The deputy, Paul Schene, 31, has been charged with fourth-degree assault in connection with the Nov. 29 incident in a holding cell at SeaTac City Hall. Schene pleaded not guilty to the charge Thursday, and he was released on his own recognizance.. Trouble allegedly began after Schene escorted one of the teens into a holding cell. While trying to take her shoes off, the girl kicked off her left shoe, which struck the deputy in the shin, the document said.

The video shows the girl crossing her arms and kicking off her shoe through the doorway of the cell. The video then shows the deputy’s violent response.

Are these guys too stupid to realize they are on camera, or is it they just don’t give a damn? I vote for the latter.

  1. Dallas says:

    Aside from the bizarre comments from 888, the opinions to support or not support the cops here truly defines differences in opinions between conservatives and liberals.

    Well meaning, conservatives will quickly dismiss the cops abuse as “it’s OK here”. While liberals will not tolerate abuse of power at any level. These are clear philosophical differences.

    Extend that at the National level, you can see the difference of opinions with the Bush administration.

    Bush and Cheney trashing of the Constitution, violating civil liberties and keeping to a shadow government is perfectly fine if “it’s applied in a good way”.

    I’m glad I fall on the side of what America was founded on without compromises.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    # 39 ECA said, “That is NOT 4th degree..”

    Actually, unless she has marks and/or visible injuries, it is.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #90, dm,

    The cops there probably didn’t even know why she was been incarcerated for much less that it was daddy’s car. ,

    She was arrested for car theft. It doesn’t take too much intelligence to see that the car would have been her father’s. They share the same last name and address. As a juvenile, the police would have to call the parents anyway. That would have been entered into the Police Report too.

    2. They are there to keep the peace and keep people in line.

    No. The police are there to enforce the law. Keeping people in line is the right wing nut idea of population control.

    3. What about the story leading up to this action? We only see a one minute video of what could be 30 plus minutes

    So what? It is only this one minute that counts. Calling a cop “a fat pig” may be demeaning, but it isn’t a crime. There was no evidence or even suggestion that the police had been scratched or that the shoe hit him, or that she had even been fingerprinted at that point.

    Was she acting like an angel up to this point? I think not.

    Do you have any proof that she was doing anything illegal up to this point? Can you point to where in the police report she was belligerent about being fingerprinted?

    4. Anyone have the sound track to this event? What were they saying?

    Again, it doesn’t matter what she might have said. Any audio might even be more damaging to the police than not since they have this nasty habit of being the mouthy ones. Their verbal instructions may well have been the imputes for the whole incedent.

    5. What is the age of the teenager?

    She is 15. That makes her a juvenile and as such can not be interrogated without her parents present. Being charged as an adult would be a call for the District Attorney, not the police.

    How many teenagers, or adults, do you know that are willing to treat officers with such disdain that are law abiding citizens?

    Most people are shocked when they are arrested. Most police do their best to control the situation by demeaning the prisoner to the point of making the prisoner a victim.

    I certainly wasn’t one to throw anything at an officer regardless of how retarded they may have been.

    Neither did the victim. She was told to remove her shoes and she did. But yes, you still are retarded.

    Any way you look at it, there were certainly two sides and I believe the officer took things too far, but she is certainly not an innocent in this affair either.

    But can you point to something she did to the cop? Because all you have so far is mere conjecture and assumptions. There is no evidence to back any of it up.

    The cop that hit her should have been charged with a Class “D” felony for assaulting her when she was restrained.

    The second cop should have been charged as a misdemeanor accomplice. He saw the first cop shove her head into the wall, throw her face down on the ground, and pick her up by the hair. As a cop he had the duty to intervene and he didn’t.

  4. bobbo says:

    #90–dmstrat==can you equivocate any more? I wonder if it is my own bias that you actually think the cop acted wrongly. If he did, why all the BS about the 15 YO girl?

    Makes me “wonder” too. If the cop was “wrong” how was his partner “right” not to stop it?

    I don’t mind you being a “team player”–except you look more than willing to be on the wrong team.

    How many brown shirts do you own?

  5. Wretched Gnu says:

    Bottom line: Small penis. Angry.

  6. plarsen says:

    #91 I wonder if there is a correlation between whether you belong to conservatives or liberals on this story such as:
    Liberals: Horrible treatment
    Conservatives: She got what she deserves

    In this case I would think you would need to be a nazi sadist to think the girl got the right treatment.

    So maybe the correlation is more likely to be:
    Authoritarian wife beater: She had it coming
    Humanist: The officer is a nazi sadist

    Or maybe:
    Evil: She had it coming
    Good: You do treat 15 year old child like that

    Because I think anybody in their right mind – even a staunch conservative will be abhored by the video.

  7. plarsen says:

    in #96 I of course meant to write:
    Good: You do NOT treat a 15 year old child like that

  8. Nadrew says:

    How could she not have marks and visible injuries?

    1st degree/felony assault.
    Felony child abuse.
    Moral turpitude.
    Should throw the book at this goon.

    The DA is complicit by filing reduced charges.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 98 Nadrew said, “How could she not have marks and visible injuries?”

    Simple. By not being hit hard enough in the right area to cause any.

  10. Mark says:

    Just thought I would make it a cool 100.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #99, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, Phony Climate Scientist, Leading Troll Extraordinare, and Asstrologist

    # 98 Nadrew said, “How could she not have marks and visible injuries?”

    Simple. By not being hit hard enough in the right area to cause any.

    And you know she has no bruises, … how again?

    Bruising is not a requirement for felony assault. The fact that she was under restraints and being held by another person means it is a felony. Witnessing and not stopping the assault puts the second cop in the same boat.

    Do you ever get tired of trolling?

    That the second cop assisted will put the whole department on the hook. She might not get to retire young, but she can look forward to having her college education paid for. All six or seven years.

  12. ECA says:

    I posted the link to the washington LAW, for ASSAULT.
    4th degree means it was like..POKING someone in the chest.
    NOT counting the SLAM into the wall..the 2 SLUGS in the back are ABOVE a simple Jab in the chest.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    I wondered how could anybody… until it hit me — . (Dot, Dottie? May I call you Dorothy?) and 888 _are_ the cops in the video. It explains everything!

    All their children will grow up to be serial killers, the kind who, as children, will pull the wings and legs off insects and birds, torture and dismember neighborhood pets and start fires. One wonders if that’s how these two started out…

  14. YEA RIGHT says:

    The beating aint have shit to do with why she was in jail so quit stating that shit. The copp says the shoe hit him in the shin. He must be a sinsative motherf***er if he snapped like that. They do what they wanna do and fortunately he paid the price

  15. poopie says:

    this vidoe is bo bo if yer gonna get beat up then u shouldnt go to jail too…. there should be a choice haha

  16. redlady says:

    if thats whats caught on camera think of whats not


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