Culture Change – Social Collapse Best Practices — This guy gave a speech recently about the collapse of the US social and governmental structures. Kind of interesting, but not happening any time soon.

I am one of the very few people who several years ago unequivocally predicted the demise of the United States as a global superpower. The idea that the USA will go the way of the USSR seemed preposterous at the time. It doesn’t seem so preposterous any more. I take it some of you are still hedging your bets. How is that hedge fund doing, by the way?

I think I prefer remaining just a tourist, because I have learned from experience – luckily, from other people’s experience – that being a superpower collapse predictor is not a good career choice. I learned that by observing what happened to the people who successfully predicted the collapse of the USSR. Do you know who Andrei Amalrik is? See, my point exactly. He successfully predicted the collapse of the USSR. He was off by just half a decade. That was another valuable lesson for me, which is why I will not give you an exact date when USA will turn into FUSA (“F” is for “Former”). But even if someone could choreograph the whole event, it still wouldn’t make for much of a career, because once it all starts falling apart, people have far more important things to attend to than marveling at the wonderful predictive abilities of some Cassandra-like person.

Found by Heinrich Moltke.

  1. mcteapot says:

    Lame, self fulfilling prophecy… Get up people and change the world!

  2. mv says:

    After the fall of the USA, mass deprivation will wipe out several countries. World government will touted as an alternative to anarchy. World government will really be a World Dictatorship.

  3. Skippy says:

    Not happening any time soon? It is happening right now, but this is only the beginning. The US is printing money and mortgaging its future to bail itself out of the hole it helped create, and it cannot possibly recover.

    No empire lasts.

  4. mv says:

    The US is being set up for failure. All the debt that the US government is taking in the form of bailouts is simply to ensure that USA will never rise again.

  5. HMeyers says:

    The USA has some very simple problems that can be solved very easily.

    Except we have baked-in special interest groups that would scream and our society isn’t ready for discomfort.

    Give it a decade and things will be fixed, but we aren’t in the market for solving the problems today because we can ignore them for the time being.

  6. nolimit662 says:

    Don’t you get it? This collapse is just a set-up for the North American Union and the AMERO currency duh!!

  7. If America collapses does that mean the British get to rule the world again? We did it with so much more style and panache that you do ….


  8. Cursor_ says:

    Anyone that is educated in history will tell you the USSR would fall.

    Nations rise and fall, big friggin whoop!

    The US will slide into obscurity like GB, France and Spain. India and China will rise slowly up and then fall as well in their time.

    What then? Possibly Malaysia or Indonesia in the east and The Saudi Peninsula or Brazil in the west. It all depends on how it runs for commodities and energy sources.

    Maybe there will be no super powers and instead we’ll go back to a pre-colonial period, like the 14th century.

    That far out we’ll have to wait and see. Yet while we do that the world will just keep going on.

    Things change.


  9. Lee Beard says:

    What a load of manure. Our current economic problems are no sign of the demise of the United States. It is, rather, the consequences of who we elected to lead this country during the previous 8 years.

    Fortunately, somewhere in Texas, a village idiot has found his way home.

  10. Somebody_Else says:

    Everything I’ve read by this guy is garbage. All of his writing centers around peak oil and/or the US ultimately collapsing into a bunch of Soviet-Republic like regions. It makes no sense whatsoever, just a load of emotion and conjecture.

  11. Lou Minatti says:

    “Everything I’ve read by this guy is garbage.”

    Bullshit is always a #1 bestseller during economic crisis. I was a child at the time but I do remember during the 1970s that a lot of people read Hal Lindsey and believed every word of his tripe. Al Gore and Paul Ehrlich are other examples.

  12. Dallas says:

    A load of crap. The guy has no clue what makes up America or it’s history.

    While on occasion we hire (elect) a moron to run the place for 4 years (or 8), we are resilient enough to self correct. The key is preserving the and holding true to the Constitution and keeping the Bill of Rights current.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    #11 Lou,

    “Fortunately, somewhere in Texas, a village idiot has found his way home.”

    Now THAT’S the quote of the day!

    People have been predicting the demise of America for as long as there has BEEN an America!

    So far, we have proven the pundits wrong, and I have every reason to believe this will continue.

  14. Mr Diesel says:

    #12 Dallas
    While on occasion we hire (elect) a moron to run the place for 4 years (or 8), we are resilient enough to self correct. The key is preserving the and holding true to the Constitution and keeping the Bill of Rights current.

    Yep, just like the 4 years we just entered into last month on the 20th.

  15. mv says:

    USSR lasted over 70 years. Its doom was predicted from day one. Just because it did not arrive immediately did mean it eventually could.

  16. HMeyers says:

    The problems this aren’t related to an administration.

    It is related to the fact we like debt .. a lot

    1. Export deficit – we are 5th from the bottom in export/import ratio as a percent of the GDP.

    2. Consumer debt – hides fact #1

    3. Off the balance sheets Social Security debt ($40 trillion)

    4. The Federal Debt .. not a “big” deal except they don’t list #4. Every corporation in America is required to put future retirement obligations on the books. But the government doesn’t.

    To fund the debt payments, everything internally inside this country is artificially price inflated including the living wage.

    As a result, jobs get exported.

    We could fix this with tariffs with would encourage capital stay within this large market we have and foster non-service job growth inside the country.

    The problem is, this would lead to price inflation in the short run and we like to “buy, buy, buy”.

    It also flies in the face of some of the trade agreements we have.

    The model of free trade doesn’t work because our companies can relocate and export to us and bypass the tax system, regulations, etc.

    Or partially relocate in the form of outsourcing.

    Which eliminates jobs here .. continually …

  17. Troublemaker says:

    My, my, my. So many people with their heads in the sand…

  18. gmknobl says:

    Lovely excuse he gives for not providing a date. Makes the whole thing suspect, even if everything else he says is right.

    It will only happen if people do nothing and if the anti-deficit spending hawks keep control. This same type of demise by incurring debt was predicted during FDR. But it didn’t happen then and it wasn’t the war that solely prevented that either.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 19 gmknobl said, “This same type of demise by incurring debt was predicted during FDR.”

    Actually, FDR was careful about the debt to GDP ration. He was a “hawk”, as you put it.

  20. ChuckM says:

    This guy doesn’t have investments… you can make money on a bull or bear. If he’s so confident of his prediction, he should put his money where his mouth is… oh ya, he doesn’t know when this will happen so he can’t time the market. Bull…

    As much as I despise America for what it’s become, there are good people there and they have every intention to rebuild it all better.

    This downturn is like all the others. The fast the dive, the faster the recovery. Companies just want the free money going around.

  21. Robart says:

    # 7 Neo-Postdarwinst – “If America collapses does that mean the British get to rule the world again? We did it with so much more style and panache that you do …”

    I refuse to be ruled by any fancy pants that uses the word “panache”! Get a rope!

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    The prediction of the Soviet collapse was quite apparent.

    1) A sizable portion of the country was comprised of conquered nations and peoples. As long as they were kept out of the power circles, and they were, the USSR remained fragmented.

    2) Mass communications allowed Western life styles to enter the USSR. This could not be stopped. While the leaders wanted nuclear weapons and tanks, the people wanted toasters and cars. Instead, all they got was vodka and lots of it.

    3) As long as political corruption continued. there was a class society. Unhappy people are not the most productive.

    4) Satellite countries (Iron Curtain countries, Cuba, Libya, etc) were a drain and distraction internally. It cost a lot to keep their dictators in power.

    Looking at these conditions, it was not hard to see and understand the fall of the USSR. Russia however, is still a very powerful nation and anyone would be wise before tweaking its nose. For example, Georgia.

    The United States on the other hand is the opposite of these conditions.

    It is a unified country of culturally homogeneous people. We speak the same language, watch the same TV, read the same books, eat the same food, … . Someone from Georgia will fit right in moving to New Hampshire, Arizona, or Oregon.

    America is a trend setter in culture and its diversity is not as vilified. We are tolerant of those pushing the envelope.

    Political corruption is not tolerated. We elect our leaders from our own communities. We reserve our prisons to those who break the laws of society, not those who disagree with us.

    Our friends and neighbors are all democratic and free. For the most part we don’t support dictatorships and most Americans find that antithetical to their beliefs.

    China will soon find itself in a huge problem. Too many elderly and not enough young to care for them. While the One Child policy is necessary, the backlash will soon catch up. India is going to choke on its own human mass. Both China, but even more so India, are lacking educational opportunities for the majority.

    Nope, in my opinion the US is here as a major power for a long time.

  23. Dallas says:

    #14 No , Diesel – that current administration is not who I had in mind.

    I tend to grade the results of an administration after about 3 years, not 30 days. You?

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 23 Mr. Fusion said, “It is a unified country of culturally homogeneous people. We speak the same language, watch the same TV, read the same books, eat the same food,”

    You obviously don’t live in the SW. The largest TV & radio stations don’t broadcast in English. 40% of the largset city on the West coast are foreign born and most aren’t fluent in English… This # is increasing every year.


  25. Mr Diesel says:

    #24 Dallas

    I base my opinion on just about the same scale as the media. Once you are in office the problem is yours no matter who just left.

    So, tag, Obomba’s it.

    The country will be lucky to be here after 3 years of this crap.

  26. Proud Alien says:

    Spot on. The locals seem to be in denial, but to those who know the world beyond the borders all this is not that difficult to see.

  27. bobbo says:

    I have a lay person’s understanding of how/why the USSR, Great Britain, Spain, Rome, Egypt gained and then lost their empires.

    Seems to me they either lost a military engagement against a superseding foe, or they because so civilized they declined to continue oppressing the countries in their sphere of influence?

    Seems to me the USA has a bit of both?

  28. Bored Duck says:

    #18 – I looked at your SOTT link and read the whole thing, but I have to say that when I got to the part about the “those that control our world” the doom-nik BS flag went up. Who are ‘those’ people, anyway? I personally think human beings, no matter how powerful, are basically too stupid and/or self interested to hide real conspiracies, and always have been.

    There is this guy named Gerald Celente (who lives near here), who has been constantly ranting about “powers that be who control everything” for about 25 years now. After 9/11, he was going to convert all his assets into gold and head for Canada…but by gosh he’s back! Didn’t miss a beat and is now ranting away as usual. Maybe we actually need people like him around, just to keep us thinking…or something.

  29. Citibank Employee says:

    In the past the solution has always been to start a war.

    I don’t know if we can start a new war today. With whom?

    Also, an economy based on consumption (a euphemism for cancer) is an economy that must, necessarily, die.

    With this new talk about nationalization of U.S. banks “free markets” has been proven to only work for the wealthy.

  30. Orangetiki says:

    Now I am NOT an economy major. In fact I am far from it. But I can share my ideas on what I see. First I remember calling the whole real estate collapse when i was first looking for a place to live 5 years ago. I asked “Why is this place so much money”? The only answer I got was “it’s a resort town” ( FYI I lived in the Atlantic City area at the time ) Yes Atlantic city nj a resort town… Sounds bizarre doesn’t it. Anyways I see prices just going up and up, and I saw no reason why. My uncle had sold his house, and it was flipped 3-4 times in a span of two years. I said that was stupid of the peopel to think all they can do is put up a new wall, and sell a place for 50+ more. Who would it hurt? It would hurt the last guy who bought the house. They bought a house that was gouged to no end all because someone said it was worth more. So people were stuck with homes who only wanted to sell it but couldn’t. Now we have a real estate problem

    Now what about everything else.. How does this tie in? Well again it is about the pricing. this time in reverse. For some companies to show profit, they cut costs by sending jobs overseas. It looked like a good idea at the time because we had money, and they did not. As a lot of you said earlier we got addicted to spending. I know I am. I don’t even walk around with my cards in fear of buying something. So now other people have money, people far away who won’t invest in our product. This goes on for a while, prices dive , and we think it’s all good. Well prices don’t go down any more. There has to be a price bottom that you can’t break right? Kind of a Moore’s law of sorts. So now with our debt, and no way to make a lot of cash we all start to fail

    Not all of us. For all those I know who are doing well they either saved up a lot and could weather anything, OR they found a niche which they can use to their own gain. I know a couple who sells energy drinks and body building supplements and what not, and are killing it right now. The hubby does it full time at home, while the Ms. works part time at a coffee shop. How did they do it? They have constant customers. They have connections with professional bodybuilders, models, actors, etc so they just sell, sell, sell. The world market isn’t collapsing, it’s changing. It is changing from work for someone far away who wouldn’t drop a penny on your block if they ever went your way ( referring to what a lot people find fault with companies such as Wal-Mart, starbucks, etc. ) to What’s my hustle? Let me sell to my locals and I can refer others, and now your “Economy” as it were are your peers who helps by buying your products, and you use my services. This is what I see. Moral of the story, don’t get too big for your britches.

    No wonder everyone wants to milk websites like twitter and facebook for sales ops.


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