• Windows Mobile 7 to be released in 2010.
  • Boycott has begun to not buy any e-book priced over $9.99.
  • Sources in Asia say that Windows 7 will be out in September for sure. Check out Cranky Geeks for a debate.
  • AMD Istanbul chip being showed.
  • Dell Mini 10 does not have upgradeable memory.
  • Nokia may be in the laptop business.
  • Juniper Network processor delivers 604 Gbps. Wow.
  • HBO on the PC, maybe.

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  1. tcc3 says:

    $9.99 is too expensive. It should be less than the paperback edition. Probably by half.

  2. John Paradox says:

    Maybe AMD used Istanbul because it’s not Constantinople?



  3. Burke says:

    When I see a grown man hunched over a teeny netbook, his meathooks struggling to type, my geek dies a little inside.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    It’s one of those situations when men flaunt it towards other men as they compete on who has the smallest one.

  5. Somebody_Else says:

    What makes you think 7 is going to be bloated and slow? Vista with SP1 is as good as or faster than XP at just about everything, 7 is just Vista with optimizations and some new features. I don’t see how it would end up being slower.

  6. Somebody_Else says:

    Yeah right what? You can see my 64-Bit XP/Vista/7 Beta benchmarks here:

    It would take some seriously epic fail on Microsoft’s part to screw this thing up.


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