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The deputy, Paul Schene, 31, has been charged with fourth-degree assault in connection with the Nov. 29 incident in a holding cell at SeaTac City Hall. Schene pleaded not guilty to the charge Thursday, and he was released on his own recognizance.. Trouble allegedly began after Schene escorted one of the teens into a holding cell. While trying to take her shoes off, the girl kicked off her left shoe, which struck the deputy in the shin, the document said.
The video shows the girl crossing her arms and kicking off her shoe through the doorway of the cell. The video then shows the deputy’s violent response.
Are these guys too stupid to realize they are on camera, or is it they just don’t give a damn? I vote for the latter.
*That* supposed to be funny? I could come up with better stuff myself.
Dude, I don’t want to hurt your feelings unneccesarily at this moment, but next time please use that last brain cell of yours and try to post *something*, gee…
I have a very clever two step method for avoiding being the victim of police brutality….
Step 1. Avoid the police. Don’t hurt people, steal things, sell drugs etc.
Step 2. If you screw up step 1 and have to deal with the police, be respectful and follow instructions.
This method has kept me, my family and everyone I know from becoming the victims of police brutality.
Reading all these extreme comments is revealing. Seems it is not only a psycho cop and a bratty kid who are messed up. As the Great John C. Dovorak once said, “What is WRONG with you people?” I side with the kid. But I wouldn’t want to be a cop. Except for the fact that they get to carry a weapon even AFTER they retire in the fucked up state of California.
#61 888
Here’s hoping you never have children. There’s already enough psychopaths in this world.
I’m kind of tired of kids with attitude. Especially the ones look at you and dare you to slap them silly. Maybe they need a bit of silliness slapped out of them so they understand that adults do not need to tolerate boorish, crass deliberately provocative crap from them? Maybe this was the cops 60th crappy kid and he could tolerate it no longer. Maybe someone should ask him and maybe someone should also check the kid out and see if she’s had a major attitude readjustment that may just have put her back on the straight and narrow rather than kid glove her into juvenile hall and maybe later the ladies Big House. Maybe the cop has done her and her stupid, so-called parents a BIG FAVOUR.
AND in our country, EVEN if you are caught with your HAND in the pickle jar.. ITS NOT FACT until you go to court, to PROVE you ate 1.
So the Kid hijacks MOMS car..
In 60% of all REPORTS the cops dont get ALL of the story. THEY DIDNT KNOW.
They are responsible FOR THERE ACTIONS.
HOW would you feel, being a cop, and someone SLAMMED you into a wall, if you were arrested?
Funny, because thats the exact same I’m thinking about you and ones like you!
This world, and certainly this USA, has enough “boorish, crass deliberately provocative” kids (to quote #65) and their stupid parents who are not able to teach them right from wrong, and enough so-called liberal “adults” like you to whom everything is relative.
I’m pretty sure #65 is right and the cop gave her and her parents BIG FAVOR.
The cop most certainly overreacted with use of force, but still: kicking one’s shoe into officer’s face is an attack, even if it was just a coincidence.
And no, she wasn’t a muslim and cop is not f*king Bush either.
All the friction in discussing this issue could have been avoided if the video was accompanied by ‘Yakety Sax’ a.k.a. Benny hill music.
I might have some sympathy for the parent that found their car missing. Perhaps though that parent was going to show the child “What for” by reporting a theft? Maybe 3 instances of over reaction? Daft parent, doltish arrogant child, thug overreaching policeman? Oh so full of win this is! π
read up…
the shoe hit him in the Shin, NOT CHIN..
#70 Doing her a favor eh? I spose getting the shit kicked out of you by a cop should be a part of every kids upbringing. This will prepare them nicely for the brutal police state that ‘adults’ such as yourself fantasize about.
Respect Authority. Respect your Parents. Obey. OBEY.
PS. Nice inclusion of a minority into the conversation just for good measure. Bet your loving a black man as prez.
You’re right, it was *shin* not *chin*.
As I said – cop certainly overreacted.
I bet you needed spanking when you were teenager, too bad your daddy wasn’t around and your mommy was crackwhoring liberated hippie, don’t tell me I’m far off π
“Bet your loving a black man as prez”. Of course I don’t love him. Only liberal white american morons and almost all of black americans “love him” just because he is not white (and he aint nigga either, brutha – just in case you didn’t notice).
What kind of President he will be I will judge in 4 years and either I ‘ll vote for him in 2012 or I won’t.
What, in all your liberal bullshit thinking you’re suggesting to know the future and you already know he will be remembered as one of the best Presidents? Well π I can’t argue with that, can I π
#71 Ahh ad-hominem – the last refuge of the defeated and intellectually bankrupt.
And you you calling a liberal? More insults! Just because I oppose your disturbing authoritarian nightmarish doesnt make me a liberal. You see, I value people over property. You dont. Guess that makes me a commie, or maybe I’m a Muslim, or gay, or some other object of your irrational psychopathic hatred.
Of course you could just be another pointy headed troll letting of steam to compensate for a deficiency in the trouser area.
“…the last refuge of the defeated and intellectually bankrupt.”
You listen (because I doubt you can read proficiently) to too many liberal propagnda streams. It is boooooooooooooring! to read exactly same replies in your and your comrades posts.
“Ahh ad-hominem – …” said kettle to the pot π
(re-read your own ad hominem in #70, #64 and probably more – you’re not worth more of my time to search further)
Gay muslim commie psychopath – well put description of yourself! Yes. Thats exact kind of neighbour I would never want to have. π
Speaking of trolls… don’t you liberal psychos never have any mirrors home?
I don’t see where the cops did anything that wasn’t in their training.
They are trained to command and demand complete and utter obedience. They are trained and demanded to be people controlling-psychopaths.
That is what the Judge will see (because he/she wants that too). That’s what the jury will see because, they watch the 5:00 news and are scared of crime.
The fact that cops did more then was necessary will be and must be ignored in our society. Our government can not afford to respect the rights of it’s subjects. We are after all living in a Neo Con police state.
Cops aren’t regular people in our society they are GODs. They are higher then the one true GOD in our society.
We live in a society where people aren’t people anymore. People are objects to be manipulated by State to gain power. People are objects to be manipulated by business to gain money. Business and Government work hand in hand to expand their manipulative reach and dominance over the public.
#72 Heh. Clearly problems in the trouser department.
Ouch that hurt… not! π
Just so we’re clear: content of my trousers is for my lady, not for faggots (like you).
And don’t you dare to troll with any “sexual preference discrimination” here, no straight or gay men allow unwelcomed faggots (like you) to pry into their pants. It is called “sexual harassement” not “discrimination” and ought to be obvious even to a liberal fags (like you).
Hate Hate Hate be gone.
#56, 888;
Easy enough to find, your wallowing in it.
Good advice for you: When you’re up to your chin in shit, it’s best to keep your mouth closed.
I think this thread is relevant in revealing the subtleties of good vs bad trolling. Certainly there has to be even an arguably supportable viewpoint as part of “a good troll?” or have I totally missed the point and a troll worthy of more than a grunt can actually just be totally irrelevant?
Cops beating up a prisoner for flipping her shoe harmlessly off her foot. Before one trolls too deeply in this water, shouldn’t one identify the minority value being championed?
Well, I hope 888 is more than a one trick pony. Besides being groundlessly confrontative, it will be interesting to see if any moral philosophy undergrids his persona.
Will he turn out to be a multidisciplinary expert with many top level contacts like Paddy?
I’m on pins and needles. Lets give him more rope.
71,72, 73,76,78
More from the girls point of view here:
I’d call this a “red flag” on a bad cop==regardless of the girls minor (sic) contribution.
If the unbelievable story can be believed then:
Fact: The girl is 15 years old.
Fact: She is a child
She borrowed her parent’s car. Quite possibly without permission. That is mostly between her and her parents I believe.
She drove with the lights off – that is dangerous and she should be stopped. If she has a drivers license then she should either be fined or at the most the license revoked for while. If she does not have a drivers license then she would need further punishment. But in either case I see little or no reason for her to be arrested unless she is a repeat offender. She should be identified and then handed in to her parents. (who possibly also should be punished).
Fact: Guilt had not been established by a court
Under no circumstances should she be handled the way she was. Even had she hit, bitten or similar.
Fact: That was torture.
Fact: It could have killed or maimed
Fact: That was torture of a girl child
Fact: It was done by a grown up big male
Fact: It was done by a person of authority who knows better
Fact: There were two officers present. Both should be trained and able to constrain a 15 year old girl. Alone!
Fact: This will quite likely give the girl a psychological trauma for life
Had this happened to a grown up professional thief – it would still be torture and very wrong. And the officer should be given a long jail sentence.
In this case the officer in question should be put in a jail cell and the key thrown away. If the girl had become maimed or the trauma to her mind turns into a mental decease then I think the officer should depart the living.
#79 bobbo
I agree with you, if someone is going to be a troll at least make worth our time.
#83–Diesel==well, I actually tried to figure out a way to support the cops, but there was just too much against them- -Him? Although its interesting, the buddy cop did not restrain his partner. I think that is revealing as well–mob mentality, the blue line, team sports.
We have all met mouthy irresponsible teens, and “borrowing” the car is pretty outrageous too. Those facts support a visit by Child Protective Services to consider intervention===nothing to do with the minimum requirements of our sworn servants.
Thats twice now I think you’ve agreed with me. Your cred is at risk.
IF you are making a comment, TRY to stay on topic..
WIDE comments suggesting THAT group DID IT, is asinine. START AT THE ROOT of the problem and CURE it to the flower..GENERALITIES are stupid and show your intellect.(just like hitler did)
As I have told a friend..FEED people LITTLE bits, and you can make them BELIEVE..
TRY to STUFF them with info/food, and they get FAT, LAZY, and dont listen..
1 idiot is enough we dont need ANOTHER, and ANOTHER..
#84 bobbo
Okay, I’ll get my cred back.
As for supporting the cops, well, I was married to one and at times supporting them can be difficult.
There is no way this deserves a visit from CPS for borrowing the car. I did it for about a year when I was growing up and did it about once a week.
As most of the comments suggest, you are trolling. Your arguments are crap and more worthy of a totalitarian society. They do not reflect the kind of society most Americans want to live in.
It’s been said before but I’ll say it again. When you’re in a hole, quit digging.
Good link.
My question is why was the cop only charged with a misdemeanor? Why wasn’t the second cop not charged as an accomplice?
#86–Diesel==stealing your parents car at 15 years old? Being mouthy with cops? Its undeniable something more than growing pains is going on in this family/with this kid. I don’t see a visit by CPS as anything else but an offer to provide help to those who might benefit from it–even if just a reading list of self help books from the local library.
But then, I guess I suffer from thinking the CPS could be more professional than the local cops.
PS–my parents never physically punished us kids==but I can’t imagine taking their car without permission==which never happened. Had to buy my own car at 17. Some parents are that bad huh?
The whole family can retire now after they settle out of court with the city, and the people will be paying for another copper blunder.
There certainly are a lot of posts, but I didn’t really see anything talking about certain facts:
1. The cops there probably didn’t even know why she was been incarcerated for much less that it was daddy’s car.
2. They are there to keep the peace and keep people in line. I will certainly afford that the one cop’s actions, not both, were excessive and he’ll have his day in court.
3. What about the story leading up to this action? We only see a one minute video of what could be 30 plus minutes of activity with this delinquent. How many times did she pull her attitude of tossing shoes, calling names, pulling away, scratching arms and faces, spitting offenses, etc. before this video? How difficult was she being at fingerprinting, photo, and statement? Was she acting like an angel up to this point? I think not. Did she deserve that severity? Certainly not. Did she deserve some “attitude” corrective action? She certainly did.
4. Anyone have the sound track to this event? What were they saying? How confrontational was she in this instance?
5. What is the age of the teenager? Could she be considered an adult for her offense? How many teenagers, or adults, do you know that are willing to treat officers with such disdain that are law abiding citizens? I certainly wasn’t one to throw anything at an officer regardless of how retarded they may have been. Do you really want to add assaulting an officer to your felony auto theft, regardless of how the cop reacted, that’s the charge they could add.
Any way you look at it, there were certainly two sides and I believe the officer took things too far, but she is certainly not an innocent in this affair either. While it was too much, maybe she’ll learn from it but maybe she won’t.
Let’s get both sides cleaned up and then we can all live in peace.