Here is the 17th conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. What to do? This chat is presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in. We discuss the problems with the market in general and the Obama effect.

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  1. Wally says:

    Is there an RSS feed for this? I couldn’t find it on Mevio’s website if there is. Thanks.

  2. pben says:

    The RSS feed is at:

  3. horacesmiley says:

    Horowitz is a bit of an idiot. The only thing that would reassure the markets, and he seems to participate a little in this psychology, would be more Bush-like signals that the whole country is subordinate to Wall Street interests. It shows how little Wall Street types, in spite of 9/11, deep down think of themselves or respond as Americans.

    Obama gives a speech intended for *all* Americans? For shame! What Wall Street really wants is another bunch of crypto-bankers like the Bush administration plus competence.

  4. Named says:


    You almost got it right. Wall Street wants to be unto themselves, underwritten and supported by the Fed. They’ll do their thing, and when they fuck it up, they can just re-fill the coffers on the backs of the people that sell them their lattes.

    The economist had a nice article about whether governments should bailout the manufacturing industry. The answer was, No. Just give the money to wall street and they’ll make sure manufacturing gets the lift they need after Wall Street eats they oats and leaves the manure from the trickle down…

  5. dukeboles says:

    Mr. Dvorak,
    I listen to many of the podcasts you are a part of. This one you have going with Andrew Horowitz is my favorite. I hope you will consider making it a permanent fixture on

    Duke Boles

  6. Dallas says:

    Good beer talk discussion.

    I would add one comment on both your puzzlement on spending on education. Well, many people are not interested in spending on education. This is because it’s about as interesting as spending money on the foundation of your house.

    This is why we elected Obama as president – we needed an adult in government to be concerned about the foundation.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 6 Dallas said, “Well, many people are not interested in spending on education.”

    The U.S. spends more per capita on Edu than any other country and our Union run K-12 system sucks. Only a fool would throw more money at it.

  8. cmon says:

    I was discouraged by the President’s emphasis on increasing college graduation percentages. Paraphrasing someone I read recently, the reason we have to push so many students through college (at quite high cost!) is that our public education system fails to do in 12 years what most other countries can achieve in 8. So we have college graduates working in jobs that do not require 16 years of education. And we need more college graduates to be competitive globally? What we need is more attention to vocational training and enhanced rigor in primary education.

  9. Jim says:

    The S&P 500 index has the same odd double spike that the dow does. And the trend line looks like it is close to where it should be as well.

    Truthfully I’d almost want to make my own index just to be able to compare things without external bias.


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