And the Ted Stevens Award goes to…

  1. Paul says:

    Maybe that’s his problem: he’s trying to recall IP numbers …

  2. mr. show says:

    HAR! His genius is as stunning as his hair plugs.

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    Well…we were waiting for him to say somthing stupid…and good ol’ Joe, never one to disappoint, payed-off. Gota’ love that dope…

  4. Dallas says:

    Very disappointing to hear of such a mishap from an elected official. I expected more from a Vice President.

  5. ¢ says:

    So, what is the number?

    Interesting, do not respond to ping or tracert

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]

  6. Steve says:

    Website number/ URL. Big deal.

  7. recovery fail.

    Don’t nobody mess with Joe!

  8. Benjamin says:

    Funny. I got Try it:

    Is Joe too good for DNS or just ignorant about how the Internet works.

  9. Bored-- Scratch that. Super Bored. says:

    I miss Sarah Palin.

  10. Ivor Biggun says:

    Dan Quayle is smiling right now. Joe has proven time and time again who is the dumbest VP ever.

  11. matrixghost1286 says:

    Web number, URL…ok, this one can slid…but not as interesting as Obama’s statement that “the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it.”

  12. RBG says:

    I’ll take every opportunity to make fun of Joe “Stand Up-Chuck” Biden but I think this was just an innocent slip of the… Damn: I take it this isn’t the VP who invented the internet.


  13. McCullough says:

    Insert Dumb Blonde Joke here

  14. SmartAss says:

    Biden so l33t, he no need DNS servers…

  15. Mr Diesel says:


    Why would you think it had to respond to ICMP traffic? It isn’t a requirement for a website.

    Joe Biden, a walking, talking asshole.

  16. AlgoreIsWorseThanHitler says:

    Hey, Metaluna does not want their network compromised so the Interociter does not have a direct connection to Earth’s Internet. Give him a break.

  17. AdmFubar says:

    wow was biden blonde in his younger years???

  18. Jason says:

    This is stupid, a slip of the tongue and everyone jumps on him. You are trying too hard.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 19 Jason said, “This is stupid, a slip of the tongue and everyone jumps on him. You are trying too hard.”

    Come on. Neolibs have been doing this to Repukes for 8 years. Your refrain is a few years too late.

  20. Ivor Biggun says:

    Jason go to and look at the whole thing. Old Joe was such a bumbling fool the entire time that it was difficult for me to watch. I mean I like train wrecks and all, but this was ridiculous.

  21. BubbaRay says:

    #17, Metaluna, Interociters, This Island Earth all makes sense now.

  22. beevman says:

    Really.. this is much less egregious than Ted Stevens. Biden was asked about the web address for a government initiative. The web site was NOT the core of the initiative. Stevens was the chairman of a committee with oversight of the internet and was setting policy for it.

  23. #23 of course! That is why it is the Ted Stevens Award. He is the pinnacle. Biden will never top him.

  24. chuck says:

    There are many phrases and expressions that are out-dated or mismatched.

    Anyone dial a phone recently? We haven’t had phones with dials in 20 years.

  25. Troublemaker says:

    Only a mouth breathing computer geek that never gets laid would even bother to be concerned with such a meaningless and petty story.

  26. MikeN says:

    So was Biden one of the ones claiming McCain couldn’t use a computer?

  27. Daniel says:


    Hey leave us sex starved geeks out of this one… I could care less that he suffers from Foot in Mouth disease. The last VP set the bar so high Biden is still looking good to me.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    The last one set the bar so high Biden could be caught with a drawer full of kiddie porn and still look better.

    At least Joe is working to make this a better country. That can’t be said about his predecessor or campaign rival. Nor any of those Republican speed bumps in the way to recovery.

  29. Buzz says:

    Yo, Dvorak. we got YOUR number, too.


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