Daylife/AP Photo by John Watson-Riley
Barbour and Jindal

U.S. Republicans governors are split over whether to accept all of the money their states stand to receive from a $787 billion economic stimulus plan which President Barack Obama signed last week.

Three governors of southern states have come out against taking part of the money designated to extend unemployment benefits and perhaps for other programs. A handful of others are considering follow suit…

“There is some (stimulus money) we will not take in Mississippi. If we were to take the unemployment insurance reform package that they have, it would cause us to raise taxes on employment when the money runs out, and the money will run out in a couple of years,” said Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal, who has often been mentioned as a potential Republican presidential candidate in 2012, have also said they would reject the unemployment funds, which make up a small proportion of the overall package…

Later, speaking to reporters at a National Governors’ Association meeting in Washington, Sanford listed some other monies he did not want, possibly including $42 million for retrofitting state buildings to be more energy efficient.

Isn’t it great to see Republicans admit to being Republicans?

  1. Bud says:

    Eideard’s statement illustrates the utter ignorance of how our nation is supposed to work. (No, that’s not a personal attack, I chose the word ‘ignorance’ because it is accurate in meaning ‘not knowing’.)
    It is not Federal America, it is the United State of America. Each of those states has certain sovereign rights and rightly so as what works in one state may *not* work in another.
    Broad brush head lines don’t work any better than broad brush solutions and many of us choose not to be involved with either.

  2. Billy Bob says:

    I find it amusing that Eideard regards not receiving a handout as being “screwed” and that they didn’t want to get stuck with an unfunded mandate to continue the support in future years.

    1/3 of Rome was on government support when the republic collapsed and Caesar came to power. I read recently that 20% of Los Angeles County is now on government dole. We’re getting there.

  3. bobbo says:

    #61–Paddy Zero==”the point” is that the inheritance tax does NOT take “all the grandparents money.”

    Where do you and brm get off lying like that? Are you becoming LIEBERTARIANS?

  4. Paddy-O says:

    # 64 Billy Bob said, “I read recently that 20% of Los Angeles County is now on government dole. We’re getting there.”

    Higher than that when you consider that the illegal’s kids go to school at $5K+ each and the parents generate a tiny fraction of that in tax revenue. Also, hospitals closing because they are BKing due to the crush of 3rd world people they have to treat for free because of psycho laws.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 65 bobbo said, ”the point” is that the inheritance tax does NOT take “all the grandparents money.”

    It takes a huge chunk. I’ve been on the Executor side of this with my grandparents. Truly disgusting. Taxed his whole life on his income and what he saved after taxes was heavily taxed again.

  6. bobbo says:

    #67–Paddy-O==confused again but at least this time its somewhat understandable. When your grandparents died, they couldn’t use the money anymore===THEY DIDN’T CARE!!! No, what you are really reacting to is the kiddies desiring a shit load of money they have no right to, just a personal expectation.

    Anybody complaining about inheritance tax is just a greedy self absorbed little shit head.

    But we knew that already.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #68 Yes, anyone who thinks like Jefferson or the other Founding fathers is a “greedy self absorbed little shit head”.

    Got it. ROFL!

  8. bobbo says:

    #69–Paddy Zero==yes, when it came to money, most of our Founding Fathers were greedy little self absorbed shit heads. Their hypocrisy remains truly astounding. Declaring the natural freedom of man while keeping slaves.

    Whats your point- — really?

    HAH==excuse me. Nevermind. Forgot who I was talking to.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 70 bobbo said, “yes, when it came to money, most of our Founding Fathers were greedy little self absorbed shit heads.”

    Actually, they knew how to set a gov’t and economy that would create the largest, most free society on Earth. Something you don’t have a clue how to maintain. Get back to us when you obtain an education.

  10. bobbo says:


  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #70, Bobbo,

    HAH==excuse me. Nevermind. Forgot who I was talking to.

    Feel free to bang your head against the wall. In fact, the wall will give you a more intelligent reply.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #64, billyboob,

    1/3 of Rome was on government support when the republic collapsed and Caesar came to power.

    What a stooopid comment. You really have no idea of Roman history or culture.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #63, bud,

    Eideard’s statement illustrates the utter ignorance of how our nation is supposed to work. (No, that’s not a personal attack, I chose the word ‘ignorance’ because it is accurate in meaning ‘not knowing’.)
    It is not Federal America, it is the United State of America.

    Another one that failed Civics class in school.

    The United States of America was formed out of 13 colonies that joined together for mutual defense and economy. The individual colonies reserved some of the power for themselves and the rest was passed to the new central or Federal Government.

    Throughout our history but mostly over the past 110 years, the Federal Government has shaped us into what we are today. Many powers that still reside with the States have conformed to Federal goals through suasion. Others have had the power of Constitutional law to change things.

    When the nation is facing a national crises, the whole nation is much better off responding as one than with some patchwork solution of ideologue pandering. Unemployment Insurance is there to assist those who have lost their jobs. For certain States to now start saying “we will treat out citizens as the useless pieces of dirt the scumbags are” is not helping anyone or the solution. Those who have lost their jobs because the mismanagement of the past eight years came crashing down deserve more than such guttersnipe attacks from their State leaders.

  14. grog says:

    #57 Paddy-O
    Umm, I addressed it on post #26. Read much?
    Cool, so you should have NO problem with them not wanting more. Why are you so upset that they want to do better and take less from taxpayers in other states?

    sorry, i kind of assumed that to qualify as addressing something, one would need to voice and opinion using declarative sentences.

    but since you can’t simply speak your mind, i’ll assume that what you meant to say was “i think they’re doing good thing by refusing the money, even in light of your point about their current intake of federal funds.”

    and if they actually said that, we’d be cool. but alas, you’re just making shit up.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 76 grog said, “sorry, i kind of assumed that to qualify as addressing something, one would need to voice and opinion using declarative sentences.”

    Well, you were wrong.

    It seems that you are upset that those states take too much, then you were upset they didn’t want to take more. That is psychotic.

  16. Ivor Biggun says:

    There is intelligent debate here? HAH! That’s the biggest joke I’VE read….


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