Patrick proposes $2 ‘carbon fee’ for Logan parking – The Boston Globe — If you want to jack up prices because you are a mismanaged city, then just say so. Calling it a “Carbon Tax” is bogus. Look for this sort of thing wherever the locals are too dumb to protest.

In the same month that Logan International Airport hiked its parking rates by $1, Governor Deval Patrick is asking for another $2 parking “carbon fee” as part of his transportation overhaul filed this week.

The carbon fee, described on page 137 of Patrick’s 141-page bill, would that mean a 20- or 30-minute trip to pick up a relative at Logan could cost $6 in parking alone, not including tunnel tolls, which could rise to as much as $7 if legislators fail to pass Patrick’s other proposal to raise the gas tax. Three hours in a Logan garage would cost $18; all-day parking in a garage would run $26.

Boston’s short-term rates are currently higher than those in the nation’s largest cities – from New York’s LaGuardia to Los Angeles International, to Chicago’s O’Hare.

It’s still cheaper than the miserable SFO airport in San Francisco.

Found by Joe Carlson.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    “Look for this sort of thing wherever the locals are too dumb to protest.”

    You mean, wherever liberals are found.

  2. RBG says:

    I believe Salt Lake City International Airport is planning a $2 “Liberal Fee” for similar reasons.


  3. GF says:

    A sad fate for a city that brought us the Boston Tea Party.

    I guess that’s what happens when you have an onslaught of unwanted immigrants, the Irish, who fail to integrate into an American society. 😉

  4. bobbo says:

    hah, hah. Two ditto-heads arguing about the labels.


  5. GigG says:

    And even better someone labeling two people arguing about labels.

  6. bobbo says:

    #5–Gig==you just pissed off the Label Makers of America. I’d check my next 3-pack of underwear real close.

  7. stopher2475 says:

    Trolling aside I hate every kind of pricing scheme where they say something costs x and then charge y. My cable bill is insane with this stuff now. With the fee for being digital and the box rental now over 10 bucks plus various other nonunderstandable fees they manage to tack on another 40 bucks.

  8. RBG says:

    Let me help you guys out. If you can charge $2 for an airport “Carbon Tax,” you can make up a “justifiable” charge for just about anything. You’re welcome.


  9. pfkad says:

    Kee-rist! These kinds of charges are built in to almost everything; plane tickets, car rentals, cable bills, concert tickets and on and on. That’s why I had a $29 phone plan that cost me $45 a month. It’s all bullshit of course. Just a sleazy way of raising prices without seeming too greedy.

  10. deowll says:

    So these people claim that parked cars without their engines running make CO2.

    Interesting.Very interesting.

    Like another said. They aren’t honest enough to admit they are just jacking up the fees to get more money.

  11. 888 says:

    Regardless of CO2 factor in global warming, I’m surprised why some countries have joined this wordlwide farce.

    Canada has the most forsets in North America. Due to this fact, one would think Canada’s oxygen production should overshadow her role in CO2 emissions. Same goes for all the countries around Amazon river’s tropical jungles that produce most of the oxygen for entire world.
    Yet canadian government and so many stupid canadian liberals are *for* Kyoto accords and *for* so-called CO2 penalties!

    I’m afraid one day they’ll realise that they also *produce* plenty of oxygen used by the rest of the world, and they’ll ask us (or USA) to pay them for the oxygen too – on top of of the CO2 penalties.
    That would fully complete this circus LOL.

    Next level of eco-terrorism 2.0:
    “Either you yanks pay us few billion bucks a year for oxygen, or we will burn down all our forests”

  12. MikeN says:

    Latest anti-global-warming fest happened when snow fell in DC. The original scare mongers had it right in checking the weather reports and turning off the AC when they had James Hansen testify 20 years ago.

  13. 888 says:

    I repeat:
    Any “anti-global-warming” protesters, anyone who is for “carbon fees”/”CO2 tax” should also agree for some sort of “oxygen promotion tax” immediately payable to countries like Canada or Brazil for their enormous effort of keeping up their forests – hence supplying most of oxygen to all of us.

    What, no takers?

  14. Paddy-O says:

    #16 US URBAN tree count alone produces 66% of US population consumption. The US including non-urban areas is a net contributor in the world…

  15. 888 says:

    I don’t know where is your info from, but I suspect the 66% info is in regard of human needs only (and then it may be correct).
    There is more cars than people in USA
    Average car uses equivalent of oxygen consumption equal to 750 humans

    I’d say not even 0.01% of over-all oxygen consumption in USA is produced by american trees…

  16. MikeN says:

    There’s 300 million cars on the roads in America? Who knew?

  17. 888 says:

    I meant “fossil-fuel combustion propelled machines” but I wrote “cars” since it is easier to understand (as it is obvious from your response it would have caused even more confusion).

    Can you imagine for a second that not only cars are fossil-fueled?
    A diesel-engine city bus with consumption 20-50 times higher than a car ? (while giving a ride to a lone pair of passengers as they seem to mostly do during off-peak hours, meaning entire day)
    A high-efficiency gas heater in your basement?
    or your beloved (beloved by all “greenies” out there, and most liberals) best modern natural gas propelled power plants? Those gobble up oxygen in equivalents of 1000s of cars per hour LOL

  18. Nimby says:

    Uhm. Last I heard, there is no oxygen shortage. And, as far as I can see, the atmosphere is still 78% Nitrogen, 20.8% Oxygen, a little bit of argon and other trace gases and a whopping 0.03% carbon dioxide.

    I believe the governments are simply accepting this CO2 nonsense without hesitation because it gives them new opportunities to impose taxes. I would like to see a movement to force any government who imposes a carbon tax to disclose how those monies will be used to improve the environment. And then institute a monitoring plan to make sure it is done.

  19. 888 says:

    “I believe the governments are simply accepting this CO2 nonsense without hesitation because it gives them new opportunities to impose taxes.”

    Just missing word “more” before word “taxes”.

  20. Ron Larson says:

    In Perth, Western Australia, the airport charges AUD$10 for short term parking. A total rip off. There are plenty of fly-in/fly-out workers who work up north. Often their wife drops them off or picks them up.

    There is a long access road into the domestic terminal where these flying workers commute from. When you drive to the airport you will see heaps of cars parked on the shoulder with a passenger behind the wheel. They are the wives of workers flying in. When the plane lands, the husbands TXT their wife who is sitting in the car. The she can drive up and pick him up without (a) having to waste fuel driving in circles, (b) pay out the nose for short term parking.

    The airport was so greedy that they managed to drive away the very customers they were counting on to fund whatever pet project they had in mind.

    Of course now the airport is trying to get these parked cars on the side of the road outlawed in the name of “public safety”. That is pure BS. They are just upset that families with mobile phones outsmarted them. I expect the next plan to is to make the road to the airport a toll road, like they do in Dallas. Bastards.


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