Taxpayers should be outraged… I mean they hired Chicago? What were they thinking? And can we please leave Barney Frank out of this. Nobody wants to hear from this guy.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    Good video tie in. If Omama wasn’t giving them more of my $, they couldn’t waste it in this fashion.

  2. . says:

    Northern Trust mortgaged Obama’s Rezko house. No suprise they would get money from him.

  3. Named says:

    I have a dream that one day all people of the US will realize that the politicians in charge are all criminals working the same game from different angles. And on that day, the 2nd amendment finally becomes useful again.

  4. widgethead says:

    Another example of hard working American’s getting the shaft by politicians and the elite. Empty our wallets so others can play. Filthy b*st*rds.

  5. John Paradox says:

    To alter a quote:
    it’s good to be the CEO


  6. Podgorney says:

    Evidently, Barney Frank wasn’t invited.

  7. Mr Diesel says:


    Sure he was, he came in the back door…….

  8. Sinn Fein says:

    You just got billions and billions of free, no-strings-attached, money for nuthin’ and you DON’T PARTY?!?

  9. sargasso says:

    What was Sheryl Crow thinking?

  10. Thomas says:

    #9. She was Thinking ’bout money. Hypocrite.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 sargasso said, “What was Sheryl Crow thinking?”

    She thinks? If you are going to post highly improbable theories you need to provide a link at least backing it up.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, sargasso,

    These entertainers are all represented by managers that do their booking. The performers don’t usually know more than “Be there!”.

  13. McDoo says:

    Bogus- Northern didn’t even want the money but had to take it. Northern has been a profitable company for as long as they’ve been in business, over 100 years. They can do what they want with their own money. They are not a ‘bailout’ bank. Bunch of politicians wanting press coverage. Oh look! It worked! Ridiculous.

  14. dm says:

    McDoo, why did they have to take the money? Do you mean they had to take it in order to stay competitive with the other “bailout banks” ?

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Cow-Patty,

    Like you would know.

  16. Hyph3n says:

    I know some folks in the banking industry and they were “strongly encouraged” to take bailout money, even thought they didn’t need it. I think the Bush administration didn’t want people to know which banks had problems and which didn’t.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    # 15 Mr. Fusion said, “Like you would know.”

    Yep, anyone who has waded through enough of your posts can be considered an expert. Thanks.

  18. MikeN says:

    As if the government never throws any parties.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, McDoo,

    So why would they take the money if they didn’t need the money? Are you trying to tell us that the Treasury Department and George Bush put a gun to their CEO’s head and made him deposit the check?

    Grow up. That is a Cow-Patty argument.

  20. Dave W says:

    You know, if I were a shareholder in Northern Trust, I’d be outraged at such a waste, whether they got bailout money or not.

    But, since they were going to spend lavishly, I thank them for spending it here in LA :).

  21. B.Dog says:

    I’m with Sinn Fein on this one. How can you not like a good party?

    If you don’t like the crooked politicians that give away piles of your money you can vote them out at election time.

  22. Dallas says:

    Pretty disgusting.

    They were handed some of that “no accountability necessary” check from the $700 billion TARP giveaway.

    Explain to me how no accountability worked it’s way into that plan?

  23. Big Jon says:

    I was there, what an awesome party and a great golf tournament. Northern Trust should give back the bailout, they didnt ask for it. They dont need it. It was forced apon them by our GOV. They can treat their customers and executives any way they see fit. This is the USA and Kerry and Frank act like we should all be huddled at home wearing sackcloth – please I’m not participating in this made up crisis.

  24. Alex says:

    You know, I’m usually a pretty forgiving kind of guy. I need to be for what I do. But when I read this story and the other reports on this crap going on, I can’t help but want a little bit of the French solution to this Wall Street debacle.

    And by French I of course mean the guillotine.

  25. McCullough says:

    #21. “If you don’t like the crooked politicians that give away piles of your money you can vote them out at election time.”

    I did….then other crooks just took their place.

  26. Cursor_ says:

    Now these bands should be shunned for their participation.


  27. Paddy-O says:

    # 22 Dallas said, “Explain to me how no accountability worked it’s way into that plan?”

    Easy. Pelosi was in charge of the spending bill.

  28. Dallas says:

    #27 . Thanks. I was not aware that Pelosi has so much power as to give away $700B in taxpayer money.
    Why on earth is there a need for an executive office (ie a president)? Pelosi’s chair is truly the most powerful post on earth.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 Dallas said, “Thanks. I was not aware that Pelosi has so much power as to give away $700B in taxpayer money.”

    No problem. Read the Constitution and where spending bills MUST originate.

  30. Dallas says:

    #29 . Got it. I will read the Constitution tonight but you may have found an error on Wikipedia.

    “..The Constitution does not spell out the political role of the Speaker. The Speaker usually does not participate in debate (though he or she has the right to do so) and rarely votes on the floor…”


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