I thought only right wing nutters like Alex Jones spouted this stuff. Aren’t these the same guys (Fox News) who laughed at Jones for exactly the same message?

  1. Joe says:


    Alex Jones is “left wing”? Have you ever listened to this guys radio show? I would have to give that a resounding NO!


    And I don’t even like Jones half of the time…

  2. RSweeney says:

    What a coincidence, today, I attended a presentation by one of the world’s largest and most influential market research firms which talked about doing business in a “post affluent” America.

    A change which they said, unlike the depression of the 1930’s, would be permanent.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, k,

    Dallas is just a blowhard blog troll, full of hot air, whose contributions consist of name-calling and wisecracks instead of reasoned debate. Therefore, anything he has to say can be totally ignored.

    Hhmmm, so what is your problem with Dallas’s argument? Glenn Beck is trolling for numbers. Dallas called him on that. This isn’t a “shoot the messenger” situation, it is quite simply a situation where a soot encrusted pot was called black.

    If you like to waste your time with conspiracy theories then go for it. Just don’t be surprised that someone might end up calling you something along the lines of a tin-foil hat moran.

  4. dexton7 says:

    Alex Jones is neither right-wing or left-wing in any traditional sense… he’s more like ‘X’-wing if anything. That’s why I listen to Alex when I have time… and No Agenda (which is turning into a most interesting netcast).

  5. Glidedon says:

    Boy Scout Motto:

    Be Prepared.

  6. amodedoma says:

    I think the mega pigs are setting us up. The more severe the crisis the more extreme the measures. If you really want to know what this is all about we’ll just have to wait and see what kind of changes they decide to impose on us all. I’ve really got no idea, but the way they’re playing this up I get the impression I’m not gonna like it.

  7. jescott418 says:

    Beck is a bit of everything these days. Sometimes he makes sense and you think he is a middle of the road conservative. Then he launches into a tirad about the country close to civil war. The trouble with media these days is their are plenty of believable so called experts that can convince you of anything. A person has to learn to read between the lines and gel facts between several sources to get a accurate view.

  8. Stars & Bars says:

    #6 John C. Dvorak

    I’ll bet breakfast at the Oak Table in Sequim that Beck/Celente/Alex Jones are closer to being correct (they have been so far) then any stooge on CBS, NBC, ABC or any other main stream media outlet.

    We are not immune to civil unrest. Hope you have a years worth of food and several hundred thousand dollars worth of Gold.

    I recall an interview you conducted on TechTV in 1998 with Harry S. Dent. Have you checked out his new book? http://tinyurl.com/bce63e Better grab yourself a copy and baton down the hatches.

  9. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    What if everything get better then ever under democrats, hopefully foxnews will go just explode.

  10. Lou says:

    I can only hope Fox will lay off Beck before things get this bad.

  11. Glenn E. says:

    I don’t have access to CNN at this time. So I’m not a fanboy of any of these bozos. But calling someone an alarmist in these times, seems a bit ludicrous. Man! We need somebody to be alarmist. We need more alarmists, rating out the jokers who screwed things up. I googled Glenn Beck, and anyone who rats out the Scientology and Global Warming scams, is Ok in my book. At least he deserves the benefit of a doubt. Beck is probably just being discredited now, because the G.W. fanatics hope it will silence such critics of their ever-weakening anti-carbon cause. A decade or so from now, we could be saying how guys like Beck, were right. And how we should have listened better. But some stooges slandered them, on Youtube, etc. So we bought the jokes and continued being chumps.

  12. derspankster says:

    At least Olbermann is funny.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    No, Glenn Beck is an asshole.

  14. Silk says:

    #26 Dallas: “I’m here to help you cut to the chase. This is my gift to you and my civic duty to help the uninformed.”
    Good Dallas… just what we need: The Great Uninformed helping the Uninformed (that’s why this nation is such a mess).
    Your ‘gift’ to us would be better received if YOU were better informed, starting with the shenanigans of Barney Frank and company which led us into this current crisis.
    Paddy-O… you were right on target.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    These conservative blowhards have been WRONG WRONG WRONG about every important issue of our day.

    Why are they still on TV?

    They DESERVE to have their heads paraded around on pikes but kicking their butts off the media is enough for me.

  16. Brian says:

    Wow, it only took 2 comments before someone took a potshot at Obama in a thread that was completely and totally unrelated to Obama. I think that’s some kind of record?

    Everyone knows Beck is a right-wing hack, a shill for the Republican party. Everyone knows he’s an alarmist who gets his viewers among the most rampant and bigoted right-wing folks. One just need to look at the burning flags juxtaposed against his talking about the bank bailout to see all he’s about is scare tactics. The guy thinks its 2001 all over again, and the way to get viewers is to scare the shit out of them.

    Sorry, Glenn, we’re all on to you.

  17. Pixie says:

    It is so sad that people keep their heads buried in the sand and don’t want to see that this Nation is in serious trouble. Glenn was keeping so very ‘toned down’ from what reality might give to us. The ‘bail outs’ are only going to exacerbate the financial problems in the long run. If you have ever studied capitalism at all, you understand that such an action completely negates the ability of capitalism to correct itself. Thus we are to anticipate a total financial collapse which will topple the dominoes and set off a world wide collapse. Depression is such a mild word when practical people actually observe what has all probability of taking place. Look for depression, the barter system, civil or revolutionary war (which ever term you prefer). Are you prepared or are you hoping it away.
    With such grandiose plans for this administration, in less than 2 months, it is already showing signs of falling apart.

    Glenn, you need to bite the bullet and let people know that wishful thinking is counter productive. It ain’t gonna be that sweet!


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