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The deputy, Paul Schene, 31, has been charged with fourth-degree assault in connection with the Nov. 29 incident in a holding cell at SeaTac City Hall. Schene pleaded not guilty to the charge Thursday, and he was released on his own recognizance.. Trouble allegedly began after Schene escorted one of the teens into a holding cell. While trying to take her shoes off, the girl kicked off her left shoe, which struck the deputy in the shin, the document said.
The video shows the girl crossing her arms and kicking off her shoe through the doorway of the cell. The video then shows the deputy’s violent response.
Are these guys too stupid to realize they are on camera, or is it they just don’t give a damn? I vote for the latter.
I think the cop was just re-enacting Rihanna’s boyfriend did her.
As well, we see ONE video of a cop acting like a criminal and we think all cops do this. They don’t. The majority of officers do their jobs and do it well. They don’t abuse people.
But, I wouldn’t mind to see them abuse some that post on here! 🙂
stupid jarheads
the poor girl left a pee or blood stain on the floor
YEAH we kicked her arse!!!!!!
#6, #30
Because of assholes like you the system is broken.
Children don’t steal cars, thieves do.
If she was a “child” she would have behave like one.
All of you liberal assholes are so liberal until some thief steals YOUR car, or shoots one of your dearly loved ones, so there’s nothing new in your stupid posts.
Liberals are people without imagination. They have to get burnt to believe fire is hot.
I say kick the shit out of her. Maybe that’ll teach her not to steal again.
Next time just shoot her. She’s like a rabid dog, not a citizen.
#s 1 & 2
Your Neanderthal reactions display an obvious lack of education about the Constitution (innocent until proven guilty) and/or lack of moral parenting as children (good men do not commit acts of violence on helpless women and girls).
I love all the Police State lovers on this board.
Look at how many people are actually saying that the girl deserves to be physically assaulted because she doesn’t show enough deference to the effing *State*
You people would have loved the old Soviet Union — and your real desire is Nazi Germany.
Ask yourself what you value more: Personal freedom or “respect for arbitrary authority”. If the latter, you belong somewhere else than in the United States, where the whole premise of the constitution is just the opposite.
# 26 “How about putting an end to criminals?”
exactly, in that video the cop is the criminal,
Mr Paul Schene, say hello to your new roommates :
Turner Brown and Ben Dover,
lets hope he never gets out alive.
Wow, the guy lifted her off the floor by her hair! Totally unnecessary. The cop deserves everything he is about to get.
I like the way he came back into the cell to check it over (wipe up any blood, perhaps?).
I hope that 230+ lb. cop felt like a man after whipping a 100 lb girl.
888 #33
“All of you liberal assholes are so liberal until some thief steals YOUR car, or shoots one of your dearly loved ones”
My car has been stolen in the past. Some one I loved was recently killed in a crime. The accused, who will have to stand trial in a different town because it appears to be such an open and shut case impartial jury could not be found in the community where the crime happened. He is clearly a flight risk and has only a $5K bail. So our justice system in less than perfect, if we play by the rules set up in the Constitution it is still the best on earth. have no problem supporting it.
Should you ever be accused of a crime you will be thankful of the rights of the accused we have in place. Good thing you don’t have an attitude
or the jailers might beat up on you.
“Liberals are people without imagination”
You have never even looked at the demographics of the voting public have you?
“I say kick the shit out of her. Maybe that’ll teach her not to steal again. Next time just shoot her. She’s like a rabid dog, not a citizen.”
ok now I’m sure you are just trolling to get a response. You had me going. Laugh laugh .. man you need a new hobby or a life or at least a drinking problem this trolling is for kids for you to be doing it is like being in your 20s and still wanting your mommy to take you to Chuckey Cheese for your birthday.
Washington LAW..
That is NOT 4th degree..
#35 You are correct.
It’s the conservative general philosophy that an authoritarian state is the best remedy to rid of all society problems – like theft and a host of things. Basically, screw the Constitution and citizen rights if “it’s a nice cure”.
As you said, these are the same people, while with good intentions, will unwittingly allow this country down that ugly slippery slope of no return. They will then cower and hide to have freedom fighters do the liberties reinstatement.
Again…I quote the best of the quotes..
“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent” (Thomas Jefferson
Ok so, this can’t be allowed, but man, I wouldn’t want to be a police officer and have to deal with the most low-life people around. Sure, you can say the guy shouldn’t be a cop, and he probably won’t be anymore. Part of me feels that that ass kicking will do more good than jail or getting of due to a technicality. The problem is that that little biznatch will probably pump out 14 kids that will all grow up can do the same crap. That’s the part that bothers me.
Nobody like “Police State” or “tyranny”.
Treating criminals like criminals is not tyranny.
Cops in this video kick the shit out of THIEF, not some innocent child grabbed from the street.
Now flame away, I don’t care, but don’t post bullshit about “cops beating up children”.
That bitch is a thief, not “a child”.
Thanks to your liberal poison the penalty system in this country is so broken it won’t do squat about her crime, if she is underage she’ll go free back to her gang and you bet she will try to steal another car next day (hopefully YOURS).
Thomas Jefferson certainly didn’t even consider leaving any crime or criminal – regardless of age – to go free and unpunished.
Constitution was written for people who can read, not for those who can only write bullshit.
Hey give the cop a break… they just repossessed his 4×4 Dodge Big Horn Truck with extra large tires so he has to do something to make up for a small penis and only one nut. Must be frustrating for the guy.
Yet you’ll cry “where are cops when you need’em” when bunch of underage bruthas will mug you somewhere one day LOL
Heck, you’ll even pray for any lousy one-nut quarter-inch micropenis cop to be there for you! 😀
So, a thief is a thief no matter what the age? What if the girl was twelve, or ten, or even eight? What you do is give the kid a real scare and send them home to mommy, where the real beating will begin. You do not slam the kid’s head into the wall, body slam her to the concrete floor, punch her in the face a few times for good measure, then lift her off the floor by her hair.
I would like to know what happened after this in the next room. I imagine it may have gotten worse.
It is kind of insane. I might expect this for a violent criminal but theft is most commonly a non-physical, non-violent crime. It isn’t like the girl stabbed someone.
This cop is a macho a-hole that apparently thinks nothing of beating the snot out of little girls. If a fourteen year-old boy did this to a girl classmate in middle school then the boy would be labeled a monster that would be off to juvenile detention in handcuffs. However, it is somehow okay if a thirty year old cop does it.
I think JCD ought to send McCullough up there to confront that cop.
“If a fourteen year-old boy did this to a girl classmate in middle school then the boy would be labeled a monster”
Certainly and very correctly, since his classmate girl is NOT A THIEF.
Very same boy would have been labeled HERO if he did that to a thief caught on a street stealing car.
Got it?
Or is it still too hard to comprehend by your liberal “standards”?
I just read more on this. The girl was in her parents car which the father reported stolen. As far as I know, you don’t treat kids for joy riding in daddy’s car like this especially once you determine that daddy is on the way to collect her. Heck, I did this a few times but I wouldn’t today after seeing what an a-hole cop might think of it.
And I don’t know if you can technically call this theft. It was apparently a joy-ride. The car would have come back in an hour or so.
It turns out the cop is charged with fourth degree assault, a gross misdemeanor. The punishment is apparently up to one year in jail, up to a $5000 fine, or both.
# 32 jcj7161
stupid jarheads
the poor girl left a pee or blood stain on the floor
YEAH we kicked her arse!!!!!!
Nope. The stain was on the video before she ever walked in.
What a die hard liberalist bullshit case example 🙂
“And I don’t know if you can technically call this theft. It was apparently a joy-ride. The car would have come back in an hour or so.”
That’s a beauty 😀
So I assume we should have laws stating “stealing a car for only an hour – with intent of returning it – is not theft”?
Why not go further?
Murder is NOT a murder if the victim is i.e. christian or muslim (goes to heaven), buddist (reincarnates immediately), jewish (might come back as Jesus ;)), hindu (I don’t know exactly their religions but I’m sure no one really dies once and forever in any of their religions either), and so on… there would be a problem with atheist victims, but I’m sure liberals could come up with something…
I think what you think is a stain is a drain hole. I think most cells are designed for easy clean up with a hose. Better for getting rid of puke and any incriminating blood.
888, sorry, I am as conservative as they come. But, come on, bud! It was the family car and she went for a joy ride. It was not like she was going to take it to a chop shop to sell for her crack habit or something. Criminy, has everyone lost all common sense these days? You have lost all perspective.
You are a fail troll.
Anyone who sides with this cop and claims she deserves such treatment should be destroyed for becoming dysfunctional machinery. You know who you are. Now drive yourself off a cliff.
#51 I never dismissed the fact the the cop in this video overreacted to no matter what she did. Such beating should have been reserved as last resort against violent criminals.
I do object to posts like yours (and few others).
Get the facts straight:
The owner called cops reporting his car stolen. Cops caught the girl who stole it. End of (this) story.
The fact that the thief turns out to be owner’s daughter (as you say) is another story, maybe IMHO it only suggests that Daddy should have look after his Sweetie better.
Yet, it doesn’t change the fact that the girl STOLE the car – and what she was going to do (or what she wasn’t going) is just your speculation. I too would assume she wasn’t to chop shop with it, but hey no one but her knows for sure what she was going to do with it, so leave it alone. Fact is she was a thief from the moment her Daddy reported his car stolen.
Cop wasn’t beating up some innocent daddy’s girl kidnapped from a street and dragged unlawfuly to jail, keep in mind he confronted a THIEF in this video (and yes, he does it with exaggerated use of force IMHO – there, I said it to be clear on that too).
The irony is that the punishment cop received (a year in jail?!) probably is way more than what the car thief girl gets. Law in this country is sick.
#53 That would be me. Thanks.
Its always good to know who the enemies are 🙂
You are welcome to eat my shit, natefrog.
888, did you ever take your dad’s car for a joy ride late at night? If you said “yes” then you are just like millions of average American teenagers. I know I did once or twice. I did not steal it. I drove it a couple of blocks and parked it back in the same spot, no one the wiser.
If nothing else, I am sure the cop knew full well it was a teenage girl in her daddy’s car. That is speculation but I have zero doubt. Even if he didn’t he should have been smart enough to figure that one out on his own.
The cop told her to take off her shoes and she complied by kicking one off and was doing so with the other when tackled. Unfortunately, the shoe hit the guys shin and he went apoplectic.
If the girl was “lippy” as the cop said than I would sure hope that a street cop has heard much worse in nearly a decade on the force and should have a much thicker skin. This guy is a loose cannon.
My guess is that this cop has some serious rage issues. This might happen on the street with a gang banger and it might be perfectly justified but it shouldn’t happen at the detention center with a teenage girl. I am sorry but I cannot agree with you on this one. The guy is an a-hole.
I bet the cop will get fined and probably lose his job. I seriously doubt he will do one second of jail time.
# 47 888 said, “Certainly and very correctly, since his classmate girl is NOT A THIEF.”
May I remind you Mr 8 – the girl in the video is NOT a thief until a court SAYS she is a thief.
And may I also say you are either
1) seriously in need of some help with your anger issues or
2) a very funny troll
Personally, I think the latter.
888 aka ( . )
you are one fearsome troll who eats all who pass this way
my brothers are much larger and more tasty you should feed on them I’ll be on my way
May I remind you that concept of “private property” is the basis of any law and order in every civilization.
It is “light crime” (aka offense) only currently, thanks to poison of liberalism in our western society.
Most of the world still doesn’t see it as lightly as you do, in some countries they even cut thief’s hands (when proven guilty of course).