Some of you guys need that little pill. They’re pork-flavored!

    Oh, and Rush! We love Rush!! He’s controlling the entire debate, and puts the party before the country. That makes him a big, fat, slow target.

    Some powerful Repubs should grow a spine and put that man in his place, post haste. Is GWB still alive? He should do it. Otherwise, this is going to be tons of fun to watch.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, 887 1/2,

    Yes, you’re not all there.

    Blaming everything on the Federal Reserve is more than bullshit. You miss everything the FED has allowed our society to accomplish.

    No, none of us want our money being flushed down the drain. This is what happens though when the Leibertarian method of oversight allows banks to run amok. We had eight years of right wing style banking and now you want to complain?

    America is worth more than you and your ilk. If you wish to set up your own utopia, please feel free to find your own little unpopulated island and create your own paradise.

  15. deowll says:

    Patriot, the reason we forget is that in the last few months we have blown vastly more than we spent on the war “to stimulate the economy” or just because we could. Nobody has a clue what they actually did with the money.

    As for the war, Obama, might as well have been named George Bush Jr.

    The Democrates told you that you were voting for a change. They lied. You’ve been had.

    What you voted for is no doubt the biggest spending spree in all of history.

  16. Silk says:

    Dear Con-Fusion,

    I will cut you some slack because obviously, you are only 8 years old.
    1977: Jimmy Carter signed the Community Reinvestment Act which started us down the slippery slope towards the subprime implosion which is Patient Zero on the route to the total destruction of the financial system.

    1987: Alan Greenspan was appointed head of the Federal Reserve. Policy became steadily more accommodative to the point where the FED mastered the art of bubble creation whether that be real estate or asset prices.

    1999: Bill Clinton repealed Glass Steagall. This was the beginning of the end of deregulation which put commercial banks into direct competition with investment banks. Major bad move.

    2000: Commodity Futures Modification Act of 2000 signed by Bill Clinton, pushed along by Gary Gensler who has been resurrected from the Clinton Administration and now serves as the newly appointed head of Obama’s CFTC. This abomination gave rise to the Enron loophole, ultimately leading to the commodity swaps game which gave us $147 crude last July.

    2003 Barney Frank opined publicly that Fannie and Freddie faced no crises and railed against regulating them.

    2004 Repeal of Net Capital rule approved by SEC headed by William H. Donaldson. This kicked off the leverage game in whose wake we now struggle to survive. Of the 5 investment banks that took advantage of this repeal, Bear and Lehman failed, Merrill flopped and the two remaining IBs, Goldie and Morgan Stanley, are now commercial banks.

    I won’t give you any more details for the nonce as I am certain that that 8-year old mind of yours can’t process too many FACTS at the same time.

  17. Robart says:

    #10 American Patriotic – “How all of a sudden people are so worried about government over spending on Americans…

    but quickly forget the last 8 years where Hundreds of Billions were wasted or stolen in Irag by companies like Haliburton and Blackwater and the DOD. ”

    What if I don’t like pork PERIOD? If I didn’t like it in the last 8 years can I hate it now? Do you think that because money was wasted in Iraq it justifies wasting more now? Weird logic. By the way, you forgot to invoke Cheney’s or Rove’s name. Isn’t that required for a libtard rant?

  18. stopher2475 says:

    Formally under the tradename “Paxil”


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