Isn’t this the sort of thing the Taliban kills people over? We sure want to be like them, don’t we?

  1. Paddy-O says:

    France & UK already have laws like this on the books.

  2. jimbo says:

    That true Paddy?

    I thought France were all against that

  3. stopher2475 says:

    OMG I agree with Lou Dobbs and Christopher Hitchens.

  4. Muhammand can suck my cock.

    The world will not be safe until islam is removed from the planet. Its only a matter of time until this BS propagates to a tipping point that can only result in a complete theology based nuclear war.

  5. dunkin says:

    As a Christian I don’t normally agree with Hitchens on anything. This time I have to agree in principle since it will limit my right under the law to say that non-Christian religious systems are false.

    Unfortunately there will be a day when saying that something is false will not be protected under free speech and will be considered ‘hate speech’ even though logically everyone could be wrong but not everyone can be correct.

  6. Rob says:

    I guess I better get this out of the way before it’s illegal:

    If you believe there’s a magical being in the sky who gives a shit if you pray to it you’re an idiot. If your beliefs can’t stand up to criticism and scrutiny and require protection from the frickin UN then, well, there’s a good chance you believe in BS. Stop basing your life on make-believe you pinheads.

  7. Alex says:

    Blasphemy’s still illegal in Massachusetts. Specific to the Lord Our God, Jehova, and Jesus Christ, of course.

    Notably, I’ve yet to defend a client who has uttered “god dammit” or some other such blasphemous remark.

  8. #8… Amen 🙂
    christianity doesn’t have a much better track record than islam…i.e. the crusades, branch dividians, etc.

    throughout the ages, religion has caused more death, destruction, and assault on human well being than any other concept.

  9. Nimby says:

    The UN has outlived it’s usefulness. Time for the US to cut the HUGE and out of proportion amount of dues we pay to it.

  10. The0ne says:

    I think you mean all religions. There really isn’t a religion that is clean. There’s always going to be fanatic crazy followers and extremist that go way out to support their “God.”

  11. mrmigu says:

    Its not just islam that is a threat to our safety. It is all organized religion. Different flavours of christianity have been fighting for years in ireland.
    As long as groups of people have differing points of views, there will always be conflict. Religion just makes it easier for those who are trying to trying to take control to gather followers.

  12. Cursor_ says:


    Not being of the religious persuasion…

    HUMANS are totally and without reservation responsible for death, destruction and suffering to other humans.

    Religion, avarice, fear, anger, lust are all perceived things. Constructs of a human mind. They DO NOT EXIST outside that people believe in them.

    So a construct cannot be held responsible, nor accountable, for anything that humans do.

    In the end the human is the final arbiter. Lay the blame on US. WE do it. There is NO excuse for it other than WE initiate and bring it to a conclusion.

    We have met the enemy, it is US.

    Blame not anything other than whom you see on the streets everyday, watch on your videos, see images of and is in your own mirror.

    Concepts are scapegoats.


  13. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Death to all infidels who criticize religion!!!

  14. ethanol says:


    Way too cogent and logical. People can’t raise up their arms and yell (fight, kill, etc.) when you use critical thinking skills.

  15. smittybc says:

    It’s not helpful to throw all religions together and say “All religions do this.” or to imply that somehow there is this problem in the US (which Dobbs does in this report). That’s the sleight of hand with Lou Dobbs sadly. On the other side, how many news organizations have reported this? So you gotta thank him for that, but drawing a parallel to the US is just inaccurate. Maybe at some time in history you can make that claim, but regardless it’s irrelevant today. If large movements in Christianity were beheading non-belivers to celebrate Jesus in the US then of course I would be the first to fight against it, as I (hopefully) would have done 500 years ago. But we just don’t see that (the Branch Davidians an offshoot of 7th Day Adventists didn’t do anything like that).

    That said there is a huge problem with a strain in Islam and even scarier is that this strain has adopted a lot of Nazi thinking. It’s surreal to use the term Nazism today, because it’s such a foreign thought to our modern age, but it’s nonetheless accurate. Nazism and Islam are two very powerful ideas, and virtually nobody in the West even acknowledges that a form of Nazism even exists in the world. Hitchens got beat up the other day defacing the “Neo-swastikas” in Beruit (which is how Hitchens himself describes the symbols). Interesting read.

  16. IScott says:

    “Religion is tied to the deepest feelings people have. The love that arises from that stewing pot is the sweetest and strongest, but the hate is the hottest, and the anger is the most violent.”

    Children of the Mind
    Orson Scott Card

    I personally think that the above quote is the best summation of religion that I’ve heard.

  17. Mac Guy says:

    Isn’t the belief in one religion typically the defamation of another? All those not with us are against us because they are WRONG?

  18. stormcoder says:

    Abrahamic religions are a pox on this world.

  19. Tony says:

    Good point #18. To me, screw all religions. They are the single biggest reason for killings and violence throughout all of history. And if BS like this passes, it will only fuel the fire…

  20. The Netherlands also has laws against blasphemy, ever since we voted our “Christian Democrat” oligarchi into power.

    Ironically the law is mainly used to silence jouralists who report on islamists preaching hate against christians.

  21. Improbus says:

    Religion is just one of the many tools that the wolves use to control the sheep. When you find out Santa isn’t real you should be able to make the leap that none of this “faith” based crap is real. Get a grip people.

  22. mrmigu says:

    This sounds like it could lead to some very dangerous partnerships between church and state

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 20 Tony said, “They are the single biggest reason for killings and violence throughout all of history. ”

    Seems you have neglected reading up on recent world history.

    Deaths caused by atheist regimes just in 20th century:
    USSR, 20 million deaths; China, 65 million deaths; Vietnam, 1 million deaths; North Korea, 2 million deaths; Cambodia, 2 million deaths; Eastern Europe, 1 million deaths; Latin America, 150,000 deaths; Africa, 1.7 million deaths; Afghanistan, 1.5 million deaths;

    Close to 100 million…

  24. RBG says:

    8 Rob. So we still on for Vegas?


  25. roland says:

    For Atheist out there, without religion (specifically those that expose people to do good and be afraid of hell), people would think there will be no consequence for any evil act. For some people, religion is the only factor that holds them from ever crossing the line between being good and evil. If the whole world becomes Atheist, we will have anarchy and people will lead a life of no fear on any repercussions for their evil deeds.

    I’m not saying that there should be a God or that you are wrong, it’s just that, if you know something about the “truth” or what you perceive is the truth, then just keep it to your self. Our whole civilization is based on religion and religious tolerance. The more people you convert to Atheism, the more people that will be rid of their fear of retribution for doing evil. For some just knowing good and evil will deter them from doing bad things, but for most people, it will just embolden them to do wrong since there is no consequence in the afterlife for them.

  26. BubbaRay says:

    # 24 Paddy-O

    Got a source for those numbers? I’m just filling in for Mr. Fusion.

    #26, Roland, “it will just embolden them to do wrong since there is no consequence in the afterlife for them.” Why? Do people become evil because they have no God? Good Grief!

  27. Improbus says:


    The more people you convert to Atheism, the more people that will be rid of their fear of retribution for doing evil.

    Evidently you have never heard of prisons.

  28. smittybc says:

    # 18
    Isn’t the belief in one religion typically the defamation of another? All those not with us are against us because they are WRONG?

    Well by definition if you believe in one religion to believe in another changes your religion. If I am a Jew and I believe in Jesus, then I cease to be a Jew and become a Christian by definition. But that shouldn’t bother anyone. It is a problem when one side forces the other to believe.
    But what is happening in Islam (in the middle East anyway) is a melding of two very powerful thoughts. 1) Religious (Islamic) intolerance and 2) Nazi ideology. Hitchens got beat up the other day in Beruit defaming Nazi-esque swastikas. That should worry you, not the Davidians or Irish Catholics.


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