Pay no attention to that eerie silence in the nation’s most populous county this week; it will simply be the sound of 10 million people not cussing.

At least that’s the result McKay Hatch is hoping for once his campaign to clear the air is recognized by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

On Tuesday, the board is scheduled to issue a proclamation by Supervisor Michael Antonovich making the first week in March No Cussing Week.

That would mean no blue language from the Mojave desert, where it gets hot as $&# in the summer, to the Pacific Ocean, where on a winter’s day it can get colder and nastier than %$#!

Not that 15-year-old Hatch expects complete compliance. When his No Cussing Club meets at South Pasadena High School on Wednesdays it’s not unusual for a nonmember to throw open the door and fire off a torrent of four-letter words. He’s also been the target of organized harassment by pro-cussers.
“Next year I want to try to get California to have a cuss-free week. And then, who knows, maybe worldwide,” said the 10th grader, who believes if people treat each other with more civility they can better work together to solve bigger problems.

Check out the No Cussing Club’s website. Cripes! The kid’s turned this into a money making industry!

  1. eaze says:

    what a cunt

  2. chad says:

    Substituting for a word different does not change the original meaning…

    >Through the No Cussing Challenge I realized that I could use POSITIVE PEER PRESSURE
    No thanks kid…

  3. I guess I don’t get why people are up in arms about this. If you don’t want to participate – don’t. To me it’s the same as other weeks – days – Smoke Free, TV free, Wear Red, etc.

  4. Sonny says:

    #3, Then I effen won’t.

  5. Sam says:

    And to think that all that time and energy could have been used to actually make a difference in the world. But nobody gets on talk shows and writes self-help books for running a soup kitchen.

  6. Rabble Rouser says:

    As the charming robot on Futurama, Bender says, “Bite my shiny metal ass!”

    As former VP Dick Cheney says, “Go fuck yourself!”

  7. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Took a look at their website. This kid wil be on TV in 10 years with his “buy depressed property for no money down” seminars. Or maybe he will inherit that suit with all the ? marks on it.

  8. Floyd says:

    Can you say “Marjoe Gortner?” I knew that you could.

  9. Holy Shit! says:

    No cussing week?!

    I read the Dalai Lama’s new book, “Becoming Enlightened” (2009) yesterday and on page 66,

    The Dalai Lama, I repeat, the Dalai Lama uses the word “S-H-I-T” !

  10. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    dang! I thought that was last week.

  11. jims says:

    Am I the only one that thinks its ridiculous that there are bad words we aren’t supposed to say? What is a bad word? The whole idea is absurd. It seems to me, people buy into this nonsense like they buy into religion. Both equally nonsensical ideas. The words aren’t even the same for everyone!

  12. KD Martin says:

    Someone ought to tell The Onion —

    Sony Releases Stupid POS That Doesn’t Freaking Work

  13. TVAddict says:

    jims I wholeheartedly agree with you…I will never understand this penchant for calling some words bad. Right up there with the idiocy that is religion. They are just sounds coming from my mouth. The listener decides what the sounds mean. If the listener doesn’t like the sounds I make, fuck em.

  14. RBG says:

    I was in a lineup with my 9 yr old and a nearby young fella was matter-of-factly swearing a blue streak as he casually spoke. I had to intervene 4 times. Each time he profusely apologized. It’s the pass-the-fukn-potatoes syndrome.

    12 jims, 14 TVAddict.

    Michael Richard would agree.


  15. jims says:


    That was an explaination? you where in line with your kid and someone used a word you don’t like? Who cares? Why are these “bad” words? If you didn’t tell your kid they where bad words it would never think twice about them… If a group of people decided the word “tshirt” where bad you’d see people protesting the word and other people yelling to pass the tshirt potatoes and to shut your tshirting mouth etc… who gives a shit? Its manufactured controversy to keep you from thinking and encourage you to get inline and do what you are told like a nice little sheep should.


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