In the Republican response to the presidential address to a joint session of Congress, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal chided the lawmakers for earmarking “$140 million for something called volcano monitoring.” The funds he was referring to are part of the $787 billion stimulus package…some 12 percent ($98.3 billion) of the monies are set aside for transportation and infrastructure projects, including volcano monitoring and other natural disaster prevention programs.

The U.S. Geological Society (USGS) is in charge of keeping tabs on volcanoes in the U.S. and its territories. The agency is currently monitoring more than 150 of them (from Yellowstone in Wyoming to Kilauea in Hawaii), some 65 of which show signs of seismic activity and are more likely than the others to erupt (including Redoubt in Alaska and Mauna Loa in Hawaii). But USGS officials aren’t just worried about Hollywood-caliber lava blowups. Other threats include potentially deadly landslides, falling rocky ash, and inundation by toxic gases that can be triggered by volcanic eruptions.

Is volcano monitoring important?

It’s extremely important. There are obvious hazards to nearby residents. Beyond human safety, there are huge economic concerns. It’s not that eruptions can be stopped, but, like a hurricane, it’s good to know when it’s coming…

There’s a huge hazard in the air from eruption plumes. Volcanic ash is not like ash from the fireplace. It’s basically pulverized rocks and glass particles. Putting glass in a jet engine isn’t good. That’s why the monitoring in Alaska is extremely important to the aviation industry.

Looks like Republicans have an anti-science track record to maintain. We went through the same ignorance, the same foolishness when Sarah Palin prattled about wasting money on French fruit flies.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    And, the monitoring has WHAT to do with an emergency econ stimulus plan?

  2. Pmitchell says:

    what he spoke of is not that the monitoring is not important but
    does “Volcano monitoring ” need to be part of the stimulus package that is supposed to get Americans back to work in mass and not fund a few dozen monitors and scientists. that is a general budget item not a stimulus item but then about 90% of the total stimulus package should have been general budget item and not the pork filled bill congress passed full of special projects and pay offs

  3. bobbo says:

    Yea, I thought the anti-science, anti-safety, anti-knowledge position spewed by Jingal was pretty ignorant. I wondered who the message appealed to – – – and then, there was ZERO.

    Amusing these brain dead politico’s have the same vote as you and me.

  4. Sea Lawyer says:

    Amusing these brain dead politicos can’t see the difference between spending appropriate for the general budget and those appropriate for an emergency stimulus measure.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #4 It seems like there are a number of poster here that don’t know the difference either…

  6. Breetai says:

    Oh yeah, Valcano monitoring is one suffering industry let me tell ya :/

    Why do otherwise smart people suddenly become stupid partisan morons and loose commonsense about what industries need the help?

    Just don’t the American Serfs know that money is for corpoarate Bonus’ not jobs.

  7. Republican Volcano Monitor Man says:

    mmmmmm, let me look.

    Yep, it’s still there.

  8. Dallas says:

    This Bobby Jindal guy still has not answered my Dall tech support question. What the heck is he doing running Louisiana?

  9. Floyd says:

    Let’s bring the import of what Gov. Jindal is apparently proposing a little closer to home.

    Lets not waste any money on monitoring or maintaining levees along the Mississippi.

    Let’s stop watching storms in the Gulf of Mexico that just might hit Louisiana.

    Let’s turn off Louisiana Doppler radar that might show when potentially dangerous tornadoes are forming in a thunderstorm.

    Most important, let’s not warn anyone in Louisiana when any of these things might happen there, because it might waste taxpayers money.

  10. Improbus says:

    Does it matter how it gets paid for as long as it gets done? Jeez … tempest in a tea pot.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 Floyd said, “Let’s bring the import of what Gov. Jindal is apparently proposing a little closer to home.

    Lets not waste any money on monitoring or maintaining levees along the Mississippi.”

    Correct. Make the contents of the Emergency Econ Stimulus bill about stimulus, not general budget items.

    You got it correct, as did that Governor.

  12. GigG says:


    Yes, it does matter. There should be nothing in the stimulus package that is ongoing. It should be made up of nothing but items that will immediately stimulate the economy.

  13. AlgoreIsWorseThanHitler says:

    Wanna help the economy? Start drilling and building nukes and coal plants. Tons of good paying, long term jobs and you help keep the costs of energy down around their current, reasonable levels.

  14. Hmeyers says:

    Post #9 is particularly brilliant.

    Hey Floyd, volcanos are those big mountains with the hole at the top. Not hurricanes. But you get a gold star for knowing they are both part of nature.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    The author of the quoted blog post is Katherine Harmon, an eco nut and committed left wing liberal. ROFL!

  16. US says:

    As has been pointed out, its not that the monitoring is bad but funding it out of this bill is misplaced. This bill is full of untold amounts of stuff that will do nothing in terms economic stimulus. You may be able to argue the benefits, but you can’t argue it will do anything for economic stimulus.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    Obviously Jindal was correct that these things are not a stimulus to the economy. But the dummy could have picked something far more egregious than volcano monitoring from the Pork Package.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 17 Ah_Yea said, “But the dummy could have picked something far more egregious than volcano monitoring from the Pork Package.”

    He could have but, the Omama zombies would STILL miss the point and attack him for exposing the fraud that is the current Administration…

  19. The Warden says:

    What I don’t understand is why does John, who is typically show common sense on most matters, have such idiot and leftist bloggers on here?

  20. Floyd says:

    #11: The stimulus package will be spent mostly on infrastructure that has been neglected by Dubya and company because Halliburton couldn’t make any money on it. We’re talking bridges (see Minneapolis which is actually finished, but there are many others with problems), worn out roads, dams, and sensors for quakes and storms.

    In this specific case, Jindal wants to keep USGS from upgrading their volcano and earthquake detection devices (they probably wear out from being in the outdoors over the decades), because that money isn’t being spent in Louisiana. Happens all the time…

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    Damn, the ijits are out again.

    #9, Floyd,

    You make a good point. It is too bad that the ijits can’t see it. They are all stuck on this “Personal Responsibility” thing. Which is just another way of saying the peons are only there to be taken to the cleaners by their puppet masters.

    General Budget / Stimulus, what the eff is the problem? Building, installing, and monitoring the sensors and interpretation of the data creates jobs that will show a benefit to the country. It is something we need to protect us.

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    Here are some questions about the Volcano Monitoring.

    140 million dollars to cover 150 volcanoes. That’s ~$933,000 per volcano.

    Who came up with this number? Why is it so costly? How long will this money last before they ask for more? Is all of this money going to watch volcanoes or is some of it going to be diverted into other projects?

    Who is going to head the program? Who is going to account for the money spent?

    Why was this slipped into the package with no questions asked?

    There is a very good reason not to have stuff like this in an emergency “stimulus” package.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 20 Floyd said, “The stimulus package will be spent mostly on infrastructure ”

    Actually, < 20% is for any useful infrastructure.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 22 Ah_Yea said, “140 million dollars to cover 150 volcanoes. That’s ~$933,000 per volcano.”

    There are about 65 volcanoes in the US that are considered active. I can see why they had to jam the money to monitor 150 into an emergency bill. ROFL!

  25. KevinL says:

    Look on the bright side, with 150 volcanoes, this monitoring $ will save or create 150 jobs.

  26. Li says:

    In order to monitor a volcano, especially a high risk one like Mt. Rainier or Yellowstone, you need a team of scientists; 5-10 to maintain and monitor the equipment, along with a roving team to do repairs on several volcanos worth of equipment. You also need the equipment itself (which, since it must operate under harsh conditions is rather expensive), a facility to house the monitoring station, transportation in and out of rather remote places, supplies to keep the station going through the winter, ect. Further, this money will likely last several years at least, and a lot of repair to the system must be done to undo a decade of neglect. A few million per station is reasonable, especially compared to the billions in damage that would be caused by the unexpected eruption of a volcano like Mt. Rainier, or, God help us, Yellowstone.

    As for stimulus, this will certainly be stimulating to the geologists involved, the scientific equipment companies making the monitoring equipment, and the construction workers that have to rebuild and repair monitoring stations and the roads to them. Really, the only reason I can thing of for Bobby ‘PeeWee’ Jindal disliking this is either total ignorance, the assumption of total ignorance from his supporters, or regional jealously. Not a good basis for policy, I say.

  27. Some of you (paddy) have no since of history or even how our government works. Rider amendments on important bills are the norm and have been since the 1st United States Congress in 1789. The party in power has always packed unrelated stuff into must pass (or make sure this can’t pass) bills. The GOP was exceedingly guilty of this earlier in the decade REMEMBER. Those of us who did not care for their ideals just held our noses like you have to when driving past a hog farm. It’s time for the other side to get some nose plugs. you bunch of whiners.

    I can see mount Redoubt from my dinning room(yesterday I could see it smoking) I’m glad they are keeping a close eye on it and the rest. I fly out of Series of tubes International Airport a half a dozen times a year and can tell you we have thousands of passengers and millions of dollars of cargo flying over volcanoes every day. If it was time to add more cash to monitoring these I’m ok with tacking it on to the next bill in the queue.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 Ground she’s movin’ “Some of you (paddy) have no since of history or even how our government works. Rider amendments on important bills are the norm and have been since the 1st United States Congress in 1789. The party in power has always packed unrelated stuff ”

    No, I’m FAR more aware of it than you. I just thought that O’mama was going to end the practice… LOL

  29. #29
    Do you fell for the “He must have Devine Powers” crap the right wing radio heads like to push? Fool.

    The song remains the same and the other side gets to sing lead for awhile (finally)

  30. jbenson2 says:

    Wrong Title – it should read:

    Bobby Jindal knows as much about volcanoes – as Barack Obama knows about Economic Basics


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