Note: This was actually an address to a joint session of Congress NOT a State of the Union Speech as everyone is reporting it. We’re reporting it that way too although we know better.
Read the speech here.
i can’t stand all the sucking up to the president (any president) so i will just read the thing tomorrow.
Didn’t watch, don’t care. What he does is more important that what he says he’s going to do.
I flipped by it (it was everywhere), and saw the three stooges. Nancy, Joey, and O-ey. Could not stand even ten seconds of these assholes.
I heard more promises…I love promises. Who’s keeping track?
Are you sure it was a State of the Union address? I thought that was only after the first year.
When is he going to get a clue, that the campign is OVER!!!
I watched it and it was funny to see Pelosi getting up to applaud just about every time Obama said something and see poor ‘ole Biden have to get up to clap too. He looked like he was going to slap Pelosi down for making him get up every 30 seconds.
I thought it was good. Its not technically a State of the Union address, but who cares.
Speeches are just that. Not as much fluff as you often hear, but some. Still, when the opposition offers the continuing repuglican crap a la Jindal, one can only say “Bravo!”
This mother fucking bastard has already broken ALL of his campaign promises. What he says doesn’t mean SHIT. We are all FUCKED.
#10–I’ll guess you are that offspring of any mother fucking bastard who eats shit for a lifetime thinking it is ice cream. Happily, only you are fucked, no matter who is in office.
Too much standing and applause, complete disrespect, to any president or speaker. Like a class of preschoolers. In the future they need to herd the people in, sit them down, and strap them in so they don’t interrupt. If they do, shoot them. get the Army in there with some sharpshooters or something. Seriously, get some people in there with guns.
Needless to say, I changed the channel before the president even walked into the room. Just way too much bullshit going on.
For 90% of American who still have their jobs, the speech doesn’t amount to anything– at least not yet.
And #10 & #11, curse words are so passe. so please.
MSNBC ran a real-time graph during the speech comparing the Obama voters and McCain voters satisfaction of the talking points. What was interesting is the McCain voters (largely repubs I would think) rated Obama’s remarks higher then the Obama voters.
Go figure.
More commie B.S.
The thought that kept running through my mind during the speech and my main impression afterwards:
It’s nice to have a grown-up in charge.
There was a lot of feel good, magical rainbow stuff that I just don’t see how he’s going to actually accomplish. He can make all the promises he wants, it doesn’t mean jack until he actually does it.
#18 you can say that about everybody.
I think we will be back on track around june – september.
Reminded me of FDR’s fireside chats.
Of course, the proof is in the pudding, but it doesn’t hurt to have a feel-good now and again.
Um, ok guys, he’s being #1 cheerleader because we are in a fucking pickle right now and wants to get everyone on the same track.
Did you expect him to wave a wand and sprout wings to fly over the nation and restore it to glory?
I swear, he could have said exactly whatever the hell it is you think he should have and you all would STILL bitch that he was pandering to you.
Yea, Pelosi is up in the clouds now feeling drunk on power. She said right after the inaugaration that a 10 lb anvil was lifted off her head when she watched daddy Bush leave for good. Now that there is nothing to hold her down, watch her float higher than the real estate bubble, and then one day, pop goes the bubble. When people go up in the clouds with their ideals, they set themselves and others up for huge failures.
Lots of good ideas with no funding.
Must be the new math.
“the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it.”
I thought that it was Karl Benz from Germany?
“In 1885 German mechanical engineer, Karl Benz designed and built the world’s first practical automobile to be powered by an internal-combustion engine. On January 29, 1886, Benz received the first patent (DRP No. 37435) for a gas-fueled car.”
I think: I don’t care.
Like most people, I’m not too interested in the talk.
I’d like to see the action. Things take time and I’m patient.
It would be nice to see some movement sooner rather than later.
I think historically it takes about 6 months before any president gets a real chance to get the first couple of pieces of legislation they want through Congress.
The economy hit the skids around October 2008 -/+ a couple of months, Obama gets to deal with the economy in sort of the way Bush got to deal with 9/11.
#27–HMyers==you make a nice analogy there. Bush and Obama both reacting to “an event” not of their choosing that they both wish had not happened.
Lets hope that Obama doesn’t f&ck it up with a solution that is worse than the problem like BushtheRetard did. The Iraq invasion was pretty much the wrong thing, and obviously so, right off the bat==too expensive.
Its not as clear to me, but if Obama doesn’t do something pretty creative, I think his initial response, even if right, will be too expensive? Too bad its not as easy as BushtheRetards challenge was.
WAR—not the first response.
I liked his tone, his manner, and the fact that he told the audience that he heard the complaints about fixing banks. I don’t think the healthcare thing was good, depending on what that really means.
The banking regulations part hit home for me, I’ve been saying all along that needs addressed in a big way.
The Jindal response was condescending. I wasn’t impressed, but he seems like a good guy. Same old same old repub bullshit, which got us into this mess in the first place.
@ Bobbo
Obviously we both agree that that both presidents were dealt cards not of their choosing, I don’t agree with this statement:
“The Iraq invasion was pretty much the wrong thing”
My question to you … why do you believe the Iraq invasion was “wrong”?
I think the Iraqi people are already a lot better off and 10 years from now it will be undebatably obvious they are way better off.
Saddam was an especially remarkable dictator that was strangling the people of Iraq, only Kim Jong Il is worse (in non-African nations).
Iran is far more liberal and democratic than Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.
Saddam was just a brutal thug and I think any claim that the people of Iraq deserved that guy or should have had to live under him is some form of anti-Arab racism.
#30–HMyers==you certainly are mixing up a number of related but essentially different issues.
But at the time, the UN inspectors had access to the entire country and were finding and destroying weapons continuously. There was a US led UN air cap over the Northern half of the country protecting the Kurds mostly after we left the Marsh Kurds in the south to be slaughtered by Hussein after we encouraged them to revolt then stood by and did nothing. An embargo with some effect was in place. We had the worlds support.
In short, Sadam was contained.
Now==even if one wants to argue invading Iraq was “the right” thing to do, we can’t afford it and the invasion took our eyes of Afghanistan where the war had not been won. Kinda like Hitler invading Russia and starting a two front war. We’ve lost our diplomatic standing in the world over this unilateral invasion, just as we should have.
Politically, economically==just the wrong thing to do. And it was all foreseeable as several fired Generals attempted to warn at the time.
The USA should be COMPETENT at what it does, not stumble thru these issues from start to muddled finish.
I was extremely interested in the speech and thought it was excellent. I guess you’re either on the bus or off the bus. I choose to be on the bus. I don’t have a better plan, do any of you naysayers? There’s been more action out of this administration in 6 weeks than we got out of Bush in 8 years. (With the exception of starting wars and killing hundreds of thousands of people)