You are going to have to eventually deal with this 13-year-old kid. He’s now a best-selling author. He’s a “conservative” here explaining its meaning. When you run into a “Conservative” ask him/her why, if it’s all about individual rights and the principles of personal responsibility, exactly why is every Conservative up in arms over California’s proposal to legalize marijuana. Does it make any sense when benchmarked against these conservative principals?

Found by Micah Phillips.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    # 52 tcc3 said, “That’s a loaded question.”

    Nope. straight forward.

    So, did you want Bush impeached for ordering warrantless wiretaps on people on US soil?

  2. tcc3 says:

    Yes, in blatant and admitted violation of FISA laws and guidelines. Among other things.

    Quit screwing around trying to back me into a corner and just state your case.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 61 tcc3 said, “Quit screwing around trying to back me into a corner and just state your case.”

    There is no “case”, it is a survey. Why are you so jumpy & nervous?

    Thanks for the answer. I felt the same way about the wiretapping.

    You are certainly braver than most of the libs on this site. Most won’t go near straightforward questions like this…


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