You are going to have to eventually deal with this 13-year-old kid. He’s now a best-selling author. He’s a “conservative” here explaining its meaning. When you run into a “Conservative” ask him/her why, if it’s all about individual rights and the principles of personal responsibility, exactly why is every Conservative up in arms over California’s proposal to legalize marijuana. Does it make any sense when benchmarked against these conservative principals?

Found by Micah Phillips.

  1. jccalhoun says:

    If he’s defining conservatism as respect for the constitution, respect for life, less government and personal responsibility then there it sounds like Ron Paul is the only conservative in the Republican party. I guess what he really means is “respect for what we think the constitution means,” “no abortion,” “big military and no social programs,” and “straight married Judeo/Christian.”

  2. jescott418 says:

    The trouble is like the Bible people interpret it differently. Post politicians just tell you what they think the majority want to hear. Certainly both the Republicans and Democrats have over spent and if we truly believed in our free enterprise system working we would not spend billions keeping these companies, banks, and financial institutions in business plus bail out people who ether by their own fault or conditions that present themselves.

  3. Mark T. says:

    John, I can only speak for this one conservative. I have absolutely nothing against legalizing marijuana. I have known a lot of people over the years that smoke marijuana and they all seem like very nice people that wouldn’t hurt a fly. They just want to get a buzz and chill out.

    The problem with marijuana for some conservatives is that it is illegal and conservatives want to respect the law. Plain and simple. The ones that want to keep it illegal are simply opposed to change, are evangelical that are taught that it is wicked, or they fear the “reefer madness” that has been taught to them in the public school systems for decades. Of course, there are also the people that profit by marijuana being kept illegal, i.e. the alcohol and tobacco manufacturers and retailers (which are legal, btw).

    Making marijuana legal won’t happen for one simple reason. It is because the government makes billions of $$$$ off of alcohol and tobacco taxes. There is no way for the government to tax marijuana since you can grow it in your house with nothing but dirt, water, and a little fertilizer. The tax & spend bureaucrats won’t stand for that. They want you to use the products that they can control and tax. Oh, and the brewing companies and tobacco companies also stands to lose billions of dollars in sales. All of those companies also pay taxes which would decline precipitously.

    You might say, “hey, but you can brew beer in your house and it isn’t taxed.” Yes, but brewing beer is a giant pain in the ass. It is more of a hobby for those that do it. However, if taxes on beer continue to rise, I may have to look into a home brewing kit. Of course, the kit itself, the grains, and the hops will also be taxed but only at a fraction of the level of taxing mass produced beer.

    As for liquor and grain alcohol, they have been doing that in the deep south for decades. But just go ask a moonshiner about what the ATF will do to them if they are caught. They will be doing hard time in a federal penitentiary.

    As for wine making, that is a lengthy and laborious process that is best left to those that know what they are doing.

    So, don’t hold your breath for legalizing marijuana. But if any Congress might possibly allow it, it is our current one.

  4. Thermo says:

    This is what is wrong with you liberals – it is not what people THINK the constitution means. It is what the constitution SAYS. The constitution is very clear but you keep trying to interpret it to make it fit with what you FEEL it should mean.
    If the Republican party ever becomes conservative again, they will win by a landslide (65% of the American people say they are conservative). If they stay as the Democrat Light party, a third party will emerge.

  5. Carcarius says:

    The majority of conservatives out there are not true conservatives and are instead Christian Conservatives who just want to push their religious views and values as conservative values. As #1 stated, Ron Paul does seem to be the lone true conservative in Congress. In fact to label him further he is a fiscal conservative.

  6. Micromike says:

    This kid has it down. He knows it is all bullshit, smoke and mirrors,but he still lhas a lot to learn.

    If conservatives want to protect the people’s rights and have smaller government why did the Bush administration take away all our rights and create the hugest government ever with the hugest debt ever.

    Conservatives are exactly like liberals, they believe we should let them run things with no questions asked and things would be hunky dory for them and their friends while the rest of us starve.

    It’s all bullshit. If you want your country and freedoms back you will need a gun and a lot of friends with guns.

  7. Wretched Gnu says:

    “Conservative” means freedom for you and me, as long as you and me are corporations. Everybody else goes to jail.

  8. Carcarius says:

    Paul has expressed that he feels that marijuana should be legalized because it is a waste of money to fight it’s use. He doesn’t agree with marijuana use but rightly sticks to conservative principles as they are defined, not redefined by the christian conservative.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Say hello to our future President!

    (BTW, Doesn’t he look like that kid from “The wonder years?)

    PS. I don’t mind legitimizing Marijuana. This might move the police to actually go after hard crimes. Guys who smoke dope are the LEAST likely to commit real crimes!

  10. Mark T. says:

    And, yes, when this kid hits the minimum age requirements, I want him on the ballot.

    That is, of course, if he doesn’t change his tune in the next twenty years. Of course, there is no guarantee at this point that the United States will still exist in twenty years.

  11. chuck says:

    I’m pretty conservative, and I have no problem with legalized marijuana. And I don’t think it should be taxed.

    But I think that any money that the government saves from not spending $billions on DEA enforcement should be returned to the taxpayer (in the form of tax cuts) and not spent on other new programs.

    I also support the idea of taxpayer-funded rehab programs for addicts who want to quit (whatever they choose to use), but no free drugs (including marijuana).

  12. TooManyPuppies says:

    I’m a conservative, because I like to conserve. When I apply mustard on my hotdogs, I don’t go hog wild and pour the entire bottle on it. Nope, I conservatively apply just the correct amount. Any other interpretation of a conservative other than what I have laid out, is grade A 100% pure bullshit.

  13. Ron Larson says:

    I hope the Republicans listen to this kid and throw the religious right out of the GOP. Either that, or true conservatives, like this kid, start their own party and let the GOP become irrelevant.

    The GOP must realize that it is their pandering to parties that define themselves by what they hate is what turns off so many people.

  14. sargasso says:

    Don’t you love it when a 13 year old speaks to you like you’re an idiot.

  15. Troublemaker says:

    I couldn’t watch more that 4-5 seconds of it.

    Man do I want to bitch slap that little motherfucker silly!

  16. Troublemaker says:

    sargasso said

    Don’t you love it when a 13 year old speaks to you like you’re an idiot.

    You obviously don’t have any children, do you?

  17. Mark T. says:

    TooManyPuppies, WTF? By your definition, everyone (except those that are clinically insane) are conservatives. Hmmm, you may have something there.

    So, if someone is a Liberal does that mean they like Liberace and any other definition is 100% BS?

    Anyway, how do you define the CORRECT amount of mustard? Is it what is defined in the Federal nutrition guidelines or what the individual actually wants on his hot dog? THAT is the difference between a liberal and a conservative. It is between government mandates or personal choice.

  18. Mr Diesel says:

    Obviously the kid hasn’t decided to toe tap in a public restroom or solicit money illegally (Blogo) yet so he is still unwashed in the corruption that is our political system.

    I would like to see a fiscally conservative party in place and start cutting the pork.

    BTW Obomba has the largest budget deficit in history with Porkulous and the Omnibus Spending bill. Bush couldn’t have even dreamed deficits as big as Obomba has saddled our children with.

    Thanks Obobma

    Tip for the future
    Weapons and ammo

  19. PMitchell says:

    I am a conservative and I am against California legalizing pot but I am also against the feds telling a state what is legal and what is not.

    let California put it to a vote if it passes then it will be legal if it loses then we can watch all the pot heads whine and complain about how unfair and evil the people are who voted against it and march in the streets because they only like democracy when it goes their way just like a marriage bill

  20. TooManyPuppies says:

    HAHA! Mark,

    The correct amount obviously is however much you can afford and want on that hotdog.

    As long as the GOP keeps parading nutbags like Rush, Palin, and Skeletor er…, they’re pretty much a dying bunch.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    #19, Pmitchell. You got that right. What ever happened to state’s rights?

    The aim of the Constitution was to define the relationships of commerce between the states and provide for the common defense.

    What happened!!??

  22. Proud Alien says:

    A party or a political movement that has to hide behind Sarah the Governor, Joe the Plumber or a 13-year old kid has no future.

  23. billabong says:

    Mr.Diesel your “gun” sentiments tells me who you are.When times get weird the rich buy gold and the poor buy guns.Neither will protect you.Family and community are the best protection in hard times.The gov. can always outspend and out gun you.

  24. deowll says:

    In principle I’d like to not bother with drug laws after all doesn’t everyone have the right to win their Darwin award their way?

    My problem with that train of thought is the people that do drugs normal share the disasters they make of their personal lives with those around them from leaving their empties in my yard up to running over and killing people who were minding their own business.

    They do bad things to get the money they need to do drugs.

    The are not reasonible or prudent in ways that hurt others.

    If the claim that they weren’t hurting anyone but themselves were true I would oppose drug laws.

  25. jpfitz says:

    Mr Diesel said,
    Obviously the kid hasn’t decided to toe tap in a public restroom or solicit money illegally (Blogo) yet so he is still unwashed in the corruption that is our political system.

    He’e gay and not that theres anything wrong with that, you know.

  26. tcc3 says:

    Drug laws have their place Deowll. Some things are so inherently dangerous to the user and to the community (heroin and Meth come to mind) that is it in our best interest to ban it.

    Despite decades of propaganda, Marijuana is not one of those substances. The damage we do to our society by its illogical ban is far greater than the damage that may result from a few irresponsible individuals.

    There is a sensible middle ground between a ban everything nanny state and allow everything anarchy. Our reasons for drawing that line where it is has been lies, halftruths, ulterior motives and ignorance for far too long.

  27. GregA says:

    Here you go, conserve this.

    That is your conservative tax dollars at work, you guys just gave a 15 year old a pension. Good job!

  28. QB says:

    Conservatives do tend to stimulate the economy more.

  29. Mark T. says:

    TooManyPuppies, if you can’t afford mustard, then you definitely can’t afford a hot dog.

    Anyway, I was trying to point out the differences between liberal and conservative. Why do you inject Rush, Palin, and Skeletor (no clue who you are referring to, sorry)?

    The discussion is about what defines a conservative, not who you personally think is a conservative or how much you hate that particular person. Being a Republican does not make you a conservative and vice versa.

    BTW, your hotdog/mustard analogy for defining conservatives was pretty lame. And we don’t care if you hate Rush or not. Get over it, your guy won. Republicans lost the election, not conservatives.

    That is the point of the post. Are our elected Republicans really conservatives? In my opinion, probably not. I don’t think we have had any real conservatives in at least six years. The only one that comes to mind in Ron Paul.

  30. hfidek says:

    he look like sarkozy


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