Wallypop Family Wipes, Toilet Wipes, Reusable Toilet Paper — If anyone thinks this is not going to be introduced in places like Berkeley as some sort of requirement, then you have not been paying attention. It will begin with a “tax” on toilet paper.

“Alright,” you say, “You’ve convinced me about cloth diapers, and I understand using cloth gift bags and napkins. But toilet paper??” For some people, making the switch to cloth toilet wipes is a huge leap, that’s true. But it doesn’t need to be!

Using cloth toilet wipes actually has many advantages. For one, it’s a lot more comfortable and soft on your most delicate body parts. It’s also more economical, uses less paper, and saves you those late-night trips to the store. And cloth wipes can be used wet without any of the sopping disintegration that regular toilet paper is prone to.

Found by Joe Carlson.

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Just give me a bidet.

  2. Question says:

    Question: Is it going to be more economical to use these? Considering the amount of water and laundry detergent that I would use to clean these I am not sure. I know I wouldn’t wash them with any of my other clothing items…I don’t know if I would even want to wash them in my washing machine.

  3. Mr Diesel says:

    This is actually the only thing I have heard out the environmentalists that’s worth a shit. No really.

    But why spend any money on anything other than a good wash cloth??

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #1. Correct, uses less water & energy than having to sterilize these “diaper wipes”.

  5. BigBoyBC says:

    I ain’t using no cloth TP thats got a bunny with a balloon on it. Maybe a dog with a corn cob… umm, err, ahh, never mind…

  6. . says:

    And this is why our founding fathers put the 2nd amendment 2nd.

  7. Thinker says:

    Lets hope they don’t put it in their pocket like a hankerchief!

  8. . says:

    And this is why our founding fathers put the second amendment second.

  9. tcc3 says:

    Even as a personal home option its way out there. Now think about pubic restrooms…


  10. Thinker says:

    Wait a minute? Aren’t these the same people/types who said that cloth diapers took too much energy to be cleaned, thus the advent of disposable diapers??

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 Thinker said, “Aren’t these the same people/types who said that cloth diapers took too much energy to be cleaned, thus the advent of disposable diapers??”

    Yep, just like it’s the same “scientists” that now scream global warming were screaming new ice age in the 70’s…


  12. oilOFdog says:

    #8 pubic restrooms…

    Is there another kind?? 🙂

  13. RTaylor says:

    I’ve seriously looked into those add on electric bidets that replaces toilet seats. $500 to $800 is a lot to pay for product with so much potential for failure. The things has several motors, blower fans, water heaters and circuit boards. If it had a nut scratcher I would pull the plug a buy it anyway.

  14. Named says:


    one thing I love about traveling to civilized Europe… Bidets in the hotels. Not only are they great after a crap, they’re fantastic just to freshen up after walking on a hot day.

  15. mahdi_raen says:

    #8 – I vaguely remember a History Channel documentary that referenced the public restrooms habits of the Romans. If my memory is accurate, Romans carried a wand with a wad of cloth on one end around with them. They would use the wand appropriately, and then stick the wand in a little gully at their feet in front of the toilet that had running water to wash off the cloth.

    I don’t see why we couldn’t carry around own wand-cloth. After all, if it was good enough for the Roman Empire, it should certainly be a good enough solution for us.

  16. Named says:


    You almost got it right…

    It was a stick with a cloth wrapped around it. They didn’t carry it around. Romans did a lot of public activities… shitting and bathing were two of them. The toilettes were large communal rooms with a cloth wrapped stick at hand for cleaning. But it was salt-water bucket that it was placed in afterward… which is a disinfectant.

    Of course, it was also the birth of “wrong end of the stick”.

  17. GregA says:

    Oh about tax on paper toilet paper… Um I will just wipe my ass with my hand then wash my hand real well.

  18. Named says:


    Not a bad plan actually. Are you going to observe the whole left hand / right hand rule?

    When you take a shower and wash your ass, do you bring toilette paper or use your hand with soap?

  19. GregA says:


    Lol, I forgot about that. History always has the solution.

  20. WmDE says:

    You mean that’s not what the toilet brush is for?

  21. badtimes says:

    They also have a hemp version! I’m sold.

  22. Gaolbird says:

    How about a Scotch Brite version?

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Save yer corncobs.

  24. Named says:


    And your Sears Catalogs….

  25. Nimby says:

    #16 – After living in Afghanistan for nearly seven years I can only say – been there, done that. I’ve also seen some real he-men there wipe their ass with a handful of gravel or dirt!

    I live in SE Asia now. I vote for bidets.

    #12 – $500??? All you need is a hose with a spray head. Screw the “warm” water. How damned sensitive IS your asshole?

    #15 – I thought they used a sponge on a stick. Maybe that was just the aristocracy. Skidmarks on a toga? So hard to get out.

  26. Jim says:

    Not going to happen.

    1st headline:
    “Hundreds of Idiots sick after using dirty wipes”

    It’s unsanitary and would use far more water to clean the things than we do now (especially with the compulsive mindset.) I’ll be amused to hear anyone promoting them though.

  27. GregA says:


    It takes a special kind of person to not mind a load of sand or gravel in their taint. I am not one of them.

  28. Named says:


    Reminds me of the ancient Greek practice of using a smooth stone. Can you just imagine traveling with Herodotus?

    H: Oooo… there’s a nice rock! Better pocket that for later!

  29. MikeN says:

    Why do you guys hate the environment so much? Not everything should be about advancing your material well being.

  30. Miguel says:

    Will it blend?

    After use, I mean?



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