REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov    

OTTAWA (Reuters) By David Ljunggren Canadian fighter planes scrambled to intercept an approaching Russian bomber less than 24 hours before U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to Ottawa last week, Canadian Defense Minister Peter MacKay said on Friday.

The long-range Bear bomber did not enter Canada’s Arctic airspace but the two CF-18 fighters had to order the plane to “back off”, MacKay told a news conference.

He also told reporters that Russia had not warned Canada that the flight was coming, a statement that a Russian government source in Moscow dismissed as farcical.

The Russian government source said Canada had been informed about the flight before it took off.
Canada quickly denied receiving any advance notice.
“I’m not going to stand here and accuse the Russians of having deliberately done this during the presidential visit but it was a strong coincidence, which we met with the presence, as we always do, of F-18 fighter planes … and sent a strong signal that they should back off and stay out of our air space,” MacKay said.

Found by Mister Justin.

  1. That ain’t cool…especially since it was in my backyard! 😮

  2. ECA says:

    Russia is going to do something STUPID with 1 bomber?
    1 SLOW flying object, ISNT a problem, and Russia does there airborne practice flights all the time.

    Dont blow this out of proportion..

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    Hey, looks like they are flying a Yemeni flag.

  4. killer duck says:

    I think the more frightening scenario is that it could have not been a mission sanctioned by the Russian government, but rather a rouge pilot and a couple of crew members.

    There are thousands of unaccounted for, cold-war era weapons sitting around in the former USSR.

  5. Troublemaker says:

    Yeah right, they were gonna bomb the US President.


  6. Gaolbird says:

    Wonder if this prop is likely to have icing issues ala Colgan 3407; especially since its flying through the Arctic…

  7. bill says:

    It ain’t over till it’s over!

    “Remember duck and cover”?

    Now what do they want? We’ll surrender our congress without a fight.

  8. overtemp says:


  9. joaoPT says:

    Nice bear photo

  10. morty says:

    The Russsian response – even in the independent press – was in the order of “I hope this farce sells a few more NA newspapers before they all go out of business.”

  11. RTaylor says:

    There is growing animosity over Arctic resources. That old bird has been refitted with air launched cruise missiles like out 52’s. Russia wants us to know they are back. In other words stay the Hell out of former Soviet states business. They now are using a version of our Monroe Doctrine. Bush and NATO went too far in Georgia. All those warheads demands a bit of respect.

  12. chuck says:

    #4 “…a rouge pilot and a couple of crew members. ”

    gotta look out for them rouge pilots!! (I assume you meant rogue, not the french word for “red”?)

  13. UnaKRon says:

    Yeah…I don’t think their intentions would be to bomb the president. Probably just saying…”remember us? yeah…we still have these weapons…don’t mess with us. Stay out of our business” 🙂

  14. Dallas says:

    I wonder if the bomber carried any payload? You know, the like B-52’s that flew over the country with atom bombs in 2007.

  15. RBG says:

    Keep in mind the Ruskies planted a flag on the terra firma that is directly under the North Pole ice cap and claims that particular shelf that runs into Canada as more correctly being their own.

    Add to that the USA driving ships through the North West Passage without permission claiming open waters as international and you can see why Canada feels it necessary to show the flag at every opportunity.


  16. Ron Larson says:

    Molehill, meet mountain.

  17. Named says:


    As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right next to, they are right next to our state.

    Hmmmph. Too bad she can’t see Canada from her house…

  18. jcj7161 says:

    hmmmm the story starts saying the bomber flew near Canada 24 hours before Obama visited…then near the end it suddenly changes to DURING the the NY Post writing this stuff?

  19. BubbaRay says:

    Can you identify the bomber pictured? It’s one of Russia’s largest in the arsenal today. Here’s another photo.

    Russian Bomber

    [#9 already gave us it’s nickname. – ed.]

  20. Mr Diesel says:


    Spent enough time on carriers to know what it looks like. They would start trying to fly over us as soon we left Pearl Harbor for the far east.

  21. BubbaRay says:

    #20, Bingo. The Tu-95 “Bear” is the only turboprop-powered strategic bomber to have entered operational service. I’d love to fly it once. I doubt the Russians were flying it on some routine “training mission.”

  22. sargasso says:

    #19. It’s a TU-95. Find it on Wikipedia.

  23. rogerabbit says:

    The Canadians simply should have shoot down the bomber and say nothing about it. Flight never happened.I’m sure the Russians would have understood. After all the Russians set the precedent when they shot down an unarmed civilian airliner a few years back.

  24. Mario says:

    Long live mother Russia!!
    The Great Soviet Union shall rise once more.

  25. deowll says:

    The odds are at least 99.9% that this was Russia at the top trying to throw its weight around and scare people. It works with weaker nations forced to stand alone.

    It isn’t winning them any friends.

  26. QB says:

    It was a Canadian Goose, not a Russian bomber. Those things are big, eh?

  27. faxon says:


  28. bobbo says:

    You know, coincidences can be written down as – – , as, – – – well, as coincidences.

    But every “strong coincidence” is of great national concern. This should be taken up for discussion at the next meeting of the 798! Imagine–flying airplanes in international airspace. The effrontery. The danger!!!

  29. Lou says:

    This kind of thing goes on all the time. Nothing to worry about.

  30. Andy Haugh says:

    Both sides know that a few Tu-95s pose little threat. Any 1970’s era air defense system could down them with no trouble. I don’t know why they waste their time.


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